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1 prologue remembering and knowing


Once the vampire with a soul fulfills his destiny, he will Shanshu.  He will live until he dies.  He will become human.




            He fought waking much as a small child fights sleep.


            Keeping his eyes closed, he stretched his toes to the end of the bed and reached his arms to the ornate headboard.  These minutesusually no more than ten of them at a time, each of them preciouswere the best part of his day.  Certainly on a day like today, following last nights horrible party with the taunting masses and Cecilys rejection, he needed to relish those moments.


            In that time between dreaming and waking, he has the words.  Fueled by dreams, he has the poetry.


            Darkness, he thought on this particular morning, his brow creasing.  So much darkness to write about.  It seemed as though hed spent an entire night dreaming of… night.


            A dark woman, beautiful and abysmal in her lightlessness.  How many words could he find for black?  For dark?  But


            just before hed waked, there was light, licks of fire and eye-searing light.  Effulgent, he thought, wincing from the previous evenings memory of Cecily.  From his memory, though, a different voice accompanied the fire


            I love you.


            What?  Who was that?  He squeezed his eyes tighter shut, saline moisture leaking out the corners as he tried to see her behind his eyelids.  It struck him that he wouldnt have the words, any of the words, for her.  He didnt have the speech to describe


            Buffy! he gasped, sitting straight up in the huge bed he was nestled in.  Scrubbing a hand over his face, he mumbled in a much different voice, I wanna see how it all ends.


            He remembered, and in remembering, knew.


            I am William Bryce, he said conversationally to the empty room, the classy timbre of his voice showing his breeding.  But when he spoke again, the hard edge of the London gutter broke through.


            I am Spike.



2.1 walking and walking


 She was happy.


            How could she not be?  For the first time in her life, not counting her brief interlude in heaven, she had the opportunity to be at peace.  She was not the Chosen One, she was not even one of the Chosen Two.  There were countless Slayers now, and she could rest when she wanted to rest and slay when she needed to slay.  Nearly everyone she loved came out of the battle alive. 


            It was that nearly everyone part that was killing her.


            Theyd driven to L.A., to tell Angel that the danger had been averted, that the impossible had been done.  As Giles had told Angel, Well, theres not what seems to be an imminent threat.  This plus the addition of countless Slayers should, ah, lighten your work load a bit.


            She stayed in a hotel with the others, shopped and laughed and felt a tremendous sense of relief.


She waited a week and a half before the dam broke, before the questions shed kept to herself spilled out of her with anger and hurt she didnt even know were there.


            What the hell was it?  Buffy slammed the door to Angels office, shattering the glass.  He didnt even flinch, which somehow pissed her off even more.


            It was just a sheet of glass, he said calmly, raising an eyebrow at the shards on the floor.  But now Id say its a hazard.


            What was that necklace? What power did it have that it could that it could do that to him?  She planted her palms on his desk and stared into his eyes, looking for any reason to pick a fight.  Any reason to break the impossible quiet that had fallen. 


            Angel felt a lump rise in his throat and pushed it away ruthlessly.  She hadnt spoken at all about what happened to Spike, and no one else really seemed to know.  All they knew was that he was the last one left, and the last person hed called for had been Buffy.


            Of course he had, Angel thought.  Hed loved her.  The thought made him want to spit, to try and clear his mouth of the bitterness that gathered there, but he continued staring straight at Buffy, his eyes unreadable. 


            I told you it was meant for a champion.  More than human.  Neither of which I would actually attribute to Spike, he thought.  Thats all we knew.


            It fucking burned him alive! she exclaimed, shaking her head so he couldnt focus on her eyes.  It wouldnt do for him to see the tears.  She had to know.  Burned him alive from the inside out.  And he was scared, Angel.  He tried not to show it, and he was laughing through it all, but  She shoved the heels of her hands up her face, swiping the tears away.  Hes dead.


            I know, Angel said, hurting for her.  In a way, he hurt for Spike as well.  Somewhere in that twisted mass of siring and bloodlust, he had been responsible for Spike.  And his death meant one more lost soul.


            Maybe not lost, Angel amended.  He didnt want to push any harder than that.  Theology wasnt his strong suit by a long shot.


            He died for me.  For all of us, she insisted.  He died and rejected my last words to him.  But even though the memory of that twisted like a burning skewer through her brain and heart, she knew why hed done it.


            If he hadnt, she would have stayed.  Staying, she would have died.


            Im leaving, she said.  I wanted you to know.


            That broke his calm, his monotonous expression and unchanging demeanor.  He stood to face her, now towering over her small frame.  What?  You just got here.  Youre not even a fortnight away from the biggest battle youve ever been through, youre not even completely healed yet, and youre leaving?  Leaving where?


            Buffys lips quirked.  That was the largest number of words shed heard him string together in quite some time. 


            She missed Spikes rants.


            I dont know.  Well, not exactly.  Im looking for quiet, Angel, a place where I can concentrate on me, focus on what I want.  Focus on bringing Dawn up and maybe even myself.  Los Angeles isnt that, Angel.  Its too loud, its too fast.  I was thinking she broke off, playing with a pencil that sat on the edge of his desk and wondering if Angel knew how dangerous it was to keep sharpened wood so close at hand.  I was thinking somewhere in the Midwest.  I want to be bored. 


            It wasnt entirely true, but it was close enough.  She wanted to forget the last seven years, forget any of it had ever happened.  Forget Angel and Angelus, her failure with Riley, her rejection of Spike.  Her dishonesty to Spike.  Her dishonesty to herself.


            <God, Im going crazy,> she thought.


            What about Willow? Angel asked, hating the note of desperation in his voice.  And Xander, Giles, Faith.  The new Slayers.


            They all want to help, she said wearily.  So happy birthday, Angel, I brought you an army.


            I dont want an army, he burst back, knowing she was already gone.  I want you!


            Ill say goodbye before I leave, she insisted quietly, and crunched over broken glass as she walked out the door.           




            It was like, William thought, being torn in two. 


            Whats for breakfast, mum?  He pushed his spectacles up a little and saw the shocked look his mother gave him.  Sorry.  Mother.


            Well, darling, Eliza has some ham on and also a rasher of bacon.  There are biscuits in the tin if youve a need for food immediately.  She patted her hair and moved to the chair at the head of the table.


            I killed you, the street voice said in his head.  Killed me own mum cause Id turned her--


            William, she said sharply, rapping her knife against the hard wood of the table.  Arent you paying any attention?  Her face softened and she smiled as he looked back up at her.


            There now, he thought.  I can see a bit of that demon  Im sorry, mother, my sleep was restless.  I beg your pardon.  Williams eyes narrowed in distress.  The thoughts he was having were unimaginable.


            They felt like the cold, hard, truth.  Truth was something hed been a bit too sheltered from in his life, and now that he was faced with a truth so bizarre it was laughable, he didnt know what to do.


            I was just expressing my curiosity as to your plans this evening.  Had you planned on calling on Cecily this afternoon?  She looked quite lovely last night.


            She looked like a cruel, ball-breaking bint, she did.  Lovely like a bleedin shark is lovely.


Im afraid not, mother.  Cecily is—”


 A tease only a soddin blind idiot could love.


“—indisposed, William finished, nearly out of breath with his efforts to control his voice and his thoughts.  And since when was it so bloody hard to breathe?


Since it hadnt been necessary to do so for a great long time.


Well, William, I think you should take a rest before noontime, his mother said, her brow wrinkled with concern.  You look as though you were up all night.


No, he thought, neither William nor Spike but finally an agreement of both.  Only for a hundred and some years.


3.2 leaving and looking


Indiana?  Angel made a face that strongly resembled a four-year-old presented with peas.  Buffy


            She was sick and tired of his whining.  She was sick and tired of his begging her to stay.  She never thought shed see the day when she was just plain sick and tired of Angel.  But for once, she could see how one would want to give in to the overwhelming urge to call him a nancy-boy.  Biting her tongue, she sighed.  Im only saying this one more time.  I want quiet, and I want Dawn to see snow at Christmastime.  We will visit.  We will write.  We will call.  We will be fine.  The speech took on the cadence of rote memorization, as well it should.  Shed only said the same damned thing a hundred times.


            She had changed. 


            In the time between the school bus arrival of Buffys motley crew and now, she had changed.  He wished he could say when or what had changed her, but he knew the exact moment.  When hed admitted to her that theyd known next to nothing about the necklace theyd given Spike, shed all but shut down. 


            She blamed him.  Though she might not realize it and might not mean to, Angel knew her.  He knew she was blaming him for Spikes death.  He figured one more pointed finger among the thousands didnt make that much of a difference.  But because it was her finger, delicate and irrationally strong, it hurt all the more.


            We could have found another way, was all she said when he tried to broach the subject again. 


            We will be fine, Buffy reassured him softly, bringing him back to the moment.  She stepped forward with a hand extended just as he stepped forward with his arms open.  She saw the hurt flash over his face at her gesture and quickly changed her stance.  When she embraced him, he was stiff with the awkwardness of it.  Before he could say anything, she released him and walked outside where her friends waited.


            A hug for Xander, a quick kiss on the lips.  Tears glittered in his remaining eye, and Buffy started the count in her head.  One, for Anya.  Anya whose death made Xander gone to nearly everyone but himself.  One for a death that wouldnt have happened had it not been for Buffy and her mission.


            A hug for Willow and a whispered reassurance in her ear.  You know, if Kennedy doesnt work out and you cant hook up with Portia de Rossi, you can always come visit me.  Check out the Midwest farmers daughters.’”  Two, for Tara.  Tara who died from a gunshot meant for Buffy. 


            A hug for Giles, and the extra moment to bury her face in the softness of his shirt, inhale the smell that was Giles: the soap he used to make shaving lather and the smell of tea.  She wouldnt cry, she promised herself.  He smoothed her hair down with his big hands like a father, and she added another to her list.  Three, for Jenny.  She didnt even want to think about that one.


