Gell was not a very reputable man. Rather, he was quite gruff and harsh. Not affiliated to any kingdom, he spent his life slave trading, and doing whatever he needed to stay alive and make money in his mercenary lifestyle. He was however, a big man. Over six feet tall, and very muscular. He had recently heard of the black market paying big bucks for captured Forest people, so he was camping out in a cave near the forest boundaries.

As luck would have it, a forest-woman came quickly. Gell wasted no time capturing her, though all he had discovered until now was that her name was Keta. She was currently standing in his cave, her ankles bound together, and her hands chained behind her back. Gell was making sure nobody was around, and he walked back in, seeing that she was still there, just as he left her.

Keta was a beautiful creature, standing in the middle ranges of 5 feet, with shoulderblade length green hair, pointed ears, and delicate facial features. She was wearing what would be considered a short skirt, and a loose top, similar in design to a tube-top, but made of light materials unknown.

“So.” Gell said, walking closer to Keta.

“Let me go!” she yelled, “The King will hear about this!”

Gell laughed. The forest king could do nothing to him. Nor could any other kind, he belonged to no nation. Keta didn’t seem to realize that yet.

“Be quiet, I’m in charge here.” he said, with a smirk on his face.

“This is a violation of the Forest treaty!” she pleaded once more.

Gell laughed harshly, explaining his lack of affiliation. “So you see, I don’t follow those treaties.”

Keta looked at him, wide eyed and shaking. “What do you want with me?”

“Well...” he says, sizing her up and down, “You people can fetch a huge price on slave trading, so I decided to catch me one of you. But first, I gotta see why you’re worth so much.”

Gell quickly took her by the shoulder, and led her through the back of the cave. The cave opened up into a small grassy area, surrounded by high cliff walls. In the centre of this area, there is a solitary tree, with vines hanging down.

Wasting no time, Gell placed Keta’s back to the tree, and tied her wrists together, the chain running over a high branch on the other side of the tree, effectively tying her hands up tightly. He also chains her ankles around the trunk.

He took a step back, and looks at her predicament. She was completely immobile, and Gell can’t help but appreciate the look of sheer terror and helplessness on her face. The corner of his mouth twisted into a hideous sneer.

“I hear you tree dwellers are quite ticklish.” he said bluntly. Keta looked like she might faint. It was known throughout the Forest that all females of their kind were ridiculously ticklish. Tickling wasn’t done there, it was just unheard of to take advantage of such a weakness. But Gell wasn’t from the forest, and had no problem with picking on the helpless.

He touched his fingers to her bare underarms, and she let our a musical squeal. Grinning like a madman, he began to wiggle his fingertips, letting them brush along the perfectly smooth skin beneath Keta’s arms.

“Eeeeeeheeeheeee! Ahahahahaha!” Keta shrieked and laughed. Gell began to laugh along, thoroughly enjoying his tormenting of his poor captive.

He slid his fingers down, dragging his fingertips up and down along the soft area of skin just below her underarms. Keta tried frantically to escape, but all she could do was wiggle from side to side, in a very alluring manner.

“I can see why you people are so expensive!” he said, speeding his fingers up, as they flicked across her sensitive flesh.

Pressing down against her body, he slid his fingers down the soft ridges of her ribcage, easily felt through her flimsy clothing.

“AAAAAAhaaaahaaa! N-noooooohoooooheeee!!!” Her desperate pleas and screams fell on deaf ears, as Gell wrapped his fingers around the side of her ribcage, and began to squeeze.

The sensations tore into her like nothing else ever did. Her mouth was wide open, emitting cries of ticklish torment. Her torso twisted around, trying to escape the clutch of Gell’s fingertips, but he held on tightly, prodding into her delicate ribs.

Changing the tactic now, he moved his hands down to her belly. Her top rode up with her body stretched out and vulnerable, so he delicately brushed his fingertips along her skin. The lightest touch was enough to send her into hysterics.

“Tickle tickle tickle!” he taunted, as he made a claw with his hand and began to dig gently into her belly. Her laughter was quivering and unceasing.

“P-pleeeeheeeheeese! NoooHAHAHAHAHAH, HeeeHEEEE!” She tried to beg for mercy to be taken on her ticklish skin, but Gell would have denied even if he could have understood through her laughter.

Gell continued his clawing at her tummy, while he send his other hand up to play with her underarm once more. The sensation in two different areas tickled even worse than anything yet, especially since he’d constantly switch between squeezing her stomach, and squeezing her ribs.

Sweat began to drip down Keta’s face, as she was quickly losing her strength. Gell brought both hands back up to her underarms, and gently let one finger stroke back and forth.

“So, I hear that all you folk wear strings of leaves underneath your clothes. That true?”

All Keta could do was shake her head frantically, as she bit her lower lip and tried to ignore the tickly sensation in her underarms.

“Are you sure?” Gell asked, wiggling his fingers faster.
“Eeek! Yeeehehes! I’m sure!” Keta blurted out as fast as she could, trying to hold back her beautiful laughter.

Gell sneered again. “I think you’re lying to me!” and with that, he added all his fingers to the rapid scribbling of her soft hollows.

Keta’s screams filled the air again, as she once again thrashed around.

“Aaahahahahaahh!!! M-mercEEEEEHEEEHEEE!!!”

“So, do you wear those leaves?” Gell asked again.


Gell stopped tickling, and chuckled to himself. Keta looked at him, still giggling in between her heavy breathing, but eyes wide as she saw Gell brandish a knife. With masterful handling, he cut through her top, and watched it fall to the floor. As he suspected, Keta had a beautiful chain of lush leaves around her chest. The string of leaves looked as if they had somehow been intricately sown together, and fit Keta like a glove, so they ran across her breasts and around her back tightly.

Keta began to shake with fear. She was at the mercy of a madman, who was torturing her with tickling, and now was even more bare than before. Gell’s face twisted into a grin, which only increased her fear.

“Ooohh...pretty...” he said snidely, as he stroked his fingers on the front of her ribcage, just beneath her breasts. Keta squealed desperately, and began to melt into a pile of bubbly giggles as he danced his fingers up and down the sides of her ribs, like a piano. Her ribs could be seen slightly protruding, and Gell made it a point to poke and tickle each one.

“Ahhaaaaa! HeeeeeeHAAAHAAA!” She laughed and laughed, but couldn’t stop the tickling for ravaging her body.

Gell let one hand rake down her side completely, and had the other one stroke back and forth just above her navel. Having her upperbody almost totally bare was even more enjoyable for him, visually, and having more skin to torment.

He suddenly got an idea, and pulled down two vines from the tree. At the end of each vine was a very soft leaf, very light and fluffy. The two vines were just long enough that the leaves dangled about an inch in front of her underarms.

“No no no no no! EEEEEHHH!!!” her cries of protest ceased quickly, as he gave her a quick poke in the belly. Her instant reaction was a physical jerk, wish brushed her underarms against the leaves, which caused her to move around more. Gell watched her desperate squirming tickle herself for a while, then began to slide his fingers along the lines in her defined abdomen to add some light tickling, just to keep her moving.

“Beg me to tickle you!” he demanded.

“What?!” she cried out, through her uncontrollable laughter.

Gell pressed down on her hips, tickle-massaging her delicate flesh. Her mouth dropped, and she began to laugh silently, every now and then gasping for air.

“Say it!” Gell demanded again, this time she complied.

“AAAHAHAHA P-Pleeeeheeeheeessseee AAHAA TICKEEEEE TICKLE MEEHEEHEE!!!!” She managed to choke out.

“Say it like you mean it.” Gell demanded, cruelly, continuing to torment her hipbones with one hand, while his other hand was doing the same deep prodding to the skin just below her navel.

“PLEASE TICKLE ME!!!!” she screamed. It was so loud and forceful that it caught Gell off guard. He stopped tickling her, but she was still bouncing off the feathery leaves, choking girlish squeals.

“Well,” he said, watching her, “I can see why you’re so expensive. I think I’ll keep you.”
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