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DEDend's DSS Testing Database

This site was made for two types of people, those who are 100% new to the testing hobby and those who want to stay on top of the subject as I plan to devote as much time as I possibly can into this project. This site and everything you will find in it is 100% FREE. I do not and will not accept advertisements of any kind for any reasons. I do not own a domain so it doesn’t cost anything to keep up and running. With that out of the way please choose from the menu above where you would like to go. Enjoy!

(Note: all guides/files/pictures you find on this site is NOT my work unless noted otherwise)



Common Questions

Fuse Byte
The name says it all. Values include:
A0 = Pacific
A2 = Mountain
A4 = Central
A6 = Eastern
A8 = Atlantic
A9 = Newfoundland
Card status here are the common settings
00 – Virgin (00/FF)
05 – Not Married/Activated (05/FA)
20 – Virgin/Married (20/DF)
24 – Married/Deactivated (24/DB)
25 – Married/Activated (25/DA)


Top 3M Files
Top Activation Files

Sun Lover HU 3M v.1.1

Sun Lover HU 3M v.1.0

Michael Act v.9.24





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