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"Been a long time, but I'm still destroying bitches!"

Jesus Christ! It's been forever since I've seen you kids. Oh don't worry Drake didn't fall off the face of the earth, he just got really tired of dealing with bad kids. Now I'm still tired of dealing with bad kids but I can't let my boy Ace just join a federation by himself now could I? OF COURSE NOT! With all of the HORRIBLE talent thats in this place. It's going to be a ton of fun watching guys who think they are the shit, just get dominated. Yeah this brings me back baby. Just making bad kids cry because I'm so good. It's so refreshing to know that I can take a break from this and come back and still be on top. Some guys do this all year round....yeah fuck that, hey I enjoy it but ya know every once in a while I get bored of winning and shutting people's traps. So I go home...have sex with my wife and spend my money on shit I don't really need. While you guys go out there each and every night and bust your asses for the fans that won't care about you once I come back. This is enevitable, it's matter what happens the fans will love me because I put on the best fucking show in the business. I do moves that you nubcakes would never even dream of? It's raw talent, this isn't something you learn, you're born with it. Most of you just don't have what I have. My destiny is to be remembered as the best, your destiny is to simply be one of the many victims in my path of dominance. Let me put this into simple terms for you.....I rape bad kids. No not like I stick my dick in their sick sick fucks. That's not what I'm talking about. I might as well be doing that though because I own them so fucking bad. It's pathetic when you put me in matches with kids like Billy fucking Kidman. I mean he hasn't seen action since what? Velocity!? Come on man...please go back to sucking in bad local feds. This isn't even a debut for's just a 5 minute working. Hell my sparring partner is better than Billy Kidman! Whatever, this is just what you have to deal with before people realize how amazing you are. It's ok, soon enough everyone will once again be kissing my ass and I'll get to punish the kids who are at the top of the card. Hell it's my debut and even I'm not the curtain's crazy how that works out huh? So my boy Ace is here and of course he's already getting noticed. That punk bitch is trying to steal my's ok Ace we all know who's the better wrestler....even though I would like never go up against you. Only because I don't want to hurt your ego buddy. WWCF.....another federation to me. Sure you guys are at the top of the game now but you weren't even around when I was selling out arenas worldwide. I'm only twenty seven years old and I've been wresting for nine years. I know my way around this business. I'm not some bitch kid who just got out of wrestling school and has the hook ups to get on events with big names. I've worked the crowd, I've traveled the world and I've beaten people a hell of a lot better than Billy Kidman. The kid thinks he's special because he can do a shooting star....congrats are just the man. *Sigh*....god I can't wait to get this fucking over with.....

..::|[- The scene slowly comes in to a two story house over looking a small town in the background. The camera goes from the front lawn to the door where we see one of the new additions to WWcF 'The Unchained One' Ace standing with his hands in the pockets of his black leather jacket. As he exhales you see his breath in the air. The door opens and a woman is standing on the other side. She has a pink dress on and her black hair is up in a ponytail. Ace smiles as he greets her. -]|::..

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."Ah Alicia! Thank god, it's fucking cold out here. Where is Drake?"

..::|[- Ace just barges in the house bumping into Alicia who has a shocked look on her face. -]|::..

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."Sure Ace....come right on in....ass."

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."Hey thank you."

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."You're kind of new to sarcasm huh Ace? Anyways yeah Drake is in the living room watching promos or who knows what now."

..::|[- Ace takes off his jacket and tosses it to Alicia who catches it but only because of instinct. By the way...yeah Alicia and Ace do not like each other...did you catch it? Good job then! You get a cookie! Now fuck off. Ok anyways Ace walks through the huge kitchen and into the living room where we see a man sitting on recleiner with a cigarette in his mouth and a Mike's Hard Lemonade in his left hand. He jumps out of his seat at the first sight of Ace who is now starting to warm up in the cozy home. The man walks over to Ace and shakes his hand as he lets out of puff of smoke from his lungs. -]|::..

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."Wow Drake new house?"

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."Fuck yeah dude you like it? We have a nice view over this little crappy town. Fans don't come out here and bug me anymore oh man it's so great. Yeah I love the fans and all that other jazz but when I'm trying to take a shower and you've got some weird thirty year old dude looking in your know it's time to move."

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."Wow.....awkward."

