Paisley vs Gail Kim

[ Used | Paisley | The Rock | Kee Wee | Nikita | Cole | Others ]
[ Mentioned | Bobbi Billard | Gail Kim | Midajah | Others ]
[ Records | Wins: Lost Track :Losses: 5 :Draws: 2]
[ Match | Paisley vs Gail Kim ]

[ Disclaimer ] See this absolutely gorgeous layout here? It's © Becca, bitches! Banner is © me, Christina. So, you steal, you get verbally assaulted, and I don't think any of us would like to waste our time. All you really have to do is send Becca a quick e-mail and ask her for your very own masterpiece. If she's not too busy, she'll see what she can do about making one. As for the roleplay, every single thing came from the mind of me Christina, so don't take it!

[ Scene | #1 | A Little Pre-Show Fun ]

As the camera comes back from a commerical break, at this point Paisley is walking down the ramp with The Rock slowly walking behind her.Pretending there is a crowd is a crowd in the arena, she points and yells towards the seats before sliding into the ring.As The Rock climbs the steps, he enters through the first and second rope walking over to the corner to start to speak with Paisley.Just then, a weird techno style music is heard, as Paisley looks towards the ramp eager and a little cofused.Just then NIKITA?The newly signed WWE diva, comes out.Paisley shakes her head and laughs at the girl dressed in pink shorts and a matchy pink top, with her blonde hair in ringlets.Nikita looks back into the ring at Paisley and rolls her neck back as she climbs the steal steps a little unsure.The referee helps her in, as he also directs the Rock outside!The Rock climbs outside the ring nd paces around it watching as the referee rings the bell.

The referee sounds for the bell as Paisley automatically grabs Nikita by the hair, and throws her into the turnbuckle.Quickly, she stomps away at her midsection as Nikita grabs it anytime she can.Paisley reaches for her arm, but Nikita flips her over as paisley lands on her back.Nikita climbs to the top and waits as Paisley gets to her feet.Nikita jumps for a cross body but paisley grabs her and flips her over with bodyslam.Paisley hooks the leg, 1...2.. but Nikita just powers out.Paisley whips Nikita into the ropes and as she comes back She lifts her leg and nails her dead in the face with a boot.Nikita is getting her ass kicked as The Rock shouts for Paisley.Nikita stands up and out of nowhere, she nails Paisley with a spinning wheel kick.paisley now dazed gets up only to get tossed into the corner by Nikita.Nikita climbs up and hooks her legs and flips paisley over, sending her flying across the ring with a frankensteiner.Paisley is out as Nikita hurrys to the cover.1...2..but The Rock pulls off Nikita.Nikita turns towards him and kicks him in the face, much to his surprise.Oh no, Paisley is up and as Nikita turns around she gets a gut full of boot as Paisley lifts Nikita up, powerbomb to the canvas.Paisley now drags Nikita up from the mat and lays chops into her chest before sending her straight head first into the turnbuckle.Nikita smacks her head on the turnbuckle then falls right into paisleys clicthes.Paisley grabs her by the waist and german suplex.AND another one sending Nikita to the mat.This is over ladies and gentlemen, quickly done too as paisley sets her up for the Bitch Bomb.Nikita is knocked out as paisley places a foot on her chest.1...2...3!Well we knew that was going to happen didnt we?

Paisley isnt done yet though as she grabs Nikita by the hair, and starts yelling in her face.Nikita, barely able to stand smacks her upside the head.Bad Mistake!Paisley looks at her and shoves her back into the ropes.Nikita bounces back, and gets lifted up and last rided to the outside of the ring.Referees and medical assistants run down to help her as Paisley and The Rock celebrate.The Rock grabs a mic, and is apparently going to speak.

»~¤~«The Great One»~¤~«
~The Rock~
Kiel Center, St. Louis huh?It's been awhile since the great one has been in this arena, and last time he was, he was kicking some ass!Woo Bay-Bee, you know thats the only way the rock likes it.But the rock isnt here to talk about himself, or his*motions* studel, the rock is here to talk about one Gail Kim!GAIL KIM, you are one scary looking bitach honey, and The Rock doesnt lie.Not only are you scary looking, but you really such in the ring.Lets look at your Match with Stacy Keibler for instance, sure you won the match but Stacy Keibler kicked your ass.You talk about a smack Gail, and thats going to get you in trouble.Because when you mess with the Ice Queen, The #1 Contendor, The Peoples Princess, you mess with THE PEOPLE!You mess with The greatest man to step into the inductry mess with The Rock.Even ask your little boyfriend Chris Jericho.He'll tell you what I can do, and thats where Paisley learned everything she knows.You must think your so damn smart to be talking to Paisley ex manageree KeeWee but your not.Really your dumber than you look, and believe me, thats really hard to do, but you seem to outdue yourself everytime.The Rock is telling you this Gail, when all the smoke clears, when ALL the dust settles, there will only be one woman standing....PAISLEY!*points*

