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My HoMeCoUrT
My HoMeCoUrT
"====Nutrition Facts====
"Calories 0.011
"Calories from fat 0.033
"Saturated fat 0.046
"Cholesterol -0.0367
"I have a Street game & Hardwood Fame...
"I control the game at the both sides of the court...
"I'm a lottery pick & undrafted Phenom...
"I'm livin' out my dream...
"I'm an Elite Streetballer...
"I'ma CrAzY, LoCo FeLLa FrOm UpToWn...
"BeLiEvE ThAt U cAn NeVeR PuT a F*cKeD MaN DoWn...
"Im'a PuRe bLoOd pLaYaH... So WaNnAbE's &
"BiTcHeS... GeT oUt Of ThE WaY!!!
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