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Welcome to the Tons of Fun Guild website. We created this website to provide you with information about the guild so please check out the links above and below to find out all you need to know about our awesome guild. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please contact council on their account: tons_of_donations.


This site is currently under construction. As the News Site is currently on hold, we will be using this part of the website to announce any big news in the guild.

We will be announcing our first Member of the Month in August. In the mean time, we have something special planned for our members. So please stay tuned and watch the guild boards!

You may have noticed that the guild boards have been sort of quiet. To keep things alive, Ils is hosting the "Random Rambles". Every day, someone who has posted on the guild boards will win a prize. The more posts there are in that day, the bigger the prize. If the guild can become really, really active (we're talking pages of posts in one day), Ils will personally buy a faerie or baby paint brush and give it away to one random winner. So go post and post a lot! Every week there will also be a special prize for one random member who posts a joke that week. We love blonde jokes about lex! :)

The Tons of Fun Guild has its own Gallery Spotlight! Every week a different gallery will be featured on the front page of the guild with a link to the store and the owner will get a little prize (probably a faerie or codestone) for having such an awesome gallery. To be featured in the TOFG Gallery Spotlight, all you need to do is send the name of the account and a little description to smilingfortay. Every week she'll choose a new gallery to feature. It could just be you!

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