
The Tsujigiri Clan

Official Webpage


Ninjas vs. Pirates: An Analytical Essay by the 1337 Master himself!

This site is dedicated to the total 1337ness of the order of Tsujigiri, a clan of ninjas started by elite ninja Fuukyou Tsujigiri, for the sole purpose of dominating the Earth, causing mass death, destruction, chaos, pW|\|4g3, and extremely sw33t aw3s0m3n3ss. The Tsujigiri focus on stealth, speed, and flipping out in their style. They also view wailing hard on guitars as an essential skill for both combat and more the more intimate endeavors of the ninja lifestyle.

I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.


3D Trace Route TerraServer

Currently people have flipped out h4rdc0r3 over the 1337ness of Tsujigiri from seeing this webpage.

The Tsujigiri are:

Ninja Specialties
Fuukyou guitar, katana, flipping out
Kagemusha stealth, recon, Shaolin Fist
Usesaru flipping out, stealth, apple-throwing, mind-fuckery
Dokidoki bo, shuriken, double bass-pedal drums
Ka-Yasha sekira-sessen (nude close combat)
Kakekomi-Shiin dual tantos
Shuranushi guitar, flipping out
Seihantai guitar, katana, judo
Konjouyaki katana (cutlass style), exploding
Kouhaku-Kokoshibyou h4ck1n6, taitou (long katana)

Join the Tsujigiri Clan's Protein Folding team! Our team ID is 34660

If you want to tryout for Tsujigiri, send an email with an attached picture of you doing something so incredibly awesome that only a true Tsujigiri ninja could pull it off to: Ajent13@hotmail.com