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_______________________________________________________ |WeLcOme| heyLo! thanks for dropping by my payge. It`s very simpLe juss the way I Like things to be.. hehe and don`t you love that pLayBoy BunnY over there? weLL my fuLL name is DayriL Anne DecuLing. But everyone juss caLLs me D-Anne or Anna. I am 14 years oLd. Yes I am a youngin` my birthday is on December 28. I live in the small ass city Winnipeg, where everyone practicaLLy knows each other somehow. I am educated at M.C.I and i`m in S1. I am currentLy unboyfriended i`ve been a hurt a few times and i`m sort of not Looking.. my old bestfriend toLd meeh you shouLdn`t go to that speciaL someone they shouLd come and find you.. so yeah.. but if you wanna chat juss add me on msn nething eLse juss sign my guestbook I Love em` hits. They make me smiLe!!! Yeah.. weLL juss read and don`t forget to hit up my guestbook. _______________________________________________________ |ThE DaY iN MaH LiFe|

mood/feeLing =) needing you!!!! missing tha person who makes me =) hating nuttin... Luving no one yet...

|FeBrUaRy TwEnTy-EiGhT| WeLL HAPPY BIRTHDAY LESLIE!!! weLL yeah since her birthday doesn`t come this year.. Juss came home from girL`s night out with mah mom and sister. LOL. S`aLL good and now I`m babysitting. today was aLrite. In the morning I went to Shane`s with Lambert. They friggin aLL sat on meeh. Then Nhey cracked my ankLe.. it was by accident hey? And you juss jumped on aLL of us by accident? Shane put me in Like a headLock and he bit my nose!!!!! He bit my fukn nose!! It hurtso much I was Like tearing.. yeah at schooL it was a usuaL schooL day... Hey guys WUT IF??? hahaha... yeah weLL that`s it for now.. tomorrow I`LL be babysitting, then going to PoLo to buy my dream then baLLing at eLwick finaLLy... _______________________________________________________
|YoU aRe GrEaTnEsS|
*MayreLyn Deculing*JayriL DecuLing*Justin Banaga*Sherie MadLangsakay*Cynthia Ramos*CharLene Ramos*Jeff AreLLano*Edward Gerardo*Jeanette Gerardo*Jan Leo Ferrer*Eric Ferrer*Amanda Ruiz*P.j Ruiz*Ejay Mina*JhuneLL Mina*Marian Mina*Mary Grace Cacao*AnnabeLLe Adriano*Kezia CapuLong*RaqueL Cruz*Joy BaLLesteros*NicoLe Urrutia*LeiLa Esteban*Rio GonzaLes*Lambert Duque*Shane Martin*Chi Tu*John Foh*Andrew Jimeno*Arbie BaLajadia*RheneLL Garcia*RaLph Dayao*Justin Cansino*Christian Espino*JeueL Pana*Arvine Granados*DaryL MajuL*Chris Roque*J.P DaLton-HAwkins*Steven Vuong*Berniedette Pastorn*Marissa Mapatac*DarLene Tabing*Daisy Munoz*Sean O`NeiL*Jeremy Medina*CrystaL SoLano*LesLie Cayetano*Trisha Ramos*Margeaux Santos*Charmaine Orate*ALLison EspadiLLa*Ryan Garcia*
_______________________________________________________ |LoVe| Everyone Looks at Love at different perspectives, some peopLe describe Love as a game, undescribabLe feeLing, heaven and heLL. Now that I had those taLks with peopLe.. I question if I ever was in Love? Or was I juss in a dream and Living it because it was better than reaLity. But iunno...LoVe IsN`t aLwAyS pErFeCt LoVe Is LoVe. Here`s a LiL sumpin eLse too... Everyday I wait for you,And sometimes I even cry.Every night I sit aLone, Askin myself why? Why did you have to Leave me here, Alone with my broken heart? Why did you have to stopcaring? These questions tear me apart. Why did you have to Lie to me? And say that you`d be there. Why did u have to say you Liked me? When you didn`t really care. Why did you Lie to my face? And say you feLt the same. Why did you Look me in the eyes, And softLy say my name? Why did u said we be together? When you knew you`d break my heart. Why did you said we`d work things out? When you never pLanned to start. Why did you smiLe sweetLy? When you know you`d say good-bye. And why did you teLL me that you stiLL cared, When you knew that it was just a Lie! _______________________________________________________

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