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Chance favors the prepared mind  -Louis PasteurBe Prepared  -Boy Scout MottoIf you are prepared you will have no fear   -Scott MadsenKnowledge is power - Sir Francis Bacon The threat of terrorism forces us to make a choice: We can be afraid or we can be ready.  Today, America's families declare we will not be afraid and will be ready.
-Tom Ridge, Homeland Security Secretary

If you are interested in being prepared for any natural or human disaster that comes your way take a look at this book. A sample chapter can be seen here LINK.  If this book can't help you plan and be prepared for worst-case scenarios then nothing can! 

Also be knowledgeable about what you are getting when you do start your emergency preparedness plan.  Some things you need, some you don't, and some things are luxury items.  You decide what your comfort level is and what you and your family really need.