
* - Just A Girl - * 10/11/2003

Hey gorgeous people of the world!

I know I've been away for a long period of time. I had a lot of time to think and you don't understand how much was going on my life. It was seriously so hectic and a lot of things had changed. Its funny how one summer can change your whole life. But after a long long time I've decided that I wanna come back! I really miss web designing and hopefully I'll have my website up but perhaps with a whole new theme and maybe not so up close and personal. I don't like the fact that the whole cyber world will know everything about me. Hehe anyways, I'll be back soon and working on a new layout.

In the meanwhile, if you have any questions to ask me you can contact me at: Yazilicious@hotmail.com or madmo1@hotmail.com for any further enquiries. We shall be joining forces to create one hella of a site! Ooh yayness!

Watch This Space...

Thanks. I've missed you!

x Yasmin x
