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Please Read the Following
If you are easily offended, Who cares? I dont need somebody being stupid and freaking out because they dont like what they see here.
I do try and keep it clean but I wont make it a kid site.

If theres something on the site that is yours or is a file linked from your site please mail me
and be civilized about what you say or I wont even consider talking to you.
No need for lawyers or anything. Most importantly, I am in no way responsible for what you may see on sites thats linked from my site.
If you click on a link on this site and end up somewhere else, and you don't like it, I dont give a damn.

If you have no problem with anything stated above, then welcome. Otherwise, go to hell.
Have a nice day :)



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32Bit Color Option
A Sense of Humor

You didnt read that ^ Did you? Go back and read it bitch!