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June:9:2003 3:02PM
OH MY GOSH! i can't wait until the fuckin' fall gets here so i can go back to school. i am so bored, i think i'm cracking up! i get my new computer in the fall too...woo hoo! we have to get a new TV this weekend because the big one that we had in the living room kinda blew up when it was storming a few weeks ago. so, we had to put the one from our bedroom in the living now i can't watch my dirty movies at night :( lol! right now i am doing laundy...I HATE DOING LAUNDRY! but ryan is in this phase where he likes to play in mud and dirt and grass and EVERYTHING so i have to constantly wash his clothes or they will stain! oh the wonders and joys of motherhood! a little advice...NEVER HAVE SEX! ha ha...

June:8:2003 3:34PM
it's rainy but still hot. i hate this weather. well, today is sunday and that means that the weekend is almost over. :( brandon, ryan and i ate breakfast at my dad's house this morning. mmm...breakfast burritos! i sure do wish i could cook. anyway, i am so retarded. i keep forgeting that i have to register early for the fall semester. if i keep this up i'll never finish college! lol...i have to be registered and everything by august 16th and i think classes actually start on the 21st. i am sorta-kinda nervous because i have never been to school here before. you see, last semester i attended Texas A&M Commerce for criminal justice. now i am going to paris junior college. i still have NO IDEA what i want to do. i really would like to study architecture but for some reason, too many math classes are required as prerequisites. and God do i hate math. i failed algebra II twice in high school. dumbass, i know! hopefully soon i can decide what i want to major in and stick with it for christ's sake. if i don't, i'll end up unemployed with ten different degrees because i'm a scatter-brain!

June:7:2003 1:55PM
man it's hot outside today. i'm glad i'm not the one out there working on the
car! brandon and dad are putting a new water pump on it. ryan and i are
sitting here watching a biography of some director. boring! he's almost
asleep though. i'm not surprised. he stayed up until 3:00 last night and then
woke up at 7:30 this morning. what a turd!
anyway, check out the flush. the ultimate wall of shame. i think it's pretty
cool. so far only one person, p1nkpr3p has been flushed.

June:5:2003 9:36PM
guess what...i just officially started my own graphics shop. strangeGRAFIX.
it isn't opened yet but i already have everything copyright so all i have to do
is put it all together. anyway, i added a couple more pages today. just a little
of this and that.on a more personal note, i am still lonely. it's a good thing
brandon gets home from work at about 11:30 or i would go crazy. ryan is
asleep. he has been such a dork lately. i love him though! he has new teeth
coming in and he is chewing on everything as if he were a dog with some
kind of strange illness. lol! he isn't foaming at the mouth or anything...well,
sometimes but i think that's just drool. hopefully brandon and i can get out
tomorrow night and have some time to ourselves. but you know, this is
a crap-hole of a town without anything to do or anywhere to go. we'll find
something...i hope!