Emails Between Carl Niblett and Jeri

In June of 2004 he forgot which day he was to come to pick the kids up at my folks home. Each summer they fly into Phoenix and spend a week with their grandparents then Carl picks them up or my folks meet him half way. He forgot to pick them up and left the kids wondering where he was until my dad called him and reminded him. It was in his email, doesn't he keep track of important things? When they returned in early August I noticed the flights were filling up for Christmas so I made the reservations, got the cheapest fare, and sent him the itinerary. The twins had said he told them he didn't know if he wanted them out there so I wrote to him. Here is what ensued. Note the last line in email number 2. How would you interpret that? FYI: The children did go to California this Xmas although he claimed I never sent him the itinerary ( I did, twice) and then refused to pay his share until the last possible moment just as he did last May 2004 for their summer visit.

My First Email

Carl, ***** mentioned that you were not sure about them coming out for Christmas. Assuming she misunderstood I made reservations because the cheaper fares were booking up quickly. I also had to go with the days I was off and Jan 1st and 2nd were booked full. Their first day off school is 12/17 and they go back 1/3. They can no longer miss a day of school for vacations. The school is strict regarding attendance, tardies and a multitude of other things. Please send your half ASAP and if Xmas is a problem let me know. Also once school starts the computer usage is to be mainly for homework. ***** has computers first semester and we built his so he could do the work at home as well as school. ***** has it 2nd semester but her reports have to be typed or done in power point form so that is why she got one as well. They both know that they lose internet privileges if they do not do homework and turn it in or if their grades are unacceptable. So their emailing frequency may drop somewhat but I gave them your address so that they could communicate with you and T. So don't think anything is up if they do not write as often, these classes are going to be keeping them extremely busy and they don't get home from school until 1600. If your mom or Tristan and Jenny have emails it might be nice to send their addresses. Jeri

Carl's Reply

From: CarlNiblett@ Date: 08/15/04 15:32:12 To: Subject: Christmas I am so glad that everything meets your agenda. However, my needs are just as important, much more so to me. When dates are chosen I need to be notified or you will have to change them. The world doesn't rotate around you. Return flights before 9:30 am are unacceptable. This flight back is unacceptable. I am not getting the kids up at 4:30a to go to the airport. I suggest you ask whether they are coming out or not before you make reservations.

My Reply

Ok which of these flights do you want them on, the one where they get in at 2200 or 0100? Unfortunately the dates they fly have to be set as to when someone is available to take them to the airport and pick them up here. I am not putting them on a flight that has any stops. I work til 7pm and my husband works 5 days/wk. I told you that all the flights on the weekend were booked so Thursday was the only option as I work Friday the 31st. Since these are not meeting with your approval why don't you tell me TODAY whether you want them there at Xmas ( I didn't know there was even a need to ask) and then what days are satisfactory to you. YOU do not have to take them to the airport. Unlike here where only Phil and I can take them and pick them up my parents are available to pick them up and take them so there should be more flexibility at the Phoenix end.This hostility from you is getting ridiculous. This benefits no one especially the twins. Since you don't care I am making other arrangements for Christmas given your prior statement in email and to *****. If this is going to become a problem then I am cancelling the tickets and the money is being stored for summer. I do not like T's behavior with ***** anyway and tell him I am very sorry he refuses to speak to her if she talks about her life here in Kansas. This whole situation is becoming petty and it appears to stem from my getting access to T's rather poor school records.