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Right when you got comfortable...
June 18th, 2004 | 9:24 AM |

    So I get up this morning and get on my computer, then see my website. I remember how much I wanted to change the layout, but never got around to it, you know? Well. I got around to it. Yay! Strong Bad. Haha, yeah I know; I rock. Anyway, I figured I was pretty bored with all of this mildly complicated stuff where, with the slightest missed key, I could mess up the whole layout. -NOW- I've really got something to look at in the morning; Strongbad's wonderful awesomeness.

    You know what comes out today? Yeah, that's right; Dodgeball comes out today. I want to see that movie so bad.. I'm not sure if it's the Ben Stiller aspect of it or it's the actual fact that it's a movie about dodgeball. Hrm.. Oh well, it doesn't matter; I'm going to go see it.

    How come in the one advertisement where you have to punch out the evil kangaroo, he goes out with one punch? I mean, you never saw Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles go out in once punch. You never saw Evil Betty in Kung Pow go out in one punch. I definitely know that in XXX, Anarchy 99 does not go out in one punch. So why should this be any different? I'm going to go send complaints. Right. Now.

    Something else has recently been brought to my attention by myself: Why can't the people believe it's not butter? I mean, if the company says it's not butter, I believe them. So these said people don't believe what the company is saying about it not being butter. I mean, if I tasted so much butter that I could tell the difference between butter and not butter, then I might feel the same way. Woe is me, for I don't fancy butter.

    I leave you today with one last message:

The links are all broken for now. So kill me.

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