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The Sandman

EWE's Only Full Pledged....DRUNK!

INFO: Roleplay: 2   -   EWE Record: Won: 01  Lost: 00  Drawn: 00   -   Contact Info   -   Layout Made By Blaine Young

EWE Achievements: None Yet


Next Match: Sandman vs. Raven

Beer, Sex, & Violence

... Politically Incorrect and damn proud of it ...

The Sandman and Michael Cole are here again, this time inside of the club Babydolls. They get seated by the stage of the dancers. Which should satisfy them both. Sandman watches as Cole annoys him.

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "So, Sandman, how do you feel about Total Annihilation when you won your match, but by DQ?"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Yeah, really, I know. Can I get a few beers over here?!"

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "What?"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Who?"

The waitress comes by and puts down a couple glasses of beer. The Sandman pays the kind lady, even leaving a little tip. She walks off. A new dancer comes to the stage, as Sandman watches on.

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "Have you planned for Slammin this week? Against Raven?"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Riight, riight."

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "Uhm, okay?"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Shut up, damn it. Do you not see what's infront of you?"

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "Well, yes --"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Then shut up."

The women procede to dance for a while. Cole's eyes light up as he watches intensly. The show takes a short intermission after a while. Sandman sits back in his chair with his hands behind his head, drinking some more beer.

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "Wow, this is awesome."

Sandman pretty much ignores Cole as he looks around the room.

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "So, Cole, do you know when my next match is in EWE?"

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "Yes, it's tonight!"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Well, hell. I guess we're going to have to leave early. Well, we have time for one more dancer."

A deep voice comes from around the club, and the lights dim, close to all the way out.


An erotic dance music begins to play as an exotic looking, big breasted woman stepped out behind a blue curtain. A big smile came across Sandman's face. Cole looked in amazement at the woman. She has a purple vale across her mouth and part of her nose. A long skirt from her lower hips down to her ankles. And a top, don't know what kind, use your imagination. She belly dances around before taking the skirt from her hips and throwing it ontop of Michael Cole's head. Sandman chuckles.

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Hehehe, you like that, huh?"

Cole didn't say anything, he was mesmorized after taking the skirt from his head. She then took her top off, and began to pole dance. Sandman looked at his watch, but didn't look as if the time was important right now. They proceed to watch Jasmine until she is done. After she walks backstage, Cole begins to get up and walk towards the backstage. Sandman yanks him down to his chair though.

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Where tha hell do you think you're going? We gotta get out of here." [ Sandman drinks the rest of his beer and tosses it aside. The glass conveniently hits a man that was standing behind the Sandman. ]

-|[ Scary Big Man ]|- "Hey mutha fucka. Who do you think you are?"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- [ Standing from his chair. ] "I beg your pardon?"

-|[ Scary Big Man ]|- "Don't act like you didn't hear me."

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "Oh, I heard you. I just wanted to make sure you wanted to get into this."

-|[ Scary Big Man ]|- "Is that a threat pun --"

Sandman decks him in the nose with hard right, followed by a jab to the gut. This causes the Scary Big Man to fall back into a table, where a bunch of young hoodlums where sitting. And guess what? A brawl fight ensues throughout the entire bar! Then dancers jump, run, and leave to the nearest exit as beer bottles fly all around the bar room. Crashes of glass hitting the ground and tables being broken. One of the hoodlums go after Sandman, but he takes him by the shirt and launches him over the bar table. A bunch of beer and wine bottles fall onto the hoodlum. Michael Cole cowers under a table, not wanting to be harmed. Sandman stands up on the stage and grabs a beer, opening it and holding it the air, taking it all down. "Enter The Sandman" by Metallica plays on the stage. Where did that come from? Sandman throws the beer to the side and leaps off the stage at a bunch of guys brawling with each other. Some of them go down, then again some punch on Sandman. Sandman grabs a beer bottle and smashes it over some long haired dudes forehead. Sandman grabs a picture off the wall and throws it, just for the hell of it. Guys who are friends are even beating the shit out of each other. Sandman pulls out a Singapore Cane and begins to smack people with it. Shots to the ribs, to the head, to the back, all over the place. Sandman was happy with his work, so he left the bar. Cole ran out behind him, obviously scared about what just happened.

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "What was that all about!?"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "What?"

-|[ Michael Cole ]|- "That -- that -- that battle royal in there!"

-|[ The Sandman ]|- "You don't get out much, do you?"

Sandman shakes his head as he jumps into his pick up. Cole jumps in, just quick enough before Sandman drives off without him.