            A handshake for Faith, her quick grin that spoke volumes, more than words between them ever could.  In that fast and clever grin, Buffy saw the good times theyd had together, the hard truths theyd shared.  The things about them that had been the same.  Four, for Faith herself and her lost years.  If youd only stayed gone, then she wouldnt have had someone to compete with.  She would have been what she was meant to be.          


            Waves to Wesley, Andrew, Robin, and the Slayers who were still in L.A.


            Gently ushering Dawn into the taxi that idled at the curb, Buffy took one last look at the sky and buildings around her.


            Goodbye, sunny California, she said brightly, the chipper tone of her voice belying her thoughts and feelings.


            In his office, Angel put his head in his hands and tried to hold himself together.




            He couldnt even remember what excuses hed made to her to leave the house.  It was no matter; she would be out calling on her friends all day, anyway.  Social appearances were important to his mother, and today that was a lucky convenience.


            William walked the streets of London with his head down, calling up memories from more years than hed actually lived.


            Over and over again was her, glowing, gorgeous her.  Effulgent, he thought ruefully, a corner of his mouth turning up. 


            Bloody fuckin gorgeous, another corner of his mind spoke up.  Absolutely perfect.


            He couldnt agree more.  Hed been awake for three hours, away from her for that same amount of time, and it was killing him.  He stopped and leaned on a lamppost, pressing his forehead to the cool iron as he tried to rationalize the pain, the great gaping hole left in the middle of him.


            I have gone insane, he said to himself, taking yet another jab at the nosepiece of his glasses.  Shoving a hand through his mop of curly hair, he resisted the urge to pace the sidewalk.  He didnt want everyone else to know he was insane, after all.


            Prove its real, you stupid git, he told himself.  Though he was frightened of the intensity of that other voice, that other him, he was fascinated by it.  Fascinated by the fact that the other him was everything he wasnt.


            The other him was completely crass, completely classless, and more likely than not, wouldnt take shit from anybody.  Thinking this, William sighed.  Just several more facts that severely weighed against the likelihood that his memories were real.


            Vampires, demons, witches.  And the Slayer.  Most importantly of all was the Slayer.  If he could prove she was real, then perhaps


            Rupert! William said aloud, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk and causing a young boy with newspapers to run directly into the back of him.  Sorry, lad, he said kindly, waving a hand.


            Sorry yself, ya bloody ijit, the boy threw over his shoulder.  I dont fancy trottin down the walk just to have me head stuck up your arse.


            Well, then youd better bleedin well watch where youre goin, tyke, else youll have yer head stuck up yer own arse, he retorted quickly, the words tripping from his lips before he could even register thinking them.


            The little boys eyes narrowed at the change and he ran, his tiny feet keeping a steady beat along the cobblestones.


            Bloody hell, William said tiredly.  As he walked the streets, his thoughts took up the rhythm of his steps, and his mind insisted Prove it, prove it, prove it, with each stride of his long legs.


            Hearing the myriad British accents swirling around him, both familiar and far-removed at once, he thought of yet another voice.


            Giles, talking about the Watchers Council.  William remembered that heSpikehad commented once upon the unflagging Britishness of the Council, and Giles had agreed.  No matter what else they were and werent, the Council was always overwhelmingly Briton.


            So how did one go about finding the men of the Council? 


            Get their attention.  The voice was amused, even a little excited.


            Why, William thought with some shock and pleasure.  I know that tone.  I seem to be an attention freak.  He didnt immediately realize the significance of thinking of that other voice as I. 


            If Buffy were realand the memory of her warm beside him, beneath him, the memory of the heat inside her (William felt a blush creep up his cheeks at his wayward thoughts), all those things were too focused, too sharp to be fakethen Spike had to be real, as well.


            All right, then, he said, wiggling his shoulders as though preparing for a fight.  Shaking his hands a little to ease the nervousness, he cast a glance around him like a rabbit exiting a den.  Im a vampire! he said, only slightly louder than an undertone.


            No one heard.  No one even looked twice at him.


            Could be because its ten in the ruddy mornin, you great bloody moron.  If you were a vampireGod forbid, the state youre inyou wouldnt be out in the sun, less you were lookin to become ash.


            At the thought of ashes, Williams fingers itched unbearably and he pursed his lips almost imperceptibly, yearning for a cigarette.


            William Bryce hadnt even smoked so much as a single puff of anything in his life.


            Im a demon, he said desperately, this time with more conviction.  At the very least, this Council could tell him what on earth was happening to him.  Im a great, horrid demon, complete with tooth and talon.  Youyou cant see them, but theyre there.  Just try and anger me.  Grrr


            Inside his head, he heard laughter.


            Oh go bugger yourself, Spike, William said crossly. 


4.3 fighting and brooding



 He tried to think of a specific demon nameGod knew he had scads in his memory, but now that he truly needed it, could he remember?


            Of course not.


            I eat the skin of my victims, he crowed.  Mmm, yummy.  He ignored the dual feelings of horror and delight he felt while yelling such outrageous things.  The worst part of it was he could taste the blood, taste it thick and clinging in the back of his throat.  It made him thirsty. 


            A bit early in the day to be so soused, is it not?  William started at the voice, his eyes careening around for the source of the quiet tones that spoke of education and propriety.  When his eyes rested upon a small man leaning against the wall of a pub, his clothing muted and dorky, William felt a flash of hope.


            Im not pissed, mate, Im bloody well evil, Spikes voice bragged.  And dont you forget it, he added, the smug smirk flashing over Williams gentler features.  Before he could congratulate himself on what he thought was a clever innovation rather than second nature, the man had a surprisingly strong grip on Williams elbow and was leading him through the streets.


            Where in the hell are you taking me?  Let go, dammit, Im perfectly right in the head, capable of walking by myself, I thank you—”


            Sum corpus, the small man said at the back door of another pub, sweeping William through when the door opened.


            I am body? William translated quickly.  What in the bloody hell—”


            Your incessant nattering is making my head ache and Id be an appreciative man if you could find it in you to shut your gob, the man said pleasantly, the grip still unwavering.  William didnt have the heart to tell him he wasnt so strong that he needed to be manhandled.  It was all a bit exciting, really, and


            Familiar.  So familiar.


            It means I am body when literally translated but we like to think of it more as I am but body.  Only flesh, we are, but we do what we can.  Were not as good as—” the man broke off, clearing his throat noisily.  Never mind that.  He steered them through hallway after hallway, unerringly and unhesitatingly turning down corridors that seemed to stretch for miles.  Finally, he stopped in front of a door, knocked once, and threw it open with alacrity that William hadnt expected of him. 


            Theodore, fight, he said tersely, shoving William in front of a middle-aged gentleman who was cradling a cup of tea.  Before William could even begin to protest and Spike could even begin to clamor for a fight, the man had set down the tea and was coming at him.


            Block, punch, turn Spike knew all the moves, but William didnt have the speed, didnt have the power.  He held his own for all of a minute before succumbing to the other man.  He fell to the floor and scrambled back, his hands held in front of him.


            Nancy, Spike sneered internally.


            The man, Theodore, calmly picked up his tea and eyed Williams captor with amusement.  Any particular reason you brought this lad in to fight me, Hamilton?


            He said he was a demon, Hamilton said, his voice still quiet.  Despite his demeanor, William could tell that the little man was clearly the boss.  All eyes were on him, and all ears were perked.  And unless hes a Iuliago, hes not a demon.


            William didnt understand the snickers, but after a moment, Spike did.  Iuliago Im not that bloody clumsy.  The demons were known for one thing and one thing alonetheir inability to stand on their own two feet without bringing catastrophe to themselves. 


            Who are you?


            Im William Bryce, and youre all Watchers, he said matter-of-factly, once again letting his own voice blend with Spikes.  Or poor excuses for Watchers, that youd let me into the inner sanctum and hear your little clubhouse secret password.  He snickered and climbed to his feet, feeling better already.  Is there a handshake that goes with it?


            What he got wasnt a handshake, but a hand clamped so firmly to the back of his neck that it made his eyes water.  Hamilton stood behind him and spoke in that level voice.  Were going to need to have a talk, my boy.  I will ask questions, and you will answer.


            Fine, you friggin bully, William said through clenched teeth.  And it may be that Ill have a few questions of my own.




            Should we tell him?  Willows face was a study in worry as she stared at the data on the laptop Wesley had loaned her. 


            Wesley grimaced.  Though hed come a long way from the by-the-book Watcher he had been, there were still parts of him that clung to the rules so tightly they squealed.  He was afraid this was going to be one of those parts of him.  As pleasant as it would be to pretend we didnt unearth this nasty little bit of information, it occurs to me that Angel would like to know.  Not only for his sake, since it involves him in a roundabout way, but also for he trailed off, clearing his throat uncomfortably.  He didnt want to speak for the Slayer he barely knew.


            Yeah, she wanted answers, Willow said sadly.  But all this is going to do is raise more questions.  And itll make Angel even more broody.


            Is that possible? Angels voice sounded from behind them and Willows face instantly matched her hair.


            No, Wesley said carelessly, turning to face Angel.  We have some news.


            And I was afraid today was going to be boring, Angel said, ignoring the twinge in his stomach.  If it was bad news, hed just get it over with at once.


            We found out more about that necklace you gave Spike, Willow said.  And it turns out it was more than just Ooh, pretty, look at all the glowy light.’”


            Well, I figured as much.  So far were still on stuff we know.  Angel looked at the witch with an intensity that told just how seriously he was going to take the matter.


            It has to do with Shanshu, Wesley said quietly.  The necklace  He looked at Willow and motioned for her to finish.


