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70s invasion Downloads page 14

. . A True Love Story Never Ends. . .

. . so we would have began this section with a fantastic song from 1968 by ADAMS ' The Bible', but no one ever posted it online that we know of, so then . .

Reverence is a perception of the soul.

To live with reverence means being willing to say, "That is Life, we must not harm it," and "Those are our fellow humans, we must destroy them, " and mean it. It means reexamining the way we treat the members of the animal kingdom that serve us so patiently. It means recognizing the rights of the Earth.

That the Earth has rights is a concept that is not even present in our species yet.

" Ask and you shall receive" is the rule, but you must learn

how to ask and how to receive.

The intellect is meant to expand perceptions, to help you grow in perceptual strength and complexity, and not to do harm. The experiences of the intellect are experiences of knowledge. Knowledge is power, and for each level of knowledge, you are held responsible for how you use it. Knowledge that simply comes into your being and does not in some way or form become processed and used to the benefit of others can have a seriously detrimental effect upon your body. Karmic obligations that are created by deliberate misuse of knowledge, by knowingly harming or creating discord in another, are greater than those that are created in ignorance.

Intuition serves inspiration. It is the sudden answer to a . . . question. . . It is the meaning that takes form in the fog of confusion. It is the Light that comes to the darkness. It is the presence of the Divine.

excerts from 'Seat of the Soul' by Gary Zukav

. * . . The spirit of man has two dwelling places, both in this world and in the other world. The borderland between them is the third, the land of dreams. - Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad.