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16866 Hours
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Strength: #STRENGTH
Defense: #DEFENCE
Intelligence: #INTELLIGENCE

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Won: #BD_WON
Lost: #BD_LOST
Score: #BD_SCORE

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A legacy Begins Zeit_geist is now standing in for Zeit_geist.

Buckdvl2k3 Is frozen. it’s the end of Zeit_geist.


  • Battle Duck

  • Blue Scorchstone

  • Hand Painted Scarab
  • Note: These are my wishlist NOW once i get them ill change them. So i guess you could call them goals.

  • Zeit_geist… About The Owner

    Welcome to the pet page #VISITOR as you probably know buckdvl2k3 was unjustly frozen. But whats done is done and there is now turning back now. Chald, Kelley and I are all training Zeit_geist to become even more powerful than Cletusraygun was. Hopefull we can accomplish this in a shorter period of time. We’re restocking like mad to gain enough NP to train him at a steady pace.

    Zeit_geist...About The Pet

    Zeit_geist is the to be Robot Shoyru. Everyday he trains at the training school for 2 hours at a time building his strength. and endurance. Sometimes we will get faerie quests which we ALWAYS complete. Right now Chald, Kelley and I are trying

    Some people have asked me what the name Zeit_geist means. Heres the definition below
    Zeitgeist* (zite'guyst) [Ger.]: the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time.

    Zeit_geist … About The Battledome:
    I am NOT accepting any Battledome challenges at this time. My pet is far too weak and I have very poor weapons. Once he is a little stronger and has better weapons I will start fighting 2 Player Battledome.

    Other Stuff:

    Currently on First Run of Illusen’s Quest.

    Zeit_geist… Restocking
    We are restocking like mad right now trying to build up enough Neopoints to keep a steady income and still be able to train Zeit_geist every chance we get. All 3 of us love to restock and It helps out a lot having 3 people bringing in NP.


    • Next Strength Boost
    • 100 Defence
    • 50 Hit Points
    • Pass Level 35 of Illusen's Quest

      New Screen Shots!
    Click the links below for some screen shots!

    We only have one Screen shot now but we will have some more up soon. For now check out the old screen shots from Buckdvl2k3.

      Old Screen Shots!

    My highest damage without Honey Potion

    Highest Damage With Honey Potion

    Biggest 1 Player win (Spider Grundo 175+10)

    Thanks for coming and don’t forget to check back every once in a while for more screen shots.

    If you have any other questions send me a Neomail