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Exalted: the Cartoon

OK, welcome to my page about my cartoon.  That's right folks I'm in the process of making a cartoon based on the uber roxorious game of Exalted.  (I love White Wolf games so's probably unhealthy) 

Anyway, I decided to show everybody the work I'm doing on my neato page.  Looking at the links to the right there will give you something to look at.I've got all the character profiles, and the basic plot and a rough script to work with.  I'll eventually put up storyboards and maybe someday, I'll actually put the cartoon on here.

So look around, have fun, and give me suggestions.  Yay! suggestions!  Err...ummm yeah.

Anyway:, if you actually want to giv eme suggestions.  Just make sure the topic starts with EXALTED in capital letters o I don't send it to the second circle of hell upon receiving.  Thankies!

The Basics

The Good guys

The Bad Guy(s)