|x| Insane Wayne was once a killing machine, with no respect for anyone else. But now, the Insane One has returned: a changed man with a changed attitude. |x|

Foreword: Nearly a month ago we saw Insane Wayne tragically bed ridden after a long, grueling match with The World Champion at the time, Ross Allen and his then partner Anarkist. Insane Wayne sustained a fairly painful injury that has kept the big man out for a month now. He left the MwF the somewhat number one contender for the World Title and was allegedly scheduled to take on Ross Allen for the World Title but I emphasize that was possibly a rumor. Insane Wayne lost his handicap match against Ross Allen and Anarkist and also lost a slice of pride in his life. On air we saw Insane Wayne on last weeks dynamite when he was featured lying in a hospital bed unconscious. Insane who knows no happenings of the MwF for the past month is bound to be in shock from what has gone on, including the departure of the greatest MwF Legend Ross Allen after he was fired and stripped of his title at March Madness by the general manager, Fozzy! Fozzy didn't stop there and proceeded to hand Mark Rose the World Title. No doubt that Insane Wayne will be a little pissed off about that, but the major news in the MwF dates back over a year ago to when the MwF closed down at 'The End' where we saw President Edward Walker was shot and allegedly killed, but that's obvious to us now that he survived, and the shooter was revealed to be Edward's own daughter, but not by her own accord. Fozzy uncovered that Edward has asked his own daughter to pull the trigger and end his hard, miserable life. Now look what Insane Wayne is returning to, two lying heels of owner and a undeserving World Champion, not an ideal situation but is there ever a ideal situation when in the presence of the ''hardcore master'' Insane Wayne! Insane Wayne scheduled to return on the 14th of April at Dynamite was not there due to the injury he had sustained but Insane Wayne did not disappoint on the following Dynamite, he returned with great impact beating down the large figure of Anarkist with what is said to be the start of a feud on the road to the MwF World title, that lays in the hands of ''solitary death' mark Rose!

Scene: The hanging church bells are rang, as a picturess scene is broadcasted to the MwF crowd. The sun is setting in the distance and slowly but surely birds fly over our head. The wind blows slightly and not a drop of rain can be seen. The view of the camera is from what seems to be a slight hill. Suddenly emerging from the left of the screen appears a body. A tall and broad body. The figure stands next to the camera and seems to also be admiring the view. Puzzled, we move up the body of the figure. We do not reach the mans face as he cleverly obstructs our view. With a deep voice he mutters a few words, which isn't understood by the cameramen. The tall figure still remains stood with his hands scruffily in the pockets of his jeans, his t-shirt un-tucked from his pants he begins to speak in a clearer voice. 

Voice: Look at the view, a great view! A place of great relaxants where the stressed of people can come to look over this great town. Now, I think that you would think that a man of my intelligence and nature would not be suited to such a place as this. Well you'd be right. I have no idea why I am stood here at this moment in time.

The bluntness of the man has revealed his true identity. Insane Wayne moves closer to the frame of the camera, he stares away from the scenery and looks dead into the camera with a face straight as the straightest person. A slight grin accumulates across the face of Insane Wayne. He steps back and sits looking over the side of the hill type piece of land. 

Insane Wayne: Now it’s been a while since you have seen me in such good looking shape. I severed a great injury to my spine. Vital to my walking and my wrestling career I knew that I had to get it sorted. I lie in a bed thinking that I couldn’t let all of my Maximum wrestling fans down and never wrestle again. So I decided to just get to my feet and walk and that’s what I did. Now, I may sound like a drama queen but the injury was serious. Not one of my most serious injuries but serious indeed. During my career as a great wrestling legend I have sustained many vital and life threatening injuries and every time I have returned to keep on going with the best of my abilities. I don’t return for the fans because what have the fans ever done for me? They’ve done nothing! I have returned each time for the glory. I like to be in the limelight so to say. You may think that this is a poor attitude to the world of professional wrestling but we all have different ways that we deal with things, and this is how I think and how I work and it hasn’t gone wrong yet.

Insane Wayne picks up a small rock that is next to him on the floor and throws hit off the side sending it crashing to the floor below. Insane Wayne holds his head down and continues to speak his heart felt feelings to the man behind the camera.

Insane Wayne: Pain. What is pain? What kind of pains have I felt as a person? Pain is what I have been feeling throughout my life. Not just physical beatings but Mental beatings as well. I have suffered injuries to nearly every part of my body, but that is what as given me my hardcore ability, which I know is great. I have held various Hardcore titles in every federation I have been in. Pain is a physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. Now there are 4 points to that meaning. Suffering, discomfort, illness and injury. During my short career I have suffered them all. Its nothing to be proud of but it just goes to show what I do to do what I do the best I can. The best thing I can do is wrestle. But, now that pain has gone, not fully but nearly and now I'm back to show you all what I can do.

Insane Wayne still sat on the edge of the hill, holds his head down and looks at the ground below. The night air becomes a little colder and now as we breathe we can see the air from our mouths. Insane Wayne shivers and makes himself warmer by rubbing his hands together.

Insane Wayne: Now, My first order of business. Many of you will think that it will be to try and gain my way closer to the MwF World title and obviously the man who holds it mark Rose. But, you'd be wrong. My first order of business will be to get revenge for the pain that was caused to me that Monday Night, when I had to be air lifted to Pittsburgh for urgent treatment. Two people caused me that pain and it took two men to take me out proper because I know for a god damn fact that they couldn't have done it on their own. But there is a problem. One of the men that caused me the pain have gone, disappeared.

Insane Wayne shakes his head in disappointment

Insane Wayne: Ross Allen has left the MwF, probably for good. He was the greatest MwF Champion ever and no one can dispute that not even me. Although I didn't show it I really did have a small amount of respect for Ross Allen and that Is because he beat me fairly in my last world title match. The second reason I respect him is because he knew that he needed Anarkist on his side to take me out, so therefore he obviously has intelligence. Now the fact remains that Ross was an unbeaten champion but Ross wasn't perfect. I remember him being beaten once in a singles match. Infact, it was the only match he lost in the MwF's second run. But who was this match against? Oh yeah it was me!!! That proves that I am one of the best in the business. I only faced him twice in singles matches and we both picked up a pin fall, maybe him having the advantage has he retained his title against me. I think it was sad that Ross left. I can imagine him crying and the fans crying and that makes me sick. Ross could have gone even further if the fans wouldn't have dragged him back, he could accomplished a lot more.

Wayne stands to his feet and starts to make his way walking down the steep hill.

Insane Wayne: Now, Just last night at Dynamite for my return. The fans where cheering me like I had never heard before and it made me sick!! I came back not for the fans but for myself and the world title. I came back and I took out the somewhat large figure of Anarkist with the help from Mickino Thompino who co-incidentally my tag team partner for this forthcoming dynamite. We will be facing the somewhat powerful team of Anarkist and young Joe Foale. Now in the match are 4 men, obviously! Although its questionable about young Joe Foale and his so called ''manhood''

A shadow forms behind Insane Wayne as he is approached by someone. The man clasps his hands around the neck of Insane Wayne, Wayne stands to his feet ready to punch, but doesn't and now obviously recognizes the man.

Insane Wayne: Now, I am getting little worried as a person. I seem to be acquiring more and more acquaintances as I move through the MwF and now I am unveiling my NEW manager. A man that will help me coast through to the MwF World title. The man is Ben Calver! Many of you know him and know what he is like and I can guarantee that a lot of you are scared of him.

Ben Calver: They are scared of me. Now we got to get some training in, man you where so sluggish in the ring Monday night.

Scene fades as we see Wayne and Ben Calver arguing