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The Gods
Welcome To The Gods

If you are reading this then you have just been voted into The Gods. If you have not, please leave this page now.


This page is a quick overview for new God members, to give you all an idea of what sort of things will be happening in The Gods. Please read the following carefully and dont forget to go to The Gods website and agree to The Gods Rules.

The Gods Website

The Gods Website provides information on all the members of The Gods, a list of our allies and enemies, The Gods Rules, a list of totally pathetic lamers, very useful links and more. Please check it often to make sure you know of any new changes.

Go To Website


Although not compulsary, The Gods meetings occur at least once a week and provide information on upcoming events, discussions and other things you really should know. We also use meetings to vote in new members and other plans for The Gods. If you dont attend meetings then you cant vote on the things which could effect you.
Members will be informed via PM of upcoming meetings.


Members of The Gods may attend training classes on a variety of topics including HTML and Programming. Although I currently dont know exactly what classes will run and when, you can contact Omni for more information.

The Gods Files

The Gods files are our files which God members donate. These files are then uploaded so all the God members can download them whenever needed. When you donate a file, pm Nytemare Forsaken for a password to access The Gods files. Only those who donate files will be given access.

Go To Website

Message From Omni

*some message from omni to new God members*

Copyright 2003 - Stephen Caporn - Nytemare Forsaken