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(c) Apycom

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Havn't done nothin to the site, not much to do, might as well be shutting it down soon.Workin on a map gw_maze it'll be out sone,. O ya and I forgot Reactor's gone.Dont have any good projects to do. gw_showdown messed up and wont work so i scrapped it. Main focus is on gw_maze. But i dont have the time to work on it, i only got the weekends.Gonna add alot of stuff to make it fun.|[frosty]|
Well, we added some sections on our site, Prefabs and Re-skins.Oh yah, cant forget the navigation bar.We r still in construction havent had much time to work on the site.We r still currently workin on our maps.Seems like mines will be a while since scholl has already statrted for me =\.So later on the site will be much better. |[frosty]|
Welcome to the site of mapcreators "frosty" and "TheRecreator".We will be making maps for Gangwars(a mod for Half-life).Enjoy the new site! |[frosty]|