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
That is right*grabs the mic*Thanx for the Introduction dear.Gail only one woman can win a match up, and there is no second place.You either win...or you lose, those are your options.After all that has happened in the past weeks, losing, just doesnt seem to add up to my expectations.I beat Bobbi Billard, it doesnt matter that Stacy Interfered, I STILL beat Bobbi Billard.Do you think Losing to some 5'4 115 pound midget will get me any good ratings?Listen Gail you sure have the nerves to call my promo "Kindergarden material" do to the sheer fact I got up in front of children and their parents and spoke my mind?That is utterly ridiculous Gail, and frankly your accusations of Kindergarden material are sure low, we havent even gotten to your intelligence yet Gail, geez hold on.*The Rock laughs, and Paisley just stares*I guess your right, we do need to explain why we were there.Why were we sitting in an auditorium watching children that dont belong to us?Well one does belong to Dwayne, Samoan, his daughter with ex wife Danny.Samoan was invited by her teachers and friends to attend and well Dwayne here thought it'd be a good idea to go.Are you going to call me names because I attended a performance?Please Gail really grow the fuck up.And frankly I was getting sick and tired of watching their little song and dance gigs.You dont think I havent heard "the A,B,Cs" or "Im a Little Teapot"?It was just a rerun of my childhood and everyone elses, i didn't need that.So now you understand, you can pipe down with all your insults because they arent doing much of anything really.*a portain of Gails Interview plays on the traun*Oh Yes, heh, you know Gail you dont realize what you just said did you?Because Dwayne here "thinks" your tough in the ring, do you think anyone else does?And, oh so it's easy to get in your pants Gail?Wouldnt about every guy backstage know that already.Theres a rumor going around Gail and boy I wouldnt would hate to be the one to break it to you, so I'll allow Jericho to share that with you.I found your Interview quite Interesting Gauil, you really have alot to say dont you.Really opinionated too huh?Well whatever you say Gail because we already know that you just not up to my speed.You can't compete with me, you don't compare, you really*sighs*Dont even belong in the same 5 mile ratius, thats just how much better I am than you.But surely you'll see this and come back with, "please, me not as you as you, yes your right, im not as good as you, im even BETTER".Well honestly save it, I dont have the time, or energy to be listening to you'll put me to sleep, and then what will i do.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
Oh So your not intimidated by me.*face whipes a tear*Aww thats too bad Gail really it is.You think I care what you think, what you say or who you do?Really come back from cloud nine to see that you aren't all that great.You really are trying to hard Gail, anyone can see it.You are trying to act like your some bad ass, someone not to be messed with?Thats too damn bad that no-one believes you.Hahaha!!*laughs*OH really, you know you just keep coming up with these brilliant jokes that I cant help but laugh at.*shakes head annoyed*You havent confused me Gail, sorry to break your heart but you haven't confused me, or scared me either.I just know that when the bell sounds, all that confidence and arrogance you seem to take pride in, well it's going go down, as in decrease, incase you didn't know*smirks*, quicker than you can on a good night.Funny Gail, but as far as you beating me like I've never been beaten before, keep dreaming and telling yourself that because thats the only place it's going to come true.Instead of that, Im going to be the one whipping your ass, like you'll never believe.You wont be able to move, subject to the pain and pressure Ive caused.Trust me Gail when I say your ass doesnt stand a chance, im just that damn good!You may have been a full time wrestler when I was only a Nitro Girl, but your mathes were short and pathetic.No evidence of any talent is to be found, trust me I looked.I looked them over long and hard, and although opposite to your opinion, I saw nothing Ive never handled before.You kicking my ass?Thats something Id really like to see, but until that day comes I guess Ill have to settle for kicking YOUR ass, is that alright?Really it would severly disappoint me if you thought differently.*rolls eyes looking at The Rock*So Gail I guess theres only one way to Shut you up, and thats kick your ass.So thats EXACTLY what I plan to go on Friday Night Fury.Cio!

