Yeah this is the section about me you bunch a fucking bitches that don't know shit about a fucking box full of it other than it fucking smells...

Who the hell am I?
I am the web master of this fucking site what the hell more do you wanna fucking know? Ask my ass and if you don't get a rude ass fucking remark back feel fucking lucky you cunt!
What the hell do I do?
What the fuck does it look like I do, I write the fucking post and the damn code for this damn site and every fucking graphic on this bitch is mine, done by my hands so back the fuck off or you're going on my shit list, oh yeah that's right there is a shit list on this fucker and you know what you may not be able to get to it but there is one I fucking promise you that.
Do I have a fucking email address?
Yeah I have a damn email address, doesn't everyone these days? I have two of them the second one is for friends only and personal documentation, In other words no you can't fucking have it and no I'm never gonna give it too you!
Can you have my other one?
Yeah maybe if your not some cock wit with less brains than my fag assed sisters dog. The email address is: Send pictures of your sister naked your mother your aunt anything that looks good and is female, if you pop a virus in there, tough fucking shit because I have a fucking anti~virus so that's not going to do the job.
Do I have a personal message name?
Yeah you shit for brains, its the same as my email address... I also have a second one and it is azazaelisacannibal, but I have to talk to you for a bit if you PM me other wise I will fucking ignore you and place you upon perma-iggy so don't fucking try me I am not in the mood right now!!
Am I single, married, divorced?
I'm fucking divorce as if it was some sort of your fucking business, but I consider myself single maybe, I don't know, what the hell should it matter to you.
Do you have any kids?
That is none of your fucking business and if I wanted you to fucking know I would have told you!!