Frodo and company had just arrived at Rivendell. Elrond greeted the company with much prestige and honor. They company was escorted like heroes around the beautiful courtyards and halls. Aragorn however, wanted to look for the most wonderful thing in all of Imladris. That was Arwen, the daughter of Elrond.

He went outside to look around, and he heard splashing and laughter, which sounded like a tranquil waterfall. Following it, he say a fountain, in which Elves were frollicking and swimming. On the other side of the pool, he saw the back of an elven girl. She was clad in a small skirt of red waterproof cloth, with another small strip covering her chest. She was soaked from head to toe. She was just putting on a thin white robe.

Aragorn recognized the raven haired beauty as Arwen.

“Hello once more Arwen.” He called to her from across the pool.

She spun around to look at who called her, and her face lit up the moment she saw the Dunedain ranger had arrived. She walked over to him and smiled.

“I’m glad you are finally here.” She said to him.

“As am I.” He replied with an undetectable smirk, as he looked at her. Her wet body was causing her dress to stick to her elegant, perfect figure, and spots of it could now be seen through, revealing her practically bare elvish body.

“It seems I have missed all the fun.” Aragorn said to her, motioning to the Elves all leaving the pool.

“Nonsense.” She replied. She walked towards the ladder leading into the water, and motioned for him to follow.

She untied the rope around her waist holding her robe closed, and slowly opened the front up. Aragorn gazed at the Elven beauty’s tight, toned, and flawless stomach. Her lower ribcage was taught and perfect as well. Her bare legs and sides were without blemish, and she was wearing a tempting smile.

With one swift movement, she threw her robe to the floor, revealing her entire esquisite elven physique, and gracefully dove into the pool. When she surfaced, she swung her head back, to flip her hair out of her face. Aragorn had taken off his shirt, and had jumped in after her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her. “I missed you dearly.” He whispered into her ear, as he began to slowly kiss her neck.

Without responding, she lifted her arms up and reached behind her, putting her hands on the sides of Aragorn’s face. He slid his hands slowly up her soft sides as he continued to gently kiss her. Her skin was unbelievably smooth. One of his hands crept around to rest flat on her velvety stomach, and the other continued to run up the side of her delicate ribs. She giggled softly and squirmed under his touch.

“Something the matter?” He asked her.

“My skin is just sensative, and your touch tickled a bit.” She responded explanatorily.

Elf maidens were fair, and taboo in a sense. They were never meant to be violated or touched, so their skin was sensitive and flawless.

After a few minutes of such intimacy, they were summoned to dinner. Aragorn sat across from Arwen, and they spent most of their time gazing at each other. All the while, Aragorn thought about Arwen’s ticklishness.

After dinner, they all sat and listened to songs of the Elves in the house. It grew late, and Aragorn and Arwen crept out together. They decided to go back to her room to talk privately. Arwen lay down on her side, facing Aragorn, as he sat on a chair next to her.

“This entire business of the One Ring being found frightens me, Aragorn.” “It disturbs us all.” He answered. He briefly paused, then continued, “I know a technique to remove your thoughts from that subject.” he said with a slight smile forming on his face.

He stood up, and sat down on the ledge of the bed. Arwen lay on her back, giggling softly in curiosity. He slowly undid her belt, and removed her robe from her enchanting, Elvish body. She was wearing the same revealing cloth underneath. Her beatiful bare stomach rose and fell with her breath, and her skin was smoother looking than ever.

He rested one hand on her eyes, as a signal for her to close them. He tied the belt around her wrists. Arwen was getting slightly more curious now, but had total faith in the Heir of Isildur. She kept her eyes closed, as he picked her up off the bed. He placed her on her back on some blankets that rested on the floor. He pulled her bound wrists over her head, and tied them down to the floor. He did the same to her ankles.

For a moment he stared down at the stunning elven maiden. Anyone else would have melted at the sight of such an exquisite fantasy, untouched, and completely pure, tied up and practically bare.

“Just relax.” Aragorn whispered, as Arwen tested the strength of her bonds. He placed his fingertips at her wrists, and slowly but gently dragged them down to her ribs, all the way down to her waist. Arwen tilted her head back and gasped ever so slightly, trying to maintain her composure. Aragorn let his hands float over her silky elven body, and let his flat palms rest on her lower ribs, just under her shapely curves. He could feel all her muscles tightening under his hands.

He scraped his down her stomach to her bikini bottom, and back up to the same position. She released contracted giggles, holding back as best she could. Her stunning chest, rising and lowering as she inhaled and exhaled deeply. He ran a fluttering finger around the outline of her top teasingly. She arched her upperbody off the ground with his touch, and threw her head back, releasing a slight moan and giggle.

He moved his hands to the sides of her ribs, just below her underarms. He cupped his hands around them, and started to squeeze and wiggle his fingers. She tried to pull downwards as she laughed, but her bonds held her tightly in place. As she continued to struggle, her abdomen strained, revealing more detail in her toned stomach. He kissed her abdomen gently, then dug his fingers into her skin. He prodded and scraped at her perfect stomach with his fingertips relentlessly. Her wild laugh was just as beautiful as her bare skin.

He crawled his hands slowly up to her ribcage again. He ran wiggling fingertips up and down her slightly protruding ribs , driving her wild. She laughed and tried to thrash, but was held totally in place. He placed his palms flat on her alluring stomach.

As soon as her giggling died down, he bent all of his fingertips into her stomach. He tickled wildly at her ribs and tummy, digging and prodding with no pattern. He squeezed at her sides, and then grabbed and clutched all around her stomach.

Gently fluttering his fingers at her sides, he straddled her waist, a knee on each side. He crawled his hands up her silky sides like spiders, until they reached, poised for intense tickling, at her underarms. She stared at him with pleading eyes, but was grinning and panting tauntingly. He dug all of his fingers into her smooth, bare underarms. She yelled and laughed, but it was all music to Aragorn. He wiggled his hands in her underarms, and prodded and dug into her soft skin. He tickled and clutched at her underarms, as she laughed captivatingly, He put his wrists just below her underarms, and his fingertips just above. He systematically, pulled his fingers down and up her armpits driving her wild.

He looked at her once more. Lying down, grinning widely, and her entire elegant Elvish body moving in synch with her deep breathing. He kissed her passionately on her lips, ran his curved fingers down her sides once more, then madly scraped his finger all over her soft underarms. He continued to prode and scrape and scratch at her smooth armpits for a while. She laughed, releasing mixtures of girlish giggles and hysterical squeals. Eventually he untied her. She went and lay down on her bed. She was moist with sweat, and still letting out gasps and giggles.

“Oh no.” She said suddenly

“What is it?” Asked Aragorn as he sat down next to her.

“I thought about the ring again.” She said musically, with a wild grin on her face.
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