            Preferring the unemotional glare of the monitor to the unemotional glare of Angel, she read straight from the archives shed accessed.  “‘The vampire with a soul shall wear a sign of his destiny from which said destiny will culminate.  The signs power can only be unharnessed by the one for whom it is meant: more than a human but souled nonetheless.’” 


            Angel rubbed a hand roughly through his hair and tried to pin down a single reaction in the eddies of emotion that warred within him.  Jealousy that had only started to rear its head when hed learned of Spikes soul.  Disappointment that he hadnt been chosen for the honor, chosen for that which hed always considered his.  Anger, at circumstances and at himself for being so arrogant.  He knew better than to mess with powers and fate.  Finally, most puzzling of all, was relief.


            Angel had known he had no idea how to be human again.  Not the faintest.


            Spike is human.  That seemed the safest thing to say. 


            We dont know enough about the process to say, Wesley said.  But there seem to be two options.  If he became human on the spot, then hes dead.  He would have become human just as the building came down around him.  He gave Willow a sympathetic look as she sighed heavily.  However, its a strong possibility that he would be restored somewhere else altogether.


            We need to tell Buffy, Willow said urgently, her eyes pleading with Angel.


            Buffy needs peace, Angel retorted.  Shed said so herself, hadnt she?  And how could her life be peaceful with the return of Spike, now a human with a soul and without a monster inside?


            How could Angels life be peaceful if he knew they were together, both human, both whole?  And if he was human, that meant there could be more.  There could be children.


            Ill tell her, he lied.  I gave her the pendant, Ill tell her.  His conscience pricked at him as he turned and walked away but he gave it no mind. 


            It had been through much worse, anyway.


5.4 regretting and begging


 At first she thought it had to be a tiny town, backwater beyond belief.  After all, who really waved at strangers?  It took Buffy a little less than a month to figure out that it wasnt that the town was tinyit wasnt any smaller than Sunnydale had beenit was only that people were actually friendly, not constantly plagued by fear, persistently dogged by shadows.


            These people felt safe.


            The best part about it was that Dawn was already adjusting wonderfully.


            There are boys, shed said matter-of-factly upon coming home form her first day at her new school.  Tall boys who like to play basketball.  Basketball players!  She let out a little squeal and then pressed on.  And the best part is, I dont think any of them are demons or vampires or werewolves.  This place is so normal!


            Kids are resilient, Buffy remembered her mother saying.  But she knew in her heart that it was more than that.  As much as Dawn loved Willow and Xander and Giles, they were constant reminders of things best forgotten.  Though she would have never expected it to be the truth, Buffy knew that in order for them all to heal, they would all have to stand on their own.


            But she didnt want to stand on her own.  In the darkest moments just before the sun began to lighten the sky, Buffy would reach out in her half-sleep, touching an empty, cold pillow.  It was no matterSpike had always left the bed cool anywaybut it would hit her that he was gone.  She had no one to comfort her.  While she told Dawn everything would be okay, reassured the girl and smoothed back her hair, she had no one to do those things for her.


            He would have done it long ago, she reminded herself one sleepless night.  She ached to be out patrolling, walking the town.  But she wasnt well-known enough to freely roam the town just yet.  He would have done all that for you long ago and you never let him.


            Life in Indiana may have been simple and just what Buffy wanted, but it was also riddled with guilt.  She needed to find something to do.


            Because Giles and Wesley were the last of a dying breed, literally, they had more say in the Council than they could ever have been imagined.  With his newfound authority, Giles took a drop from the Councils financial bucket to give Buffy a leg up.  It nicely covered the down payment on a house and a full set of papers.  She had papers certifying her to teach self-defense and martial arts, papers certifying that she was Dawns legal guardian, and papers creating a solid credit background.


            And after a month, she was starting to feel that was all she had.  Papers.  If she burnt them, she would have




            Ruthlessly choking back the tears that wanted to form, Buffy started to formulate a plan.  It was time to act.  It was time to live.




            Hes either telling the truth or hes a loon who guesses very fortuitously.  Hamilton shot a look over his shoulder at William, who sat comfortably sprawled in a chair, both of his long legs stretched out in front of him.  All he needed was a cigarette to complete the pose of relaxation.


            And a pose it was.  Hed spilled his entire story to them, from the time Dru vamped him to the present moment, and what he wanted in return was a few answers.  But the minute hed ended his story theyd huddled on the far side of the room, Hamilton, Theodore, and a few other crusty-looking blokes he hadnt been properly introduced to.  He calculated he would wait only two more minutes, and then he would have some answers.


            Hes telling the truth, Theodore said, cleaning his glasses in a gesture eerily like Giless.  There are too many details not to.  Two souled vampires, one cursed and one rewarded?


            Hamilton sighed.  Dual Slayers, one dark and one light.  A Slayer to top all others, to outlive all others.


            And the changing of the Choosing, another man spoke up.  Id say that those three things alone hold up.  Thats, ah, not mentioning his vast knowledge about vampires in general.


            Watch how he moves, Hamilton said as William got up to pace the room.  And watch his eyes.  He watches us as a hunter watches prey, and he doesnt even know it.  Crossing the room with surprisingly long strides, he drew a cross out of his pocket and thrust it at William.


            William regarded the icon with nonchalance, but Spike recoiled instantly.  As a result, there was a flash of calm on his face followed by his immediate withdrawal. 


            Stop fucking with me, he roared, throwing an arm out in front of me.  I came to you for help, not to be prodded like a bloody animal.  As strong as his craving for nicotine was, his craving for Buffy was a thousandfold.  Layered over and throughout that want, though, was another sensation: Worry.


            Hed replayed the last few moments in his mind, telling her to go, thrusting her away from him emotionally so shed leave him and leave the disintegrating building.  But had she made it out?  Or had she died despite his efforts? 


            I left a woman I loved, he said, his breath coming in gusts now as he tried to hold back tears.  I left a woman I loved more than anything else Ive ever encountered in my life, and I need to know if she was real.  I need to know if I was real.  And more than that, you are going to tell me how to get back to her.


            That last statement got through the seemingly impenetrable shell of the gathered Watchers.  The façade of calm broke a bit as they began murmuring among themselves and glancing at him warily. 


            Please, he said, the anguish clear in his voice. 


            What makes you think we would know how to get you back to her?  Hamilton was the first to regain his composure.  Checking his cuffs, he sat down in one of the few chairs in the room and met Williams blue eyes with unwavering intensity. 


            So its all true?  The hope was stark in his voice, unmasked and unrelieved.


            Hamilton glanced back at the other Watchers and nodded.  Remarkably, yes.  He tactfully looked away as the younger man let out a strangled half-sob, half-laugh. 


            I thought I was going mad, he said, shaking his head.  He raised two determined, haunted eyes to Hamilton.


            Thats the vampire, Hamilton thought, tilting his head.  The man looking at me now is not the same man whom I brought in.


            I need her.  Help me.


            Even if the Council could do such things, which they cant, they wouldnt.  Such things are against the laws of nature, the laws of magic.  They change the structure of the world as it is now and the world as it would be.  We do not assist in creating paradoxes.


            The laws of nature? With a feral growl, Spike leapt to his feet and wrapped a hand around Hamiltons neck.  Unaided by the supernatural but aided by adrenaline, he lifted the man to his toes using only one hand.  His arm, corded and defined, shook imperceptibly from the strain.  Youd blather about the laws of nature to someone whos seen hell on earth?  He tossed him aside as the other Watchers advanced.  I dont want to hear about your bloody fuckin rules, he said, his voice low and lethal.  I want to get back to her, no matter what it takes.


            Hamilton staggered to his feet, his breathing ragged and pained.  You will get no help with what you seek.  You seek impossibilities.


            I bloody well am an impossibility, Spike retorted, but the man was already walking out the doors.  One by one, the Watchers left the room, not saying a word.  When he thought he was alone, he drew his knees up to his chest and whispered her name.




            Another voice answered him from the shadows of the deep corners of the room. 


            I will help you.


6.5 helping and hurting

 It shouldnt surprise me, Buffy thought, slamming a roundhouse blow into the punching bag in front of her with a grunt.  Everyone, to the last of them, has lied to me when it came to Spike.  And he  He was the only one in those last years who had never lied to her.  Painfully honest, up until the end.


            She swung her right leg in an arc and slammed the bag with her foot, timing her next kick to hit the bag just as it swung into its original position.  Right, right, right; pause, left, left, left.  The kicks became faster, the grunts turned into yells, and yells turned into sobs as she curled her arms around the bag and leaned her forehead into it.


            She missed her sparring partner.  No one had fought as he had.


            Hes gone, she told herself angrily.  Suck it up.  Glancing at the clock on the wall, she stripped the tape from her hands and headed to the classroom shed been assigned.  She had tired herself out just enough that she shouldnt be a hazard to her students.


            Forcing a cheerful smile onto her face, she entered the classroom.  She tried to console herself with the fact that there could have been more strangers facing her, but it didnt dull the sharp fear that needled through her as she looked at the twenty-one pairs of eyes staring back at her. 


            Hello, she said, marveling at how young, how little, her voice sounded.  In a habitual action, she scanned the room.  Though she didnt mean to, she was calculating the odds, pinpointing the strong ones and all but dismissing the weak ones.  Its not a fight, for Gods sake.  Its a class.


            A few greetings were returned to her, but most of the congregation looked just as wary as she did.  Hoping to break the ice, she walked among them, standing as part of the group, constantly moving so as to make eye contact with each person.  Think about leading a group, she reminded herself.  Youve been doing it for years.


            My names Buffy, and Im pretty new around here, so youll have to cut me some slack now and then.  She smiled at the scattered laughter and pressed on.  Ill be teaching you self-defense and also some aerobics.  They sort of go hand-in-hand.  You can defend yourself better if youre in good shape.


            Strength in the young woman standing off to the edge, by herself.  Buffy sympathized with the brunette.  Sometimes isolation was just a fact of life. 


