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If you have any information about the place, if you have any similar experience please contact me!!! I need to know more!!!

Right now i am doing some more research on the subject and i need all the information i can find about that place. So if you have anything please respond.

I want to mention my experience regarding this unrevealed mystery...

I didn't use to deal with UFOs and such things until i finally had a personal experience.

 I couldn't talk about this to anybody since i was afraid that they would laugh at me. The place that i had the experience is not my hometown so i don't have many people over there to discuss this. After soe research i did i found out some other people telling me they had some same experience but they weren't very friendly to discuss.

Here is what happened...

It was a summer noon. I was traveling from Athens ( the capital of Greece)  to Thessaloniki on a business travel when i passed by Thiva. This is a  provincial city about an hour from Athens. It is surrounded by some very nice nature and there is a big lake. So i decided to stop by just for a bit to have some rest. I went through a road which drove me near the shore close to a tabernacle.

As i was sitting there, hanging around i saw something which i first thought to be a plane. It was quite luminous but i thought it was due to the sunrays. It was flying quite high but it suddenly started loosing height. It kept loosing height until it was in a really low altitude. For a moment i lost it since it hide behind some mountains and i thought that it could crash. Finally i saw it again gaining height, making some really odd movements. It was bouncing around as if it was striking on some invisible wall. Then it began loosing height again and started going down with an extremely high speed. I was terrified it was going to crash in the lake but no. It suddenly stopped a few metres above the water and it stood still.

I didn't know what to think! I mean you don't see such things everyday. I have heard about some odd things that were reported every once a while in the very same area but i used to think everything was a joke.

Now, a blue dim light came out under the flying thing and touched the water. I think it was sucking some of it but i can't be sure. A very strange thing is that the water seemed to be really quite. I mean it didn't have any waves. I think it is very strange since the 'ship' was quite big ( maybe 50 metres in diameter, round shape) and it was hanging just a few metres above. I also noticed there  was no sound. Just a little ' bizz '. Another strange thing is that  i felt shuddering as a very smooth breeze came towards me.

After a while the beam dissapeared and the ship made a very strange noise ( for the first time!). Then it made a fantastic jump and it was suddenly hgh in the sky. I saw it changing its colors and it finally became black as it went higher and higher. Then it started bouncing gain and increasingf its speed till i lost from my site. The lake was really quite. No big waves, no great noise from the ship ( only when it took off) and no wind. Just a little breeze.

I started wondering what could be what i saw, when i noticed a boat on the other side of the lake going to the shore. I could see there was someone there so i started shouting hoping i would get in touch with him, but no response. It was quite a distance so i guess he couldn't hear me.  I run to my car hoping i could get to the other side. I drove around the lake. I was trying to find a way to the place this guy was. I drove around two hours  like a maniac but i couldn't get nothing. Then the night fall and it was to late and i was too tired to do anything else. I had a terrible headache so i decided i should go to the city and try to find a place to sleep.

Next morning i went back. I stayed there for the whole day hoping  could get something but nothing came up. I went to a nearby village just to get some gas. I asked the guy in the station if there were any fishermen in the lake and he said that many people did that as a hobby. So it was true. I did see some people with a boat. And they MUST have seen the same things with me! What a relief! Then i asked him if he had noticed anything strange lately or if there was any strange story about the place. He told me that he hadn't noticed a thing but there were a lot of stories about the lake and the town ( Thiva) and the whole place. After a lot of questins he finally told me that his cousin in law ( who is a farmer) told him about some strange circles he found some days bafore in his field and that some others had the same problem. They thought it was some disease or some drunk workers trying to destroy the corps.

Back in the city i tried to gather some more information but seemed like noone had anything to say about the same stuff.

I found out that there is a place where they do some secret ceremonies ( black magicl stuff). There have been many reports about lights in the sky and some peculiar visions appearing late at night. In a nearby village there is a magician where many important persons even from the goverment go to seek for his help!

Apart from these ( since i just mention them although i can't believe them) there some historical facts that they might have some relation. The place where Thiva is built has a big history. It used to be a great city in the ancient times. There were many  temples around the city. One of them was dedicated to Apollo,  the god of light!!. There are some stories about his visits and his muses dancing in the lake late at night!! Also the place were the lake is today has some secret underground channels coming from the city. 

Right now i am gathering more information. I visit the place quite often hoping to find something. I had met someone who told me that there were some stories about the subject concerning some sightings over a nearby forest. Back in the seventies there was a unexplained airforce crash. And in a nearby mountain ( Elikonas) there was the valley of the muses. Also in another mountain ( Parnassos) there have been many other UFO sightings.

I Promise i will come back with more information.

Contact me!!!