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."Yeah I don't really like to talk about it, sometimes the fans can just get fucking disturbing."

..::|[- In the background you can hear moans coming from the television. Alicia looks at Drake who just stands there smiling. -]|::..

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."Now what the hell are you watching!?"

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."It's a promo from WWcF. I swear to god! I know what you are thinking but that's totally not what's going on here. I am just as shocked as you are. I mean to think that they can get away with this kind of shit. Oh man...I can't wait to cut a promo in our bedroom later Alicia."

..::|[- Drake winks at his wife who just stands there in disgust. -]|::..

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."Uh hell no? There is no way I would let you bring a camera into our bedroom. First off you are the only person who gets to lay his eyes on this body. Well you and the couple of dozen kids who were at those parties in college...."

..::|[- Ace gets wide eyed and looks over at Drake who gives him a shrug. -]|::..

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."Meh, what can I say? My lady used to like to party."

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."Yeah, this is getting more awkward by the minute."

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."Shut up Ace. Now Drake I guess I can see how this is a promo for WWcF but why are you watching it? Neither of these people are your opponents for your match tomorrow night."

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."Yeah but Billy Kidman might show up....."

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."This slut is sucking some dude's dick! Where the hell is Kidman going to show up in this!?"

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."I donno, maybe he's like beating off in the corner or something. You've seen Billy, he's not exactly the smoothest kid out there."

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."And you want to see Billy Kidman beating off in the corner?"

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."Ew, good point dude. This shit is still kinda hot though."

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."Wow, that bitch is so fucking fake it's not even funny."

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."I find it funny. HAHAHHAAHHAHA."

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."No one fucking asked you."

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."Jeeze....bitch."

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."OK! Anyways yeah well he might not show up in this promo but who knows he could cut one himself."

..::|['The Unchained One' Ace]|::."Well....speak of the devil."

..::|[- Drake turns toward his television. It shows Billy Kidman and Dawn Marie. Drake takes a drag of his cigarette and proceeds to watch all three of Kidman's promos. Drake and Ace mostly look bored as they listen to Kidman repeat himself over and over again. Finally as Kidman is finished talking and the television fades out, the camera goes back to Drake.-]|::..

..::|['The REAL Punk Rock Princess' Alicia Vandenhart]|::."DId he just say that you had to pay me to stay with you? Wow this kid is not smart at all. Not to mention I am a million times sexier than Dawn Marie will ever be."

..::|['The King of Show' Drake Vandenhart]|::."Haha, I'm not worried about that. I think I just heard him say pormo! That's almost like saying porno! So yeah what the fuck is up with them booking me up against him? He's not a problem, Kidman pretty much just think's he's the shit when in fact he can't compare to me. He calls himself WWcF's fastest rising star....yeah um last time I checked he was nothing. He got a lucky win last week over a has been...big fucking whoop. Now he thinks because he's brand new and I've been out of the business for a little bit, that I'm just a rookie? I paved the way for jerkoffs like Kidman. I made it so that Kidman could do the things he does and the fans would love it. All I heard from him in those promos was how he was going to hit me with his two finishers. I was pretty bored the whole damn time. Kidman has no idea who he is messing with and I can't wait for tomorrow night. WWcF will finally have THE RATINGS GO THROUGH THE FUCKING ROOF!"

..::|[- The scene fades out as Drake takes another swig from his drink.-]|::..

So yeah this is rediculous, Kidman is bad, plain and simple. The guy can't cut an interview, the guy can't wrestle and to be honest the guy can't fucking talk without screwing up every other sentence. The fact that you have a 'Suicidal Icon' such as myself going up against a person like this is a spit in the face to everything that I have done in the past. Most of you guys will say how the past doesn't matter and only the now does. Well that may be true, but when you've been through what I've been through, when you've beaten the greats that I've would know why it's a spit in the face to my legacy. I know for a fact that this is going to be a breeze of a match and I for one just want to inform you that you shouldn't blink during my match. The reason why is because it might be over if you do. You want to see a rising star Kidman? You want to see extreme and hardcore? You have no idea what either of those words mean. I eat, sleep and breathe those words. Tomorrow night is going to be a short debut for Drake Vandenhart. This is fucking advice to you Kidman....please god go back to jobbing on Velocity and WWE because this place isn't meant for bad kids like you. Slit your wrists now....kthnxbye.