This model is the basis of all NLP. If we did not delete, distort and generalize the events we take in, consciously we would be in sensory overload. It's the sensation of more things happening than you can handle, which can be quite overwhelming, can't it?/est es elmodelo de programacion mental , si no lo borramos, distorsionamos,y generalizamos los eventos que vivimos,estaremos demasiado concientes,es sensacion que suceden muchas cosas a lavez y no podemos con todo,que puede ser demasido,no locree?  

DELETE - This is when we omitting data or selectively paying attention to certain of our experience and not others. Think of a time when you were so engage in a conversion with someone that you were unaware of other events going on around you./borrar es cuando prestamos atencion a una cosa y no a otra/como cuandonos interesamos mucho en una platica , queno nos percatamos de los alrrededores 

DISTORT - My friend Bob and I were one of the only men at a meeting where a women mentioned that male hypnotherapists should not work with women. Later as we talked about the event, Bob said he couldn't believe that the speaker said "men should not use hypnosis". That is not what was said, but that's what Bob's mind interpreted, even though it was not what was said. Distortions are when we misrepresent our reality /distorcionesrepresentan  lo que pensamos de la realidad, ejemplo usted puede pensar que alguien dijo que los medicos sicologos no reverian de atender mujeres,y usted interpretar que dijo que todos los medicos ,

GENERALIZE - In the above example, the womens comment that male hypnotherapist should not work on women is a good example of generalization. It is putting ideas, people or things a convienant group or category, or drawing global conclusions. /el ejemplo dearriba es unobueno elmedico entendio que lamuger generalizo , cuando nofue asi , lo que logro la distorsion 
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