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Toilet Paper Heaven

Welcome To The Toilet Paper Survey

The agenda here is the debate between folding and bunching of the toilet paper when wiping. If your name and preference is not here and you have imed me at jakeOkeefe00 or EMAIL me at, then im me again, its most likely i didnt get your message.

And so it goes, here are the preferences shared by others:

(Wraping is considered folding)

Scotia Is Gay (10:38:34 PM): ok, here it goes: if there is a lot of toilet paper, you take like 8 squares and bunch it all up so you know theres not chance of getting shit on your hand. but what if you are shorthanded? you only have one square left, and you want to walk away from this situation as clean as possible!! so you fold many times and carefully find a grasp between the forefinger and thumb, taking EVERY precaution and measurement of safety. either way, if possible, it gets folded once at the end before it goes to the toilet water, just for reassurance that all will be shit-free in moments.

Jboogie51 (8:28:02 PM): i dont use toilet paper

kruked116 (8:52:20 PM): anyone who doesnt fold, obviously likes to finger there butt.

ACowgirl2406 (9:16:26 PM): toilet paper is not origami... you bunch

JamalBlacky : Folding is better but just today i did something. After a firm shiting, STOOD, as i alwayse do and began to fold looking down at my acomplishment realized the time it just took me to do that, and realizing that im seconds away from covering it with shit, i then droped it into the toilet, tore aother strip from the role, CRUMPLED, it up and cleaned my self......Not Bad.

albinoleprachaun : i bunch it up

goneshreking : i roll it arouind my hand

Falcon438 : Folding is WAY too much effort.

tod stevens (8:49:18 PM): bunch the fucking toilet paper... it keeps your fingers surrounded in a nice layer of protection so that they dont get covered with feces.

Imarabbit1 (9:39:28 PM): wrap it around my hand

DumbWhtGuy (9:38:35 PM): fold

d r u i d ess 83 (8:52:56 PM): bunch

Hola621 (9:39:10 PM): definately a buncher

violet2200 (9:38:27 PM): bunchity bunch

InneBean27 (9:45:41 PM): ....... bunch- haha

VALL 709 (9:45:21 PM): def bunch! But I guess if I had a lot of free time I would fold it.

BenSteadwell (9:45:01 PM): bunch
BenSteadwell (9:45:15 PM): unless im drunk then i meticulously fold so i dont smear myself

swampKITTY9865 (9:53:11 PM): bunch.. folding takes too long

M a L a K yT aGs (5:54:01 PM): I use a crumpling action to attain maximum roughage area. The slight breaks and bends created by crumpling act as small scrapers or shovels to more efficiently remove fecal matter from the rectal walls.

Twiggy1251 (9:58:17 PM): haha I would have to go with bunch

NutNbutSocks (10:01:54 PM): fold
NutNbutSocks (10:02:09 PM): i dont trust bunching

Diablo Vegeta (2:55:27 PM): you obviously fold it...whoever says folding takes too much time is fucking retarded. it takes one second. if you bunch because you believe it is better for performance, thats fine. but dont be a fucking moron. by the way, folding creates more surface area and your hand wont slip and get shit on it

Gamez4all (10:46:14 PM): mmm folding...unless Im in a rush

KateO123 (7:28:43 PM): KOK definitly bunches!

NordicSkee (10:11:37 PM): It depends how it goes
NordicSkee (10:11:49 PM): usually bunch

"Ashley Ryder" : One time when i was younger my dad told me to fold it. And i said why would i do that for one it takes a long time and is just so much fun to bunch, but this is when i was little. I have kept with my ways and today i am addicted to bunching

Angi816 (6:54:10 PM): i definetely bunch....takes too much time to do all the folding, plus who thinks about the stuff when they are in the bathroom?

SuperRobin4 : who the hell folds?

Me: Bunching for life

Fold - 7
Bunch - 21
Hand - 1
