Breaks a Little More

Part 4/?
Author: Elf and Imp
Pairing(s): Ryou/Yami no Ryou
Disclaimer: If Yugioh was mine to own, The show would be Eccentric! But since I can't and since I don't, I just wrote this Fan-fic! ^.^;;;
Rating: PG
Summary: Ryou Bakura thinks about one Yami Bakura while standing in the snow.
Category(s): Romance/Angst


Chapter Four: Rain, Rain

~*~*~*~* 3 months after the incident in Balm. ~*~*

I was out walking. My Yami had become a little less severe. I was beaten less often. Sometimes, all the cuts had healed and all the bruises had faded away before I was taught another lesson.

Sometimes, my Yami would sit beside me on the couch and complain about the stupidity and unlikeliness of a TV show, or a Movie.

I had almost laughed last month when we had watched an American movie, The Matrix. He had been extremely outraged by its contents. He hated technology, and the thought of it turning us into batteries had sent him into fits of rage. It had been so bad he even attacked the TV with a baseball bat, and glared at the toaster in suspicion for days after.

It was spring, now, and rained almost everyday. I was walking in the light drizzle, headed for the coast. I climbed up and onto a rocky outcropping and stared at the Ocean.

Oceans have always held a certain amount of appeal to me, but I'm not sure why. They seemed to have emotions, to _BE_ emotions. The ocean is always described with words for emotion. Its calm, or angry, or restless.

Right now, the ocean was restless, and all the waves had foamy white caps, bring to mind my Yami, Bakura.

He was different now, that was for sure. He no long was who he used to be. I remember thinking to myself that when I looked at him, I didn't see anything.

I can not say that now. When I look at my Yami, I see something there; something that grew from the recent incidents.

I sighed as the clouds darkened, and thunder rumbled; the winds picked up, and rain came down in torrents. I stood, headed for home. I stepped in the door and dashed upstairs, into the bathroom to take a warm bath. The door swung open, and Bakura glared at me for a moment, my shirt dangling from my finger tips.

He snorted, his eyes skittering away and he tossed me a towel.

"You trailed water in, baka." He snapped, closing the door with quick, sharp movements.

I turned and set the towel on the rack, finished stripping, and turned the water on hot.

Yes, there was something there when I looked at my Yami. He didn't look like nothing to my eyes anymore.

Yami Bakura looked like rain.


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