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Home page for letters of peoples opinions about the government trying to ban the Truehope supplements used Many people are baffled that the Gov. is trying to ban the Truehope supplement that works so well for mental illness.for bipolar disorder

I am baffled at the government's take on banning the Truehope supplement.
This Truehope supplement that they are trying to ban has worked very well for my husband and daughters bipolar disorder.

Why is the government being so unreasonable for a product that works so well for mental illness?
Truehope has gave me my life back. Why would they try to ban something that works so well for bipolar disorder.

Truehope has shown my husband no negative side effects whatsoever.
Why would the government try to ban this harmless but yet highly effective product for bipolar disorder.


Helpful sites about Truehope or bipolar disorder