[ Scene | #2 | Running into Kwee Wee ]

As The Rock and Paisley walk backstage after a little Pre Show Fun, they all of a sudden pauses and look at eachother with odd glances.Skipping up to paisley, in pink shiny pants is KWEE WEE?what the hell?Paisley looks over at The Rock and shurgs her shoulders while Kee Wee glances her AND the rock over.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
*jumps*OH girlfriend, don't yell, man I just got an earfull from Michael Cole.I guess he doesnt like his ass squeezed.*motions*But between me and you darlin, he has such a firm ass.*giggles*

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
Oh God, would you try to keep that to yourself, so as I stated what are you doin here?I thought you were still signed with that company?

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
Oh Honey, I am!It's just that sexy fella Chris Jericho and his hussy Gail Kim, you know them, ya well they wanted to talk with me.AND about you, isn't that weird!!

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
Uhm...*The Rock looks at him wide eyed*Honey, this is Kwee Wee, I managed him in Wcw.

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
OoO, nice to meet you handsome.*outstreches hand*I never thought I'd meet a real life porn star.I mean wow, your gorgeous.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
*takes offense steping in front of The Rock*Oh Hell No Kwee Wee.Dwayne here isn't a porn star, how could you say that.You know you need to follow me, we have alot to take about!

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
Well Damn*snaps fingers, placing an arm on his shoulder*Just a tip hun, you really should get into the buisness, they are paying high price now.And you surely*smacks his ass* would make any man scream.

»~¤~«The Great One»~¤~«
~The Rock~

Paisley sees this and grabs Kwee Wee by the hand practically dragging him off of The Rock.The Rock shudders and brushes off his shoulder, following behind, slowly.Paisley opens her locker room and sits Kwee Wee down.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
Now what did Gail and Jericho ask you Kwee Wee?Really Gail is my opponent for Fury, I need to know what you told them.

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
Oh Honey, dont get your panties in a twist.All they wanted to know was how you were like in WcW, they werent like stalking you or anything, so i told them.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
*smacks forehead*Listen to me Kwee Wee.What EXACTLY did you tell them?I need to know because in a matter of hours Im facing that skank.

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
Oh well sheesh darlin, why do persistant its not like you did anything bad in Wcw.I told them that you got into Cat Fights with alot of the divas, Miss Jones, Midajah, Major Gunns.Uhm*pauses*Oh yes silly me I almost forgot.I told them how cool you were, and that you had the best fashion sense.It's no lie that you werent in too many matches but when you were you know you kicked some ass.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
Ya well the management was all too interested in buying ratings so they stuck me in the cat shit.Anyways did you tell them anything else?Did they ask anything else...

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
Ya well she called you a goodie goodie and asked if you were like that in Wcw.I told her you were a Bad Ass.You did kick my ass after all.I can still feel the sensation.*begins rubbing ass as The Rock about faints from the sight*

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
Erm ya well..*casts a side ways glance* Thanx!So she called me a goodie goodie?What brought up that?

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
Oh i don't know but she claims you lost your spunk and fiestyness or whatever she said.But yes she called you a Goodie Goodie girl.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
*turns to The Rock*Where does she go off calling me a goodie goodie?Ive done nothing that provides evidence of a goodie goodie.But whatever makes her feel better about herself.You know what they say, accuse someone of being something normally means your just hiding the fact, that YOUR actually one.Hmm, ever thought of that Gail.*turns back to Kwee Wee*Anyways is there ANYTHING else that happened?That they asked, or mentioned?

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
*staring at The Rock*oooooO!*wiggles a finger at him and puckers his lips*Uh hUh!

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
Would you stop trying to flirt*grabs his hands* with my fiance and answer me damn it.I don't have time for this jesus christ!

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
No for the last time honey, dont worry about it.They didnt really bother with anything else.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
*points to the door*Than you can leave now, i think we're all through.

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
What your kicking me out?Sharmell...*whines*why do you have to do this to me.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
Stop being the Whiny Bitch you are and go find some sloozy to hit on.You said Cole didn't like it, Try Coach, he was always on the tipsy side of things.GO NOW, jesus!!

»~¤~«Paisleys Ex-Manageree»~¤~«
~Kwee Wee~
Is he that black one, with barely any hair.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
*as she shoves him out the door*Yes, now go before he leaves, wouldnt that be a tragedy.*rolls eyes shutting AND locking the door*Boy why didnt i see it back then geez.

»~¤~«The Great One»~¤~«
~The Rock~
Wow, that was interesting.Seen what?His annoying ways or his gayness because seriously if you couldnt tell he was Gay, we really need to get you to theropy.

»~¤~«The #1 Contender to the World Title»~¤~«
*laughs*Ya the fact that he was gay.I guess i was too involved in the wrestling aspect to notice, but DAYUM, *pauses*i won't even continue on that subject. <BGSOUND SRC="Fighter.mp3" LOOP="INFINITE">