Hey this is my web page. This web page was made by Adam at a sports camp in Pickering. With assistance by my teacher, Nick, I was able to create this website. The reason I created this website was because I am interested in the trading card game Yu-Gi-Oh.

I have 180 Yu-gi-Oh cards. My hollows are; Curse of Dragon, Megamorph, Tribute to the Doomed, Graceful Charity, Polymerization, Drop Off, Magical Hats, Relinquished and Black Illusion Ritual, Time Wizard, Riryoku Field, Beast of Talwar, Penguin Soldier, Graceful Dice, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and Thousand Dragon. If you are interested in purchasing these cards and other cards they can be found on e-bay. The website is www.e-bay.com. Thank you for taking the time to check out my website about yu-gi-oh!!! PLEASE COME BACK SOON!look here.For all you people out there who like cards check this link out.(click the, look here icon)check it out.if you want to see more,click the(check it out icon.)

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