********************** Setting up Invisions File Server ********************** First go to the top bar and click "Invision" then "File Server Manager". Set the "Ad Delay (min)" to 20 Untick "All Channels" in the "Advertising Channels" the type #TMD-Moviez into the box and click the Add button. Tick "CTCP Triggers only" (may not be in older scripts) Tick "Auto Start on Connect", "Enable !Search/@Find", and "Enable !List". You can type a small list of movies you are serving or a message in the "MOTD" box. Finally set the "Terms File" to point to "terms.txt" Now click "Apply" the move over to the "Triggers" tab. Here is where we set up your trigger..... Tick "Enable #1", click the "Channels" button and make sure "All Channels" is unticked and #TMD-Moviez is set to "ON". In "Trigger 1" type anything you want (keep it short and PG rated). Tick "Allow/CTCP", then set the "Root Directory" to the folder you want to share with people And set the "Welcome File" to "server_welcome_to_tmd.txt" Now click "OK" and the file server is set up! *************** Starting the server and showing your ad ******************* In the #TMD-Moviez chat window right-click and choose "Server Controls" > "File Server", then click "Start Now". Now that the fserve has started we can display our ad. Right-click again and choose "Server Controls" > "File Server", then click "Display Ad". You should see you ad in #TMD-Moviez. ************** Final Steps *************** Join #TMD and have someone check your file server, it is best to copy your trigger from your ad and paste it in. Your complete trigger will look like "/CTCP yournickname yourtriggertext". When someone has checked your file server you may then use a TMD nickname. Type /nick TMD-yournick to change it. Now you need to register and identify your nickname. To register your nickname: type in (without quotes) "/msg NickServ REGISTER password youremailaddress". That will register your current nickname using the password and email you specify. To identify type in (without quotes) "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password" where password is the password you registered with. ************* Additional Info ************** Distro Access - You must be serving at least 3 movies for 10 days straight, 16 hours each day with a TMD nickname. When you have reached this time, join #tmd-distroaccess and request your stats. ************* Written by: TMD-Maveric on 11/12/02 ***************