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Single Mom needing help
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We Need Help
Friday, 6 May 2005
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Topic: Single Mom needing help
I am going to start by saying, I am doing this out of complete & total desperation. My name is Lena...I am a 31 yr old single Mother of 2..a 7 yr old boy & 5 1/2 yr old girl..
I have had alot of things going on..& I am in desperate need...both financially & physically.
In 2003, my daughter, who was then 4 yrs old, was molested by her Father..& who is now in jail for the next 5 yrs. As a result of this, I lost my child support, as well as, my home.
I had to move from our home & moved to Wisconsin to start over..upon the insistance of my sister. After selling most of what I owned, in yard sales, & then losing the rest, because of some people that were no good..I am here...
My sister, moved to Florida, 3 months after we got here, leaving us with no car & me a new job. I have been able to keep the job thanks to some friends I have made while here..
I lost the apt I lived in, because I wasn't making enough to pay rent & bills. So, I moved into a cheaper one....Now, here I am..
I have my 50 yr old Disabled Mother here, as well as, my 2 kids. I am still employed to a point. I got injured on the job on April 11, 2005..& have not been put back on the schedule at this time..I have not been to work since April 11th..& I have been calling everyday to find out something. Worker's Comp denied my claim, because they don't see how lifting a 20 lb bag of dog food would cause a lower lumbar & thoracic strain.
Now, I am losing it all, partly, because of this. My landlord has been understanding, so far, but he is getting irritated & calls me everyday demanding money. I have been to all the places that claim they help with bills, but since I have a job, & according to them, make too much money, they won't help. I make $7.80 an hr.
Meanwhile, I am also fixing to have my lights cut off, my gas cut, my water cut & losing my house. My Mom has been going to stand on a street corner with a sign asking for help, but was ran off by the police, with the threat that next time she will be arrested.
I have very severe asthma & have to have 3 different types of meds to survive. My Mom has High Blood Pressure, a ruptured disk in her back & Nervous System Collaption in her right arm.
Eating is another story. I have had to get on Food Stamps, but since I don't have a refrigerator, it is hard to buy of groceries, so I have to get it daily..then my stamps run out in a few days. I can only go to food banks once a month.
I don't have a car to get around in & my friends are no longer helping as much in that area, because I can't help with the gas. I can't always take the bus, since it is so expensive & I don't have the money. Most of the time, the places I need to go to are too far to walk too.
I am not a lazy person, I do have a job at Wal Mart & have been there, working 40+ hrs a week, since Nov. 2004. Since, I have had to either use my cash to buy food, or help with gas money, I haven't had enough to pay all my bills.
I am in a desperate situation. I have asked friends & family to help, but either they can't or they won't.
I am also having to wash our clothes in the bath tub & hang them out to dry, since we don't have a washer & dryer. They are not coming as clean as they need to be, but I have no choice.
I am in some deperate need of help here. This is just a quick summary of what is going on. There is so much more...
Please help me, so I don't lose my house, lights, gas & water.
This is a very serious situation & a humiliating one too. I wouldn't be doing this, if I felt like I had another choice.
Please, only serious respond to this, I can provide you with ways to contact me.
The following is a list of amounts owed at this posting:
Rent: $1,575.00 ($150.00 was paid in the
beginning of March. This
is for the rest of March,
April & May)
& Gas: $485.00 (Billed Together..this is
2 months worth)
Water: $154.00 (This is the transfer fee,
Plus the bill for 3 mo's
Note: In this state, we
pay our water every
3 months)
My meds: $249.00 (This is my Asthma meds for
just one month)
Mom's meds: $76.00 (This is for her blood
pressure & Nervous System
Meds. per month)
Son's Meds: $70.00 (This is for his allergy
meds every month)
As you can see, my bills exceed my income at the moment. When I am current, my bills run me $1,170.00. I only make roughly about $1,245.00 a month.
I am in the process of looking for another job at this time. I have applications & have gone on-line & posted my resume to almost everything my experience allows me too. No luck, so far.
I am in need of $2,609.00, a refrigerator, a car, & a washer & dryer, summer clothes for the kids, a better job, & some advice. If anyone thinks they can help us, PLEASE!, let me know. I will give you the info on how to contact me.
Thank You for your time, energy & help & concern. May God Bless You.
This is not a scam..can provide proof.

Posted by ex2/help at 12:53 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 6 May 2005 9:57 AM CDT
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