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' The Genetic Revolution '
Roleplay Title88
Time is ticking
Overall Record88
W - 01 |L - 00 | D - 00
Beaten Opponants88
Roleplay Number88

The Layout and banners were made by John Wilson, if you feel like you want to use it then ask him. This role-play however belongs to me Ray Symonds, do not steal this role-play if you do I will find out some how and there will be hell to pay. Enjoy the role-play.
As the show comes back from a commercail break the scene starts off in the backstage area...the camera man is following Batista threw the backstage area. As Batista turns a corner he bumps into non other then the Coach.

Hey Man...Dave...I have been looking for you...I wanted to know if your ready for your big matchup tonight...I mean you are going for the DWF World Heavyweight Title tonight.

::: Batista:::

Listen Coach....dont talk to me like there is nothing think you can bump into me and not apologize...but thats fine because tonight nothing can go wrong..tonight I will become the DWF Champion...and there is nothing anyone can do about it...because like it or not I am the greatest thing to happen to wrestling since my mentor Ric Flair.


Oh...Well I am Sorry Dave...But everyone wants to know if your nervous going into what is probably the most important match in your life.

::: Batista:::

Coach....I think your not fully understanding...My destiny is to become the DWF Champion...and that means doing whatever I have to do to get there....and Coach...noone in this match is as good as me...they never were as good as me and never you see I am here 365 days a year I am here for this company no matter when they need me...and Coach you think I am worried or nervous well I have news for you...I am not at all worried because I am a man and I know what I am capable Coach...Triple H and the rest those retards that think they are going to beat me tonight can try all they want... it won't matter because like it or not...I am the next DWF Champ.

Okay well that raises and interesting question...On Nitro you faced Raven in what was an amazing do you feel knowing that he is in this matchup?.

::: Batista:::

To be totally honest...I could care less if Raven is in this match...because Raven means nothing...all Raven just another bump in the road...and after what I did to him on Nitro I am amazed he can even walk...but Coach...there is just something you and the rest of the DWF Staff need to realize...I am destined for greatness...It is my destiny to be the greatest DWF Champion of all time...and noone will stop me...Not Raven...Not Brock Lesnar...and surly not Triple H...Like I said noone will stop me...and tonight I will regain what is rightfully mine...The DWF Championship Belt.

As Batista finishes his statement Ric Flair walks up and pats Batista on the back and begins to talk.

::: Ric Flair:::

Hey Coach...didnt I tell all of you reporters that you need to come to me and ask permission to talk with Dave...he is a very busy should know that Coach...and he doesnt have time to talk with you...if you want an interview come to me and we can schedule one...but for now we need to go.

Well I just bumped into Dave and I thought I could get a quick interview I dont see what the big deal is all about....its not like I went behind your back Mr.Flair...I just bumped into Dave here.

::: Batista:::

Coach...It doesnt matter this interview is over...dont you listen man...Ric Told you that you need to come to him for an interview so get the hell away from me.

As Batista and Flair start walking away the scene cuts to a commercial break.