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Wild Hearts

You take an uncertain step forward. After wandering for days on end, you are completly lost, when suddenly you spot another. A pure black beauty, with a cream mane and tail. She heads toward straight for you, an blur, from the green meadows where she stood before. In moments she is but a few feet from you. She nods her head gracefully to you before speaking in soft tones. "I am Legacy, and I reside in these lands. I am quite well known. If you are weary, traveler, and need a place to live, you are welcome here at any time." She gives you another nod as if to back up what she is saying. Then, without waiting for an answer, she canters away in the direction of her homeland, leaving you to follow if it please you. Around you, you can the clear waters, blue skies, and lush grass. They invite you to stay and spend an eternity in the paradise in which you have found yourself. But you think of the things you have left behind. For some, these are memories too precious too abandon. It is understood if you want to leave, to continue wandering. However, these lands also hold so much promise for new memories that it is difficult to leave. Whatever your decision, the mare will not speak with you again until you have entered the lands for good, you can tell that she will not try to persuade you, but that she will let you make your own choice, for better or for worse. So you ask yourself the question: will you stay?