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This Is The End, I'm Afraid..


I guess I never expected it to come this, well, no, I knew it would come to this, but I didn't know it'd come to this right now. Not so soon, but I guess it does, It's 99.99% official that is done for, why? Because the guy running it, got bored of it. And with AG goes SzU too, I believe. Right now, I'm broke, thus there's no way I'll buy myself hosting and a domain, as much as I'd like to, this, sadly, ends the story of SaiyanZ Unlimited, although, maybe someday in the future, if I get a proper host SaiyanZ Unlimited gets revieved, but it's just a maybe, after all, maybe the site'll have a different name?

I truly do not know, but in any case, this is the end of SaiyanZ Unlimited, the site that was going to jump into version 2, but never made it, before the host quit, I must say, 'Twas fun while it lasted, and I got a hell of a lot more hits than I had expected I'd ever get, in the first place, thanks to everyone who ever visited SaiyanZ Unlimited, while it was running, it was a small site, but still, it was fun while it lasted, see ya sometime in the future, I hope!

- Forgotten, Webmaster, on 2th of June, 2003.