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Linguistic Lineage for Spanish








........................................West Iberian



Spanish has been developed by the various empires by that controlled the Iberian Peninsula. Spanish is mostly descended from Latin, as the Roman Empire controlled the peninsula for over a thousand years. Spanish was also heavily influenced by the Moors, group of Muslim, Arabic-speakers from Northern Africa.

English and Spanish are both heavily influenced by Latin and one other language. The split between Germanic languages and English is about 50/50. However, Spanish is more heavily influenced by Latin than Arabic.

Spanish has more dialects than any other European language. Many dialects exist in Spain's Spanish-speaking former colonies, such as Argentinian, Chilean and Ecuadorian. Spain itself has many dialects as well, including Catalonian and Aragonese.

GRAMMAR WHOO! W00T! For Conjugation!

Personal: Yo me me me mi/mis mío/a/os/as mí

Direct: Tú te te te tu/tus tuyo/a/os/as ti

Indirect: Él/Ella/Ud lo/la le se su/sus suyo/a/os/as él/ella/Ud

Reflexive: Nosotros/as nos nos nos nuestro/a/os/as

Unstressed: Vosotros/as os os os vuestro/a/os/as vuestro/a/os/as vosotros/as

After Preposition: Ellos/Ellas/Uds los/las les se su/sus suyo/a/os/as ellos/ellas/Uds