            Weakness in the paunchy middle-aged woman in the back.  But determination in her eyes, and that could go a long way.


            Strength in thefor a moment, Buffys heart stopped beating.  Tall, lean, a shock of white-blond hair, head tilted back proudly.  But it wasnt him.  Not even close, really, a younger man with the glow of naiveté about him, long, nervous hands, perpetual motion.  Just another all-American guy.


            All right, she said, clasping her hands together and trying to compose herself.  Everybody give your name, tell me why you wanted to do this, and well start with some basic stuff.         


            One by one, people gave their answers, some laughing, some quiet and shy.  Buffy kept her ears honed when the loner spoke.  Im just trying to do something to burn off excess energy, the woman admitted quietly, shifting her hair out of her face.  Buffy made a note to keep an eye on her.  With every potential in the world elevated to Slayer status, it would do Buffy well to keep her eyes peeled for sisters.


            The young man was the last to go.  His face coloring a bright pink, he grinned sheepishly and kept his eyes squarely on Buffy.  Coach told me to come in, do some aerobics.  Hopefully work on my coordination.  Im good with a ball, but he shrugged his shoulders.  I sorta suck at maneuvering.


            I hear ballets good for that, the brunette said in an undertone.  When the young man glanced at her, her face turned bright red and she lowered her head again.


            Uh-oh, Buffy thought, hiding a smile.  Looks like we might have a bit of blooming romance here.


            So thinking, Buffy completely missed the look the guy was giving her.




            Ramie, as he was called, certainly had a flair for the dramatic.  He demanded French coffee rather than the standard British tea, broke more rules than he kept, and had the reputation for being the best Watcher in the Council.  His last Slayer had died a few months before, and that was all he would say about her.


            Spike had imagined, uncountable times, how things would go down if the Slayer-- his Slayer, his Buffyhad died.  And just as those times were uncountable, the results were unimaginable.  He knew he could not go on living, even a dead life, without her. 


            He wondered if she felt the same.


            If the bloody Council cant help me, then how in the hell can you? he asked the dark Watcher, watching with some fascination as he drank coffee with flecks of coffee bean floating in it. 


            I know people.  Dipping into the sugar bowl to take a few lumps, Ramie dropped one into his coffee and popped the other into his mouth.  Or unpeople, if you will.  Sometimes there is little difference.


            Unpeople.  Spike watched Laramie indulge in his vice and wished for one of his own.  If he couldnt have Buffy, then hed damn well find something to smoke. 


            Theres a man at the counter who sells cigarillos, Ramie said quietly.  I warrant its not quite what youre used to, but- he let his sentence trail off with an eloquent shrug. 


            Spike nodded, standing up and looking down at the man who held all his hopes.  Hang on a moment.


            Hang on? Laramie puzzled over the idiom while Spike bought the small cigars.  When Spike sat back down, already lighting one, Ramie leaned forward, his cats eyes glistening in the muted light of the café.  I have to warn you, sir, what were proposing to do here it will take much time, and you will give up much.


            Much?  Spike snorted derisively through a cloud of smoke.  Listen, friend, I would give up all.  He took another draw and closed his eyes, calling up memories of pain and terror.  I already went through hell for her.


            Ramie templed his fingers and sighed.  Mon ami, that could precisely what you will have to do again.


            Bring it on, Watcher.  Spikes voice carried confidently through the cloud of smoke hed made, but there was another who cringed inwardly.


            William was afraid.




            You lied.  He was lucky her eyes were clear and not blackened, her magic in reign and not loosed in the rage she felt.  She had respected him, their host, respected his wishes, respected his moods.  She had not offered her advice unless it was asked, and she had always given him the benefit of the doubt because Buffy had loved him, then in one way, and now in another.


            But he had betrayed her love, the past love and the friendship he had shown to her, by withholding the truth.  So now Willow abandoned the respect shed once offered and prayed for the strength to keep her hurt at bay.


            Beggin your pardon?  He was tired, had been on his feet all night long on another case, and the Irish slid through his voice unchecked.


            You lied to us.  You didnt tell her about Spike.  A fresh wave of hurt hit Willow.  Shed never quiet listened to Buffy about Spike, had never understood the connection they had.  But he had stood by her even when Willow didnt.  Now she was paying for it.  Fleetingly, she wondered if she was feeling sympathetic heartbreak. 


            Her quiet statement slapped away some of the weariness.  His eyes sharpened and he sat up a little straighter.  Do you think thats what she needs right now, Willow?  On top of everything else, to be told that maybe Spikes human, maybe hes not dead, but maybe he is?  Hey, Buffy, we dont know whats going on, but let me lay out the options for you.  He was gathering steam, ready to plow into more justifications, when he felt a sharp burning pain in his hands.


            Willow was completely calm, completely cool, but she kept the heat focused on the backs of each of his hands, watching detachedly as smoke rose from his pale skin. 


            What are you doing? he asked, clenching his jaw and keeping his big hands in place.


            Making you shut up, she said through clenched teeth.  I told her because you werent man enough to do it.  But then again, we already knew you werent a man, didnt we?  Tossing her head, she broke the spell and slammed out the door, leaving him with all his pain.


8.7 finding and seeking


You mean it?  Youre not just messing around with me?  Dawn widened her eyes dramatically and prepared to jump and down.  I can really go?  In the month and a half theyd been in central Indiana, Buffy hadnt allowed Dawn to go anywhere other than school.  But it was time, Buffy thought, to let her little sister go.  Shed been through so much on the Hellmouth; it was time for her to lead at least a semi-normal life.


            You can really go, Buffy said, crossing her arms over her chest and trying to keep her voice stern.  What she really wanted to do was laugh, to show how happy it made her to see her sister overjoyed.  No matter what had happened, how shed came or where theyd been together, there was no one Buffy had left whom she loved as much as Dawn.  But


            Dawn groaned.  The words of doom, she said, flopping onto the couch.  But what?


            But I have to meet him first.  And he has to pick you up while its still daylight outside.  And you have to take the cell phone.  Buffy pressed her lips together, trying to stem the flow of rules that wanted to pour from her mouth.  Anything happens, you call me.


            Yes, maam, Dawn said, sketching a mock salute and hopping from one leg to another.  It would be her first real date with a guy who wasntwell, she hopedany sort of prowling beastie.  Rubbing a hand absently at the ache in her chest, Dawns Cupid-bow mouth turned into a frown.


            She missed Spike.


            It wasnt something she talked to Buffy about, because shed heard her sister crying at night, weeping herself to sleep in the wee hours of the morning.  When the Slayer finally got to sleep, she called out for him.  So Dawn kept her mouth shut, knowing whatever she felt was fractional compared to her sisters suffering.


            Well, whatre you waiting for? Buffy asked, shooing at her sister.  Go get dressed so I can get ready for work.  As her sister scampered away, Buffy concentrated on her work for the evening.


            The class had grown from twenty to thirty people, and each class brought new questions, new challenges, and new tests of Buffys self-control.  She tried to avoid sparring with her pupils, but it wasnt always avoidable. 


            After seeing Dawn and her lanky, basketball-playing date off with a smile, Buffy started the walk to the fitness center, pausing occasionally to stretch.  She was stopped, one leg stretched lithely over a fire hydrant, when she heard steps behind her.  More out of instinct than actual fear of harm, she whirled to face whomever was approaching her, hands in the ready position, feet splayed for balance.


            Miss Summers!  The girl stepped back, also falling into a ready position.  Buffy.


            Kelly!  Buffy straightened, brushing at the skirt shed thrown over her leotard as she looked at the loner from her evening class.  She wondered if there was any way to make her movements seem like something more casual, but worried about it less when she saw Kelly making the same struggle. 


            Sorry, the girl mumbled, pushing her dark, curly hair out of her face.  Its just—”


            Instinct, Buffy finished for her.  Curling her fists until her fingernails bit into her palms, Buffy went out on a limb.  Have they given you a Watcher yet?  More to the point, genius, are there even enough Watchers alive to deal with all the Slayers now?  But she was too busy watching the girls reaction to worry about logistics.


            Kellys eyes flew to hers, large and dark and painfully easy to read.  Eyes of a girl who didnt understand what was happening to her, eyes of a girl who was afraid shed always be alone.  Youre really her, then.  Youre really the Slayer.


            No, Buffy said, walking so the girl would follow her.  Im really a Slayer, and Im guessing you are, too.


            But  Seeing her teachers look of discomfort, Kelly bit her tongue and kept it simple.  I guess I am.  I got this letter, you know?  Instead of a Watcher, because—”


            Theyre still rebuilding the Council.  I figured.  She wondered how long it would be before Giles would be called back, and Wesley, to recoup and plan.  The slice she felt in her gut wasnt sadness, though, as much as it was regret.  It was almost as though they, especially Giles, were already gone to her.


            Kelly wanted to say more, but couldnt.  Shed spent weeks and weeks alone, breaking things on accident, wanting to pick a fight for the sake of fighting, just to get that horrible feeling out of her system.  And then finally, like a true Gen-X-er, shed started surfing, ducking in and out of chatrooms and finally settling in with an ultra-exclusive mailing list of girls who had the same problem.


            Girls who were Slayers.


            And eventually, the rumors starting seeping through about girls in California, led by a Slayer who made the rest of them look like babies carrying candy.  A Slayer who had lived longer than any other before her and who had a band of people so loyal they could not be broken.  Rumor even had it she had a pet vampire of sorts.


            But this woman, the aerobics instructorthis woman was a loner who had no one other than her little sister, so Kelly had shoved the suspicions out of her mind even as she watched her self-defense teacher do things that were impossible when she thought no one was looking.


            I have so many things I want to ask you, Kelly finally confessed as they neared the fitness center.  She put a hand to her forehead and groaned.  That sounds so bad.  You know, Im just so confused.  Shocked at the tremble in her voice, she shook her head.  Never mind.


