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So here are a few of the lucky ones I decided to add to the cast of my life (at the moment)

It was getting a little too close for comfort, so I've disguised some of the names to protect the innocent.
I found and became quite addicted to And that is where I made my cast. It's a shame the male characters are very limited.

The WeatherPixie



The current mood of at

In an ideal world I'm a dreamer who gets to make hearts appear in mid air.
My sister, B
My lovely sister. How she is still single is beyond me. Maybe she is just too introverted. She claims she prefers her dog's company anyway.
The sweet, if sometimes over-emotional and psycho, man in my life.
J - a lonely soul who makes everyone a project.
Mg - Perhaps the one personality I identify with the most right now. She's too nice and gets trampled on far too much. Very sad for such a beautiful woman. CC - can you say highly strung and irate? Breathe too loudly on a bad day and she might snap.
C - Virgin/not ... I don't think she knows which one she is yet. She's travelling on the road of imitation and she changes dramatically when different people are around.
iss A - Fake to the core. If you're not offering anything to up her social standing you're only worth a lame "hello".
S - Very quick witted, but often not knowing how to channel that wit. Perhaps the less said about him the better :)
Del-boy - He's way too stylish. But I did my best - looks a bit gay though... hehe - sorry Del!
Steve - maybe the best thing that's ever happened to me. He's happily married (at least he was the last time I checked), but he had a heart of gold and made me cackle with laughter. 
Vic - Another good one. I let him slip when I flew away, but he was too young for me. (dirty old pervert me!) He was too old for his physical age, too many problems and just a bit too much reality for one so young.