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GodFather Hacks For Proboards - Guild Hack

Features Of V1.0

When Guild Hack V1.0 is finished, I will post the main JS file in a new directory, I will then edit this page and put the link here.

What It Does - Features

Each thread created will be turned into a guild, each thread will contain several pages, or iFRAMES (which ever works out). There will be the main posting board and two more pages/iFRAMES. The two will be: Pin-Board (like a mini calendar except in the form of post it notes) and a News page, fully HTML customizable.
How It Works - Members & Owner

When someone creates a thread it will be turned into a multi-page, different layout type thing. The thread starter will be able to modify the content on the pages to how he wishes by modifying it on the origional post. When someone else posts on the thread they will be listed as a member of the guild. The Thread starter/owner will be listed as owner, he (by modifying the main post) will be able to remove members from the list. Oh and by the way, I will be putting a restriction code in there so that a member can only post one thread. If you wish to have your Guild/Thread deleted you can delete the main post or ask the forum admin to delete your post and all the others.
Set-Backs - Editing

I might have to do things so it all shows up on one page, Pin-Board on the left, News on the right and Posts in the middle. It is in early stages as of yet so I haven't decided. Peter or WWX from SSD please PM me if you would like to offer support or tell me about something that would not work.

Last update: 18:36 10th April 2004