            Buffy put a hand to the girls arm and thought of her introduction to Sunnydale, the strange flip from popular girl to troublemaker, the feelings of solitude even when she was surrounded by people.  My sisters out on a date tonight.  If you want to come back with me, have a cup of—” Did she even have anything in the house?  A cup of anything, youre more than welcome.


            Kelly nodded enthusiastically then halted just outside the classroom door.  Doesnt your sister know? she whispered. 


            Buffy felt a genuine grin spread over her face as she pushed open the door.  Boy, does she ever.




            I dont understand why youre making me do this, Spike groused, flipping through a book.  I know most of this shite already.


            True though that may be, I need you to know your stuff, Laramie said, pacing the room.  He hadnt yet told his new friend the details as to what was going to happen, the only way to accomplish what he was asking.  He figured theyd take care of the small details first and let the big ones sort themselves out.  Im training you.  Dont you want to be able to find her as soon as you make it back?


            Bloody hell, you sodding fruit!  Spike pushed the large book away from him, drained and angry.  He spent mornings and nights convincing his mother he was okay, he was only William and spent his days convincing Laramie that he knew just as much if not more than the dark Watcher.  He was getting fed up.  He was feening for the Slayer.  Of fucking course I want to find her as soon as I get back, Ramie.  I want to find her now.  I want to find her yesterday.  In point of fact, Id like never to have left her at all!  Shaking, he sat back in the chair and let out a shaky breath.


            Do you think I dont know what its like?  Ramie sat down across from him, his black hair flowing around his shoulders.  William—”

            Dont call me that.  It made things too hard.  Had she ever called him by his name?  Why couldnt he remember? 


            Spike, Ramie corrected, also understanding that particular pain.  I want you to listen to me, because I will only tell you this once.  We do not have much time.  He had explained to Spike as best he could that time was variable between realities.  Between the reality where William lived on and the one where he wreaked bloody havoc, time was completely unpredictable.  So, ten minutes could have passed for Buffy.  Or ten years.


            It didnt matter to Spike.  If he found her when she was 75 and doddering, he would take care of her.  She would still shine, and he would still die for her.  A million times over, even if she only had minutes left to live. 


            I understand you.  I know how you feel.  I know how you hunger to be next to her, and hunger to avenge every wrong that has been done to her.  That you ache to protect her, I know.  It kills you not to know.  It kills you to think shes moved on.  Spike started to lunge across the table and Ramie stopped him with an upraised hand.  Because to love a Slayer is unlike anything else.


            Spikes anger and hurt dimmed in comparison to his confusion.  You? 


            Ramie rubbed his eyes and tried to push the pictures away, push the sounds and feelings away.  But he would share to help this man do what he could not.  Yes.  I was young, William, and callow.  I thought I could love my Watch and protect her, guide her at the same time.


            I could not, and because I could not, I watched her die.  I watched her light extinguished by one such as you were.


            Im sorry, Spike rasped, tasting smooth skin under his lips and wincing.  Im sorry, Laramie.


            I would forgive you did I not understand you, sympathize with you.  For loving a Slayer means everything, wanting to consume her, belong to her, make her belong to you.  And even a vampire can see that light, be consumed by that strength.  A Slayer is like no other.  He took a drink of his ever-present coffee and vowed to finish his tale.  And I did everything I could to overcome my grief.  I became the rogue Watcher, the dark one who breaks all the rules.  I was not always Laramie, Spike.


            Understanding dawned on Spike and he nodded.  Laramie he who weeps for love. 


            It seemed a fitting name to choose.  The man I was before Laramie is dead.  And so not only do I understand your impatience with me, I understand both of you, Spike and William.


            As he turned his back to an amazed Spike, he added, I agreed to help you both.


9.8 evading and evaluating


.  They all went their separate ways, and he hadnt expected anything else.  After all, what had he done to deserve their loyalty?  And they all had good reasons to go, to leave him with his self-contempt and guilt.


            Giles and Wesley were headed back to England to rebuild the Council, to regroup and gather their sources.  They had a lot of Watchers to find and a lot of girls to help. 


            Willow, Kennedy, and Xander moved into an apartment not far from Angels offices.  Though the distance was short, it may as well have been a million miles away.  He had earned their mistrust in the beginning, and had reminded them of that with his constant edginess, his lying, his selfishness.


            One by one, they all trickled away until the only members of the Sunnydale crew left were Faith and Robin.  Angel refused to lie to himself.  He understood that Faith stayed because she felt she owed him and Robin stayed because he hated Spike.  He understood Angels bitterness, Angels shielding of Buffy.  Besides, where Faith went, the thoroughly whipped Slayers son went.


            Angel found himself with a decision to make.  The worst part of it was, hed have to make it on his own.  With a heavy sigh, he picked up the telephone.  With each call he made, the introductory message was terse, quiet, and identical.


            Its me.  I need you to keep your ear to the ground.




            Forget trying to get my face clear, were not boxing here, Buffy panted, spinning around and clipping Kellys ear with a foot.  Make me uncover my chest.


            Ill just ask Paul to do that, Kelly grunted, swinging her sweaty hair out of her face. 


            The comment caught Buffy off-guard and she did, indeed, lose her strong defensive stance.  What?


            Kelly stopped circling and sighed.  It was hard to stop all that rushing adrenaline.  Oh, come on.  Like you havent seen the way he looks at you.  He sits in the back of the class and gawks like a fool.  <And youre so jealous it colors the room green,> she added mentally.  The big college basketball player was cute, and frighteningly enough, smart.


            Buffy shook her head, not only indicating that she hadnt seen anything, but also to deny the fact.  She didnt want anyone to be interested in her.  Not now.  Maybe not ever again.  Not when there was some hope-I think youre hallucinating, Kel.  But its okay, weve all been there.


            Attempting to tamp down the lump that had lodged in her throat, Kelly pushed on.  Why not?  Hes cute, hes available, hes interested in you.  Youre cute, youre available she trailed off, raising her eyebrows.


            Im not interested, Buffy snapped, unwrapping her hands with jerky motions.  Im not even really available.  She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.  She hadnt meant to say it out loud.  It made it too real, and making it real, made her sound crazy. 


            She was waiting for a dead man in more ways than one.


            So its true.  Kelly usually kept the rumors and half-truths to herself, preferring to be friends with Buffy rather than interrogate her.  But this particular rumor had smacked of the truth, and Little Sis had mentioned Spike enough to make Kelly sure of the validity.  There was someone at the very end.  The vampire.


            Buffy swung out without warning, less out of anger than out of self-preservation.   She couldnt listen to much more of this.  Kelly jerked back quickly and was on the move again as Buffy spoke.  Was I really dumb enough to think you were shy? she said, blocking Kellys return blow.  Because I gotta say, youre just mostly nosy.  She laughed through the pain shooting through her, from head to toe and back again.  Dont make me tell you its my fault hes dead, a tiny, cowardly voice inside her begged.  Please, dont.  She stopped moving again and sat on the floor to call it quits.  Kelly, for real, have you ever even seen a vampire?


            Kelly scuffed a foot along the ground and mumbled something.  Nonplussed, Buffy stared at her.  What was that, Kelly?


            No, I have not, she enunciated, sitting across from the older girl.  Im sorry I prodded, she softened her voice.  Forget I asked.


            If shed meant to guilt Buffy into revelation, it wouldnt work.  Forgotten, Buffy said promptly, taking the out as it was offered.  You want something to drink?


            Kelly bit back a sigh and followed Buffy into the kitchen.  Id love something.


            Later, when Kelly had gone home and Buffy was left with a silent house and a sleeping Dawn, she had too much time to think.  Too much time to wonder. 


            Shed came a long way, if she said so herself.  Xander, Willow, and Kennedy had came for a visit, and apparently shed been normal enough.  They had, after all, went back to L.A. without much complaint or insistence that she come back.            


            Maybe they just didnt care.


            But she was settling into her life, such as it was, and Kellys arrival and random comments staved off the boredom.


            Buffy couldnt decide whether that was a bad thing or a good thing.  For now, however, it had her stirred up, thinking about Spike.  She curled up under a thin sheet on her bed, the whirling fan a concession to the Midwest humidity that plagued them all, and closed her eyes.


            It was easy, too damned easy even after three months, even after 97 days and four hours, to call up his touch.  Things had been so bad for them, so strange and dark and bad in the beginning, but even in the moments where they were bound together like animals and little more, shed known.


            Shed known it was unique from the first moment.  That night in the demolished house had nearly destroyed her, as well, in more ways than one.


            Knocking down some walls was easy.  Knocking down your own was hard.


            Thinking of him, of him moving inside her and her response, Buffy guided her hand down to brush at her body, to move down her thighs.  Had it been so long ago that shed felt this desperate need to feel something?


            Finding no solace in the route she was taking, she curled her fingers into the sheets and cried herself to sleep for the first time in a week and a half.


            Maybe next time Ill make it a little longer, she thought just before slipping into dreams.




            What if I told you I didnt want you to do this?  Laramie swept back his hair, pacing in the Bryce foyer.  That I didnt want to tell you what you had to do?


            Spike glanced at the looking glass in the vanity across from him and found himself momentarily transfixed.  It was a hard thing to get used to, a reflection.  Hard to get used to being without, and hard to get used to having.  When did life get so bloody weird?


            Id make you tell me, he told his only friend wearily.  Id kill you if I had to, Ramie.  For her, I would even do that.


            I know you would.  It didnt bother him at all.  He was bothered more by the attachment he had formed and the doubts that came along with it.  Could he let this man do what had to be done?  Could he stick to the conviction that had prompted him to help in the first place?


            For fucks sake, Spike burst out, Just tell me what I have to do, will you?  Hed considered just going out and getting himself vamped and then waiting for Buffy to be born, waiting for her to come around.  But it wouldnt work.  The realities were too different, it was too chancy.  He would not take risks when it came to her.  Not now. 


