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Angel's Dream Book

Decided to date my updates. If you didnt check there are some new things since my last update. My lyrics page is starting to get a nice sellection, if you have ne suggestions for songs just tell me. There's a story in the bedtime page. And my dreams page expands nearly every day so keep an eye on that. My happyness cloud is a good place to go too. Soon as I find more to be happy about I'll update it. Well, enjoy my site thats taking me a lot time with HTML. Thankfully I got skilled friends like Haroula to help me out. -Yawn- still early, think I'll take a nap. Bye

check the dreams page and soul seclusions page, -Yawn- still early, gonna clean my room and stuff for saturday, so momentai, chill, have fun peoples, oh and btw... What's your color?

Dream Book
Soul Seclusion
Bedtime Stories
Lyrics Page
Cloud of Happyness
