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Unreal Halo is under construction! 7.4.2003 | Quasera

OK the last update I made I kinda lied saying how the demo might be released on Saturday but now it's Monday and still no demo! The truth is I still haven't begun creating the game yet... I've been lost under Zelda: The Wind Waker, CM4 and numerous Terry Pratchett novels to actually be arsed to start production but as of last night it is officialy under construction!! I made the credits and downlaoded loads of stuff that i'm going to use. I've also made custom graphics for the games main character, Kali. I was also spurred on by a competition in GameFAQs. The idea is the top five games made will be hosted on.... *Drum Role* MY website! Yep this website. I may also be a judge! But enough mindless blabber back to game making!

Unreal Halo's Website is finally up! 1.4.2003 | Quasera

After finally kicking my ass into gear I've made the website(albeit the main page!). I made this website to stop the same old questions, such as: 'What features have you put into it?' and ofcourse my personal favourite 'Is the demo done yet?'. So now all you have to do is visit this site for all the information you need. Speaking about the demo I don't expect it to be released until next Saturday...

This game is being made for Rm2k3. The demo is going to be released on Saturday the 6th of April 2003.
Nope. It's not. I think its gonna have a biiiiig delay. But hey? Who cares? This delay will give me time to improve on everything. Think yourself lucky that I have started making it!