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dongdingrones: what is the essay on?

AveryBrigg: Immanuel Kant

AveryBrigg: it's a philosophy paper

dongdingrones: do u want to fail?

AveryBrigg: sure

dongdingrones: then i guess i can write it for you

AveryBrigg: sweet

AveryBrigg: all you have to do is read 6 pages of the Critique of Pure Reason and then explicate his argument against the ontological proof of God

AveryBrigg: and then give your own views

AveryBrigg: should be no problem for you


dongdingrones: Mr. Kant was such a nice man.

dongdingrones: He wrote this sweet book called Critique of Pure Reason.

dongdingrones: In this book, he probably critiqued pure reason, but I don't know, because I did not read it.

dongdingrones: Let me tell you about what I did read.

dongdingrones: I read Everyone Poops.

dongdingrones: This book, though short, was a critique of society in general.

dongdingrones: It tells us that everyone, deep inside, is the same.

dongdingrones: For, as the book says, "All living things eat, so all living things poop."

dongdingrones: Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with the ontological proof of God.

dongdingrones: To answer that question, let me ask you a question.

dongdingrones: What does ontological mean?

dongdingrones: If you can answer that, then I think that you may be God.

dongdingrones: And if you are God, then you can forgive.

dongdingrones: So please forgive me, for not reading Mr. Kant's excellent book.

dongdingrones: God, now I have a few more questions to ask you, while I have your attention.

dongdingrones: If you're so great, why couldn't you come up with a better name?

dongdingrones: For real, what kind of a name is God anyways?

dongdingrones: Ok, now I know what you're thinking, humans created that name, right?

dongdingrones: But You created humans, so really, you created your name.

dongdingrones: If you are really so powerful, then why did you give us free will when you could have had a whole army at your disposal?

dongdingrones: And that raises my next point.

dongdingrones: Do you have an army out there somewhere that is gong to kill us if we are bad people?

dongdingrones: And also, what makes us bad people?

dongdingrones: I'm sorry for getting offtrack, back to Everyone Poops.

dongdingrones: In this masterpiece of a book, Taro Gomi, the fine author, also tells us that "A one hump camel makes a one hump poop, and a two hump camel makes a two hump poop."

dongdingrones: The next line in the book is "Only kidding!"

dongdingrones: This is another excellent example of human nature.

dongdingrones: If only Mr. Kant had been as insightful as Mr. Gomi, I might have taken the time to read his book.