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We had to use angelfire for the media server, but everything should work ^____^.

 » SCC - A day in the Park
 » SCC - Heads Up
 » SCC - House in the Tree Beyond
 » SCC - Instrumental
 » SCC - Jesus Loves You
 » SCC - Mexican Food
 » SCC - 3 Cocks and a Pussy

 » Mat T - Introduction to Mat T


» Webmaster
Nate (me) will in control of some of the shit that goes on and makes layouts and shit.
» What to expect
Everything in here is will be awesome shit, funny, silly, rude, fuck who cares!
» Music
Music will be ranging from cheap midi's to some cool shit, Expect some "phat beats" from the talented Chris Spatz. w00t!
» Help Make Us Better
Submit anything and everything to us, pics, movies, music. Whatever we don't give a shit. Just email it to us.
» Spread the Word
Tell people about the site and spread the word, let everyone know!!!
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Layout and shit by Nate, all media and content contributed by various d00ds