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Celestial Tickling
Part III
Turnabout is fair play

The Valkyries had just rescued the Angel Elysia, and their comrade Shina from the merciless torment of the Vixens. When the Valkyries overtook the two cat like creatures, they were initiating ruthless and unceasing tickle torture to the two beauties’ bare and bound bodies. The Vixens had been placed in their own chains as captives, and the other Valkyries left the area, in search of more enemies, leaving Ely and Shina, both given new clothes, to watch over them. Jera and Fareel were both on the ground, in spread eagle position, and blindfolded. Just then, Shina got a marvellous idea. “Ely...” she said, “Do you remember what it was like being tormented by them?” “Of course, it was awful.” replied the innocent Angel, clearly not on the same wavelength of the beautiful warrior woman. “Well, maybe it’s time for a bit of payback, hm?” She said, a mischievous smirk growing on her face. Much to her surprise, Elysia matched her grin. “Great idea, let’s give these two a dose of their own medicine!” Jera and Fareel were now frantically trying to break free from their bindings, but it was pointless. Ely knelt next to Fareel, and Shina next to Jera. Shina and Ely both started to pull away the red cloth the Vixens wore as a miniskirt, and their red bikini tops. They tossed the clothes away. The two Vixens had breathtaking bodies. Looking at them squirm helplessly, you’d never guess the immense strength they possessed. They looked delicate and fragile, with the slightest hint of definition in their abdomen. Their breasts were perfectly rounded. All in all, their bodies were the typical male fantasy. Immediately, Shina began to rub her index finger up and down Jera’s underarm. Jera’s delicate body writhed and squirmed to the limit that the chains would allow. She tried her best to hide her laughter, but she was unable to control the flow of giggling once Shina clawed both of her hands into her smooth tummy. Ely on the other hand, had gone straight for Fareel’s slightly protruding ribs. With her thumbs on the front of Fareel’s ribs, and her fingers curled around behind, she squeezed and clutched, making her ticklish victim squeal with laughter. “N-noooo! Heeheeehee! No morrrrrre! HAHAHAHAHA!” Yelled Fareel, as Ely began to poke each individual rib, while raking her other hand up and down her tightly stretched side. The touch of delicate fingers dancing around her fully exposed body was to tickly to bare. Vixens were never used to being controlled, so the vulnerability only added to the torment. Fareel didn’t know what to do, as her sexy skin was harassed by the stimulating onslaught of tickling. Jera was handling the torment equally as poorly. Shina was getting her full revenge and then some, scribbling her fingers up and down her taut stomach and ribs, adding just the right amount of pressure to send her feline victim into hysterics. The Vixens were begging through their uncontrollable laughter, but it fell on deaf ears. Elysia was scratching her nails down the front of Fareels ribcage, while Shina was squeezing every part of Jera she could get her hands on. Ely continued to scrape up and down Fareel’s front with her left hand, while with her right, she rubbed her fingers up and down Fareel’s underarm. Being tickled at two different places at once drove the sexy cat-like creature nuts. “HAHAHAHAHA! HEEEHAAA! STAHAHAHAHA!!!” “Does this bother you, my vulnerable little tickle toy?” Ely taunted. What a thing it was, to see an Angel be so cruel. Revenge has strange effects on people. Shina was teasing her ticklish victim as well, saying things like “kitchie kitchie koo..” before plunging wiggling fingers somewhere on Jera’s naked body. “Hey, Shina..I have an idea..” Ely said, still absent mindedly scraping her fingertips over Fareel’s sweaty body. “What is it?” Shina asked. “Why don’t we make the Vixens tickle each other? And the loser of the fight will be tickled by both of us.” “Sounds great to me.” A moment later, the Vixens were sitting upright, each of their right ankles still attatchedto the ground on a longer chain. The vixens were told the rules, and were determined not to lose, even if they were allies. “I don’t want to be tortured by both of them, I’m afraid I have to turn on Jera.” Fareel thought. “I don’t want to have to fight Fareel, but better her than me.” Thought Jera. A moment later, Fareel lunged at Jera’s waist, and began to squeeze as much as she could, as Jera bucked under her. In a desperate attempt, she raked her fingers down Fareel’s stomach, stunning her enough, and making her release Jera. Jera quickly took the advantage, and grabbed ahold of Fareel’s left wrist. She quickly dug her fingers into Fareel’s exposed underarm, while she writhed on the floor, trying to twist out of Jera’s grip. From the floor, Fareel shot her fingers right into Jera’s underarm, exposed from holding Fareel’s wrist up. Soon, both girls had one of their underarms forcefully exposed and tickled. Fareel was the more ticklish, and had to break off her attack, allowing Jera to reorganize her tactics. She straddled Fareel, her arms pinned at her sides, and began to flutter her paws over the other’s breasts, making her writhe under her body. However, Fareel’s fingers twitched against Jera’s inner thighs, causing her to fall off of Fareel. Fareel quickly ripped Jera’s arms above her head on the ground, and sat on them, so Jera’s head was in her lap, and her underarms exposed right before her. Grinning wickedly, she drove all her wiggling fingers into Jera’s underarms and ribs, driving her wild with laughter. After a few moments of this, Jera brought her legs up, and in a feat of flexibility and strength, kicked Fareel in the face. While she was stunned, Jera quickly got up, and pounced on her, prodding and raking her fingers wherever she could, as Fareel writhed helpless beneath her. After a few moments, Shina and Ely called a halt. It seemed that poor Fareel had lost the match. Moments later, she was tied back down, more firmly this time. She had bonds around her elbows and just above her knees, rendering her completely immobile. “Jera..” Shina said to the other Vixen, “We’ll spare you on one condition.” “Oh? Rrrrrreally? And what’s that?” Jera said, not in the mood to bargain with her captors. “You help us tickle Fareel. And if you turn on us, you’ll regret it.” After very little convincing, Jera agreed. Fareel was blindfolded, and immediately attacked by six hands, wiggling all over her ribcage. The sensation caused Fareel to start screaming and laughing. “AAAAAAH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! N-NOAAAHAHAHAHA!!!” She could barely do anything other than shriek, as her bonds held her firmly in place. Jera began to rather enjoy herself, and started to rake her furry paws down Fareel’s completely vulnerable sides, while Shina focused on prodding and massaging her stomach. Ely busies herself with merciless tickling of the sexy Vixen’s underarms. Shina moved her tickling fingers all over the front of Fareel’s naked torso, stopping once more at her stomach. She wrapped her hands around her victim’s waist squeezing and tickling. Jera had started fluttering her paws over Fareel’s chest, while Ely poked and tormented her slightly protruding ribs. Thirty tickling fingers was the most intense any of the four had experienced (Other than Elysia). Jera thought she might go insane. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t see. She couldn’t wiggle. All she could do was scream and laugh, as she felt the fingers moving over her ribs, stomach and breasts. She felt ceaseless scribbling down her sides, teasing of her breasts, and non stop tickling of her smooth, bare underarms. Fareel was dripping with sweat. The girls had given up on patterns, and there fingers were competing to tickle any bare skin that became available. “What’s going on here!?” said the captain Valkyrie from behind them. The other girls had returned.