            How important is your soul, William?  Ramie used his given name intentionally, knowing what sort of reaction it elicited, and knowing just what part of the man he would reach.  How much is it worth to you?


             Spike was stricken uncharacteristically speechless.  Was it to come down to this, after all?  Getting vamped and taking his chances?  Its worth a lot to me, he said quietly.  But its not as worth as much as her.  Hed only regained it for her, anyway.  Hed lived quite merrily for many years without it, until she came along. 


            All right, then.  Ramies shoulders sagged visibly and previously unseen lines carved themselves into his mouth and around his eyes.  No more waiting, mon ami.  Before we go, I have something to give you.  With no explanation, he handed Spike a letter sealed with thick, blood red wax.  Open it some other time.  For now, let us go.  Torn between excitement and fear, William took one last, longing look at his home.


10.9 running and hiding



 Hands seeking her in the dark, warm and alive, gentle and tender.  Two men, heads bent together, close in conversation, conspiring in things best left unseen.  Sweet-smelling cigar smoke drifting around them.  One looks up, eyes shockingly blue in the midst of the haze, sweetly blue with his sandy hair.  She realizes what he means to do and calls out to him-


            Spike, no!  Buffy sat up in bed, her sheet clutched to her chest, head clouded with sleep and confusion.  What had made her call out his name?  Shed been dreaming of-


            Two men, thats all she knew, and neither of them were Spike.  But it seemed as though they were all Spike these days.  Rather than dulling with time, everything seemed to be sharpening to a point so fine as to impale her without resistance.  Running her hands through her hair, she looked at the clock.  2 A.M.  Still dark outside.  She needed no more invitation than that.  Slipping into jeans and throwing a denim jacket over her camisole, she headed out of the house, stopping only to check on Dawn. 


            Be back soon, baby, she promised her sleeping sister in a whisper.


            The town was tomb-silent, the dark only occasionally interrupted by the blinding slash of headlights, the silence occasionally split in two by the far-off thumping of someones car speakers.  There were no screams, no cries for help, but Buffy pressed on.  Did it make her a bad person to hope for trouble?


            She kept her steps slow and measured, her eyes roaming about for any sign of anything.  One block passed by without note, and her steps quickened.  Two blocks, and the only signs of life shed seen were a cop and a man arguing heatedly over a cell phone by his car. 


            By the third block she was running, running as she hadnt in months, letting her hair stream behind her and her lungs fill with humid night air.  Her legs carried her as though someone were chasing her, her feet beating an even tattoo on the pavement below her.  She didnt stop until she reached the riverfront, water stretching out on both sides, sparkling with rippling moonlight.


            She let her eyes skip to the sky, her head tilted back, her mouth hanging just the tiniest bit open.


            She hadnt taken much time to look up in her life.  If she looked up, she was liable to trip and fall.  If she looked up, it left her throat open for the kill.  When did life get so bloody weird? she wondered, hugging herself for contact more than for warmth.


            Setting her sights on a star, she began to chant under her breath.  Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight.


            Dropping her head and letting a single tear fall, she called herself an idiot for wishing for the impossible.


            As she turned to go home, she regretted that no one was following her.




            The two men walked in silence, each intent on their own thoughts.


            William hadnt left any word for his mother.  What was he supposed to say?  Sorry, Mum, but theres this thing with this girl and being a vampire have a nice life!  So hed leave her to make explanations, and hopefully, to socially cash in on the intrigue of having a missing son.  He figured hed be more admired if he were gone, anyway.  He didnt know what was about to happen, how was he supposed to tell anyone else? 


            A large part of William felt it would be best at all costs to just leave his mother.  The last time-the other time-he had left, he tried to bring her along and consequently was forced to kill her. 


            Laramie thought of his own Slayer, the only Slayer he had been assigned to.  He knew he would be assigned no other, but rather allowed to stay in the Council to hunt the others.  Those others who crept in the night and hid in the shadows.  The Council used his rage and allowed him to take out his vengeance because it served them well.  His Watching days were officially over.


            But he still watched his Slayer.


            Stop, he told Spike, holding out an arm to halt his friends long gait.  Someone-something- is here.


            Spike tensed, suddenly alert, wondering why he hadnt noticed it.  The street was quiet, the many alleyways branching off of it bathed in dark and swimming with shadows.  It was a perfect place to hunt. 


            Ramie heard her before he saw her, the low, feline growl that was more playful than predatory.  She slipped out of the shadows, not yet in game face but growling nonetheless.  The demon suited her so well that it didnt even need to change its face to make an appearance.  Her dark red hair was arranged into innumerable complex twists on her head and her dark eyes were large, absorbing the gloom.


            Ekaterina.  Laramie said no more than her name, his large, wide-palmed hand reaching out toward her, then fluttering to his side.  Katya the nickname fell from his lips, dampened to silence by the mist in the air.


            Oh, bugger, Spike thought, seeing the look on the Frenchmans face.  Anything but this, you bloody fool.


            Hello, Human.  I did not realize it was you, or- the beauty shrugged eloquently as her husky, Russian voice faded off.  I much like your friend here, she added, tilting her head and approaching Spike. 


            Ramie, Spike rasped, shaking his head.  Say this isnt her.  But it had to be.  She was young, no more than eighteen, and her way of moving was that of a Slayer.  She prowled instead of walked, targeted rather than stared.  All the while, her tongue darted out with tiny, catlike strokes at her lips and her body was held combatively rather than seductively. 


            Mon ami, Ramie shook his head, fighting back tears.  I am sorry that I did not tell you.


            Perhaps you did, I just wasnt listening.  Spike stepped forward, feeling no fear as he stared down at his friends former love, the Slayer who had been turned into what she hunted.  He had no doubt she was a threat, an enormous one.  A vampire with knowledge of a Slayers life was fatal, and Laramie had let her live. 


            Spike could no longer doubt that Ramie understood love eternal and the pain that accompanied it.


            Well, love, he said softly, watching the girls eyes flicker chartreuse.  You waitin for somethin or do you like to toy with your food first? 


            He didnt know what he expected.  He wanted to test her, to push her, for his friends sake.  He had a feeling she wouldnt feed in front of Laramie.  No matter what her demon might have been, she had been steeped in her love for Laramie before her death.  Spike had good reason to know that many human attributes could survive the turning. 


            Her eyes narrowing, Ekaterina pushed Spike.  She did not do it out of violence, however.  If she had, he would have been thrown into the wall behind him.  Instead she pushed him with her fingertips, small teasing shoves.  She lowered her head slowly, her eyes never leaving his and never letting the demon to light.  As she neared his skin, her nostrils flared and she stumbled back.


            Ty zalupnul! she hissed, wiping a hand over her mouth.  You cheater!  What kind of thing is this that looks like a human and smells like a vampire?  She dug her fingers into his arm as if to test the flesh there and hissed again.  You are some sort of she threw her hands in the air, at a loss for words.  Freak, she spat. 


            Oh, and thats not the pot callin the kettle black, love.  He wanted to alleviate the situation, but he saw Ramies face was growing paler by the second.  This is a good dance, cutie, but Im afraid Ill have to bow out.  So saying, he grabbed Laramies arm and dragged him down the street, not knowing or caring where they were going.


            She did not follow them, but a name whispered along the breeze after them. 




            Laramie winced at his given name and kept his head down.  Were going left up here, he told Spike, dragging his feet as a man wounded.  When Spike said nothing, the Watcher stopped and spoke quietly.  You must think terribly of me, he said, leaning his head against a wall, the hazy moonlight and streetlights reflecting off the tears running down his face.


            How could I?  I couldnt have killed her, had I been you.  Flicking his barely-smoked cigarillo to the side, he blew a plume of smoke into the air.  Not even if she asked me to, he added.  Seeing the cringe that brought forth from Ramie, he nodded. 


            Well, Laramie said, straightening and shaking his shoulders.  That fulfills my weekly encounter with my Katya.  I am sorry you had to meet her.


            Im sorry you had to give her up, Spike returned.  He shifted his weight from foot to foot, torn between comforting the man who had comforted him and pressing onward.


            As though attuned to Spikes thoughts, Laramie turned and slammed a clenched fist to the seemingly blank wall.  Tenfold times three, threefold times ten, the Hub is where it begins and where it all ends.  If I wish to speak, to entreat, to see, I shall tell the Hub who I may be, he chanted.  Inside the wall, a voice spoke.


            Whos standin out there?  It took Spike only a moment to identify the accent as Brooklyn, as thick and attitude-laden as any New Yorker hed meant in his stint there.  Puzzled, he shot Ramie a look.


            Lowering his voice, Laramie rolled his light eyes.  Hes different every week, in looks, voice, mannerisms.  He has the whole world to draw from, so he tends to have a short attention span.  Raising his voice again, he leaned his head to the brick.  It is Laramie Alain Lewiston.


            In one moment the wall was solid and clear, and in the next Ramie and Spike stood in a large room bustling with music and activity.  A young woman dressed in clothing that would not even be dreamed of for another few decades danced onstage, winking at customers.  Directly in front of them sat a corpulent man, resplendent in a well-cut white suit and gleaming silver cufflinks. 


            Spikes head was reeling.  How easy it must be for Ramie,  he thought, who can regard these things merely as wild and weird.  But for me  He was looking into a 1920s nightclub, complete with bootleg liquor and flappers.  He once more felt, acutely, the two halves of himself regarding one another, and then the fat man sitting before them broke his thoughts.


            How can I help you boys?


11.10 wacthing and waiting



It had been a hellishly long day, and he knew from experience what was hellish and what wasnt.  Hed gotten no rest in the past few days, spending night hours doing precious footwork and daylight hours either underground or on the telephone.  He was still trying to figure out how, precisely, it was possible for a dead man to have a headache when the phone rang for the hundredth time.


            Angel Investigations, he answered, thinking Someone please come and help the helpless right here.  He stifled a yawn and listened to the voice on the other end.


            Someones summoned the Hub.  You told me to let ya know if anything different was goin on and—”  There was a pause on the other end, as though the caller was looking around.  I definitely consider that different.  No one ever calls the Hub, man, the price is too high!


            I know, Angel murmured.  Thats definitely different.  Where did the Hub get called to?


            London.  Isnt it like, the middle of the night there or somethin?


Or something.  Thanks for letting me know, Ylgev.  He listened to the young demon talk on for a few more minutes, then excused himself as politely as he could.


            Sometimes he missed the days of being completely and inexcusably mannerless.


            He picked up the phone again and made one more call, what he hoped was the last of the day.  A cup of blood and a nice, long nap were all he wanted at the moment.  But after he ended the connection with Giles, he knew he wouldnt be able to sleep a wink.


            The Hub meant that someone out there was serious about changing something.  But to find out who and what, all that was left to do was wait.




            Nice day, what?  Wesley took a deep breath and looked around the dank alleyway and shifted his weight uneasily.  Dont you agree? he persisted when it seemed as though Giles hadnt heard him.


            Theyd told him the younger Watcher had made leaps and bounds of progress beyond the hapless milksop he had been, but Giles was starting to have his doubts.  Removing his glasses and cleaning them wearily, he closed his eyes.  I heard you, Wesley, I just have no urge to indulge in small talk at the present moment.


            Wesleys face flushed and he cleared his throat, cursing himself.  He hadnt acted like such a blathering fool since well, since Sunnydale.  He was starting to think it was just Rupert that made him so nervous.  Rupert and his damnably huge reputation and terribly condescending stares.  He made a perfectly intelligent Watcher feel like a complete, babbling moron.  And now he was even babbling internally.  Bugger it all, he muttered under his breath, cheering himself up with the epithet.


            Predictably, Giles ignored him.  He forced himself not to check his watch.  It was no matter how long ago someone had summoned the Hub.  Time was too flexible, and the summoner could come out anywhere, anywhen, anyhow he or she pleased, provided they could pay up.


            If it were William, Giles surmised, hed definitely pay up. 


            Well wait another hour, he told Wesley quietly.  No matter what the time difference, I cant see hed allow the Hub to waste any time.


            Wesley raised an eyebrow and turned his attention back to the wall.  I cant see hes in any position to order the Hub to do anything.  Together, they stood in silence and watched a blank wall.




            Its about a girl, Ramie cut straight to the point.  He was with her, now hes not.  He needs your help.


            Spike raised an unscarred eyebrow at Laramies painfully obvious message.  Let me do the talking, he may as well have said.


            A girl, a girl, the big man said, steepling his fingers.  Always about a girl.  Suppose Im not connected to a place where shell have him? 


            Youre connected to everything, Ramie said, slapping his hands down on the polished table the man sat at. 


            He inhaled off a thin, hand-rolled cigarette that Spike longed to swipe from his chubby fingers.  Too true, he said dismissively.  Let me rephrase, cat, suppose there is no such place?


            It isnt as though she bloody well jilted me, you fat git, Spike snapped.  I died to save the bleedin world, although with people like you, I cant see why I did—”


            It had taken Ramie a few moments to get past the cat that had slipped into the Hubs language.  Apparently a moment was all Spike had needed to insult the one being who could help him.  I beg your pardon, sir, he said quickly, hip-checking Spike out of the way.  My companion is distraught and wishes to earn his way back to the woman he loves.


            I seem to recall you tried to do that a few months ago, Alain Lewiston.  The Hub took a swig from the silver flask on the table and ran his tongue over his teeth.  No matter.  Lets start negotiations.


            All right, Spike said excitedly, hunkering down at the mans table.  Now were talking.


            A slow, malevolent grin spread over the mans broad face and he nodded slowly.  Oh, I certainly hope so. 




            Hes not coming.  Giles stood away from the wall and rubbed the back of his hand over his forehead.  I doubt it was him, anyway.


            It was the most Giles had spoken to Wesley in the hour and a half theyd been waiting.  After the first twenty minutes, Wesley had begun wishing he were part of the wall.  At least that way he wouldnt be able to see Giless measuring looks.  Well, the odds were overwhelmingly against it, he said, looking forward to anything away from Giles.  However, it doesnt change the fact that someone has taken that measure.  He looked around at the sky and shuddered. 


            No, it doesnt.  Giles closed his eyes momentarily and thought of Buffy, and how her life would have been had it actually been Spike coming through the Hub.  Its best this way.  But we should keep whomever is using the Hub in our thoughts.


            They could be dangerous, Wesley noted by way of  agreement.


            Giles walked down the sidewalk without looking back at his fellow Watcher.  No, he corrected quietly.  They could be damned.




            Miss Summers?  He nearly tripped over his own damned feet as he crossed the distance from the back of the classroom to the front where she stood with the cute brunette who kept to herself.  Great, he thought.  Fall on her, thats sure to make a good impression.


            Paul, hi, Buffy looked up at him and smiled, wanting to pat his head.  Only she couldnt reach it.  It had taken her a few moments to remember his name.  What can I do for ya? 


            Kelly looked swiftly down at the floor as she saw the college student glance her way.  Smooth, Kelly, let him catch you gawking at him while hes asking out the teacher.  She wanted to kick herself.  If she didnt know shed break his shin, shed kick him.


            Well, I was just wonderin, since class got out early tonight, if youd like to grab a cup of coffee somewhere.  I dont have class until the afternoon tomorrow, but—” he trailed off, his Adams apple bobbing manically as he swallowed.  Yeah, he finished lamely, his face flushing.


            Warning bells went off in Buffys head and she suppressed a groan.  Damn it.  It was a good thing she hadnt made a bet with Kelly about it or anything.  Shed have straight up lost.  You know, thats really nice of you, Paul, but were not really allowed to date students.  Smiling kindly, she shrugged her shoulders in a what can you do mannerism.


            Oh.  He stood where he was for a moment while she gathered her things, then tried again.  Ill quit the class, he said, thinking quickly.  I dont really think Im making any progress, anyway.  Not entirely the truth, but come on some sacrifices had to be made.  But before he could gloat over the loophole hed found, he saw something that made him go completely still and his brain scramble entirely.


            She was crying.


            She was holding her head down and the tears werent falling, but he could see the brightness in her eyes and the way she was blinking rapidly to stem their flow.  The brunette laid a hand on Buffys arm and shot him a glare. 


            What the hell did I do?!  I wont quit, never mind, forget I said that, it was a bad idea.  Oh, man, he said nervously, switching his bag from one arm to the other and bending over, way over, to try and meet her eye.  Hey, Miss Summers, just forget I said anything, all right?  I didnt mean to make you cry.


            Buffy longed to bury her head in his big chest and just cry it out then send him on his way.  But to cry it all out, every bit of it, shed be there for a long while.  Days, weeks.  Probably years.  You didnt make me cry, Paul, she said, willing back the tears with the skill of long practice and training in self-discipline.  Look, Ill just be cliché and say Im just coming out of a relationship.  Im way too screwed up for you.  She smiled a shaky, sad smile and shook her head.  Ill see you next week, she managed before running outside.


            Oh, man, Paul said again, smacking himself in the forehead.  Now I feel like a heel.


            Kelly glanced up at him.  Its not your fault.  She looked at the door Buffy had just exited out of and sighed.  Ill tell her youre sorry.


            Yeah, Paul said absently, his gaze also fixed on the door. 


            How come all the cute girls came with mucho baggage?


12.11 teaching and learning


What do you have to offer me, William, William the Bloody, Spike?  He said the names in quick succession, nearly blurring them into one long word. 


            Im afraid youre going to have to explain the process to me.  In all my years, here and there, I dont know as I ever heard of the likes of you.  Spike kept his eyes on the mans, but it hurt to do so.  They were constantly, subtly, changing shape, color, and expression.  Hub, eh?  Like on an auto?


            Somewhat, he said, letting his kaleidoscope eyes flit from Spike to Laramie and back again.  He sighed heavily and shook his head sorrowfully.  I see that the frog here hasnt told you anything about me.  He pulled his mouth into a pout, his face growing structurally a little longer, his eyes a little bigger.  It was a caricature of the previous face, an overdramatically sad rendition.  Im disappointed.  My ego is wounded.  Abruptly, the face snapped back.  Just as well, Watcher.  You Council bastards never tell my story right anyway. 


            I am the Hub.  As there are many spokes in a wheel, so there are many dimensions in the world.  To say I am actually the Hub is a bit of an overstatement, though Im quite deserving—” he paused to buff his fingernails on the front of his shirt, his eyes gleaming with glee as he saw Spikes impatience.  But you could rather say that I am in control of the hub, in control of the comings and goings between dimensions.


            How in the bloody hell did that happen? Spike asked, more out of curiosity than designed insolence.  It was ludicrous for an ex-vampire to profess belief in God, but Spike did, and it made him wonder how such a being, a shifty, shiftless, mercenary being, could come into such control.


            Life is but a cosmic accident, the Hub said loftily, effectively brushing off Spikes question.  In reality, the Hub didnt even know how it had happened.  But the bratty, poetic failure of a vampire didnt need to know that.  I control the dimensions like a toll road.      


            So youre kind of like a Key, Spike mused aloud, thinking of Dawn.  Only a thieving skeleton key.


            You know a Key?  The Hub clucked his tongue and shook his head.  Well, then, thats a buzz kill.  I was going to explain that, as well.  Moving on, he shouted, making both men wince.  Toll road.  So what Im telling you is that even if you lived in this world a hundred and fifty years, two hundred years, three thousand years, you would never reconvene with your Slayer.  He mimed wiping a tear away and laughed when Spike growled low in his throat.  Because this is the dimension where you didnt get vamped.  Because you didnt get vamped, you didnt have your Slayer fetish and murder indulgence, and so—” He spread his hands in a fait accompli gesture.  Here you are.  Pity for you, really, blondes haves much more fun.  And without any effort, the dark hair styled impeccably atop his large head faded into an ashy blond.


            And so now all I have to do is pay my toll, Spike finished.  He ignored Laramies heavy sigh behind him.  Well, then, that doesnt sound so bad.  What do you want from me?


            Your soul, Willy my boy.  Is that so much to ask?




             I cant do it.  Willow looked apologetically up at Wesley and spread her hands.  I cant do a locator spell when there are so many variables.  Maybe hes not alive, maybe hes a vampire, maybe hes not.  If I dont even know what kind of being he is, how can I find him, and if I cant find him, how is Buffy ever going to know?  You know, its just all this big mess, and I dont think I can handle letting her down.  Every time I talk to her on the phone, its like—”


            Hey.  Kennedy placed a hand over Willows and looked up at Wesley imploringly.  Its okay, Red, take it easy.


            I always want to fix everything, she said miserably.  And I cant ever do it.


            I dunno, Xander said, coming in from the kitchen of the apartment.  Id say you did a bang-up job with the whole Boom, thousands of Slayers thing.  He bit into a sandwich and grinned around it. 


            You cant argue that, Wesley said.  Dont worry about the location.  I just wanted you to know we looked.  We tried to wait around and see, but nothing came about.


            Shes so miserable, Wesley, but she doesnt seem to know it.  Its like Willow struggled for the words and sighed.  Its like she has all these happy parts and then one big sad part.  Its sorta makin all the happy parts sad. 


            Hopefully well figure something out soon, Wesley said, patting her on the back awkwardly.  I should be going.  Once the Watcher had left, Willow turned to her girlfriend and best friend. 


            He was the only one who stood by her, she said insistently.


            Wesley? Xander asked, tossing his paper plate onto the table and earning a glare from Kennedy.


            No, Kennedy said, rolling her eyes.  Spike.  She turned to Willow for affirmation.  He was the only one who stood by Buffy.  But when do you mean?


            It was Willows turn to roll her eyes, but she kept the gesture in check.  No matter how much she cared about Kennedy, she was still naïve.  She was like a bulldozer, doing things and never realizing what she was doing.  We kicked her out of the house when we knew it wasnt safe.  We shunted her from the group when we were practicing safety in numbers.  We told her she was wrong, and for the millionth time, she was right.  And the only person who didnt do that was—”


            The pussy-whipped vampire, Kennedy finished with a sneer.  I still say we were right.  Just because he was trying to get on her good side even more, he—”


            Shut up, Kennedy.  Willow had been prepared to say it herself, as much as she hated to, but it was Xander who had spoken against the girl.  You wanna learn a lesson about being a leader?  About being Chosen?  First lesson, have some humility.  He stood up and crumpled the paper plate into a ball.  Spike saved my ass, sure, but he saved yours, too.  I dont care what you thought of him before that, but now, shut your damned mouth.  Admit when youre wrong.  He took a few steps away, then turned to look at her, aiming the barb he knew would strike truest, hurt most. 


Buffy would have known better. 




            Wow, was that ever stupid.  Buffy mopped her eyes with a paper towel from the roll hanging beside the sink and looked at Kelly.  I hope you came up with a really good excuse for me.  LikeShe has multiple personalities.  It looks like one of them is sad today.’”


            Kelly laughed despite herself.  She wanted to suggest Buffy get help, but what kind of help could she get?  She couldnt very well go to a psychologist and tell them the true story.  For the truth, shed easily be committed as insane.


            Im sorry, Buffy finally said, sweeping her hair out of her face with one hand and tilting her head thoughtfully.  You know, I made it almost two weeks this time. 




            Its been almost two weeks since I did that.  Cried at random.  Though she was smiling about it, Kellys heart ached for her.  She looked as though she had more to say, so Kelly sat back and prepared to listen.


            I was okay but I had this dream last night.  She described, as best she could, the two men in the darkness, the plans they were making, things she didnt understand.  And then one looked up and it was though he was staring straight at me.  Buffy shivered as the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.  And his eyes  She heard her voice tremble and laughed.  There I almost went again.


            What about his eyes? Kelly prompted gently.  She might not be a psychologist, but the least she could do it help Buffy get it out of her system.


            They were Spikes.  She rubbed a hand over her face, exhausted and embarrassed.  Im just stressed.


            Kelly thought not.  Shed been reading, doing research, and she had figured out a long time ago that none of her dreams were just dreams.  They always meant something, indicated something.  More often than not, they indicated something wrong.  But she would do a little more research, ask around, see what she came up with.


            Kelly also thought it was high time she found some of the other people who had been through the Sunnydale battle.


            If Buffy was going to be helped, it had to be a two-front war.




            Spike sucked in a breath, his cheekbones standing starkly from his face.  My soul, eh?  Awfully dear for a toll road, dont you think?


            The Hub shrugged negligently and took another pull from his flask as though it made no difference to him.  But he was hungry for this one, even if


            What do you do with them?  What do you want with my soul? But the gears in Spikes head were already turning.  The soul didnt matter as much as it could have.  Sure, hed fought to get it back, but hed proven he could love without it, and love quite well.  He could love without a soul and with a demon.  And his soul belonged to her.  No matter what this twisted highway robber did with it, it would always belong to her.


            Where do you think I get all my pretty masks? the Hub said petulantly, sounding like a child.  Sounding, Spike thought with a shudder, like Dru.  And oh, what fun Ill have with your pretty face.  He morphed into a woman with a cloud of strawberry blond hair and piercing green eyes.  The ladies love men who look like you.  Haunted eyes and all that hair.  She tipped a wink even as she turned back into the Brooklyn rum-runner.


            Fine, Spike said.  Im sick of nattering about it, just get the matter over with.


            Laramies breath was taken away by the rashness, by the sheer determination of the man.  He had tried to use the Hub when Katya was turned, but couldnt bring himself to do it.  He was too used to his soul, but moreover moreover, if he were taken from this dimension, someone might kill her.


            The Hub rubbed his hands together and stopped with a sharp clap.  Lets rock and roll, he said gleefully, manufacturing a piece of paper out of thin air.  Sign on the dotted line, my friend.


            The minute Spike picked up the pen to sign, he vanished completely.


            So did Ramie.


13.12  caring and uncaring


Rupert, wake up.  Wesley poked at the older mans shoulder gingerly, wondering what, precisely, he had done to deserve wake-up duty.  The two men had red-eyed it back from London, pleading Sunnydale cleanup as their cause to leave again.  It wasnt entirely untrue.  Werent Buffys mental state and a possibly reconstituted vampire all part of the Sunnydale fallout?


            When Giles merely grunted and mumbled a few unimaginable Cockney curses under his breath, Wesley lost his patience.


            Hello, Ripper, he said in a sliding, gravelly voice completely unlike his own.  Ive come to take you apart, limb by limb and organ by—”


            He got no further before Giles sat straight up in bed, eyes wild.  He clamped a hand around Wesleys throat before his eyes had even focused, but Wesley was prepared for such an eventuality.  He slammed the heel of his hand into the crook of Giless elbow, forcing Giless arm to bend and bringing their faces closer together.  As Giless eyes cleared with recognition, Wesley whipped a hand around and gripped the nape of his elders neck, bringing tears to Giless eyes. 


            Well, now, Giles said quietly, his free hand groping blindly for his glasses.  I see youve much improved, Wesley.


            Unable to pass up the opportunity, Wesley released Giless neck and slapped the hand away from his throat.  You havent, he said flatly.  Come on.  Theres a girl on the phone at Angels, a Slayer in Indiana.  Shes calling about Buffy.  He knew the less he said, the faster Giles would move, so he said no more.  The second they walked into Angels office, they were accosted by Willow.


            I told you she was miserable! she said accusingly to Wesley.  It was the best she could do, considering she couldnt bring herself to look at Angel.


            Angel rubbed his eyes as he listened to the young womans voice pouring over the speaker phone.  Together again, he thought, looking around him.  It was as though Buffy was the tie that bound, that pulled its weight so far as London to have them all together again.  He wondered fleetingly if there was a limit to the number of directions a man, a vampire, could be pulled in.


            He was Angel from Sunnydale.


            He was Angel of L.A.


            It was becoming increasingly more difficult for him to keep it all separate, to keep all of it straight.  Sunnydale was taking over again.  Buffy was consuming him in her love for Spike.




            Laramie was already shouting when the brick wall materialized in front of them.  It was precisely the same wall theyd started from, only now the sounds of automobiles and radios pounded around them, making Ramies head ache.


            Tenfold times three!  Threefold times ten!  The bloody Hub is where it begins and where it all ends!  If I wish to speak, to entreat, to see, I shall tell the God damned Hub who I may be! he shouted, whirling around to look for the Hub.  Its Laramie, vous foutu batard, you bloody bastard!


            Now, now, the Hubs new voice, thin and reedy, purely British, reached Ramies ears as a painfully thin young man with a green mohawk and a shard of black glass dangling from his left ear came striding down the sidewalk.  The safety pins and buckles that adorned him from head to toe jingled slightly as he sidled to a halt.  Patience.  I cant be all places at once, Alain.  Though it basically a lie, it was entertaining.


            Why am I here?  Mon dieu, you brought me along with—”  For the first time since theyd traveled, Ramie thought of Spike.  Oh, dear God.  Ignoring the Hub, he knelt on the dirty stones of the alleyway and touched a gentle hand to Spikes pallid cheek.  Bruises had purpled beneath his eyes and his trembling lips were nearly white. 


            What has happened? Ramie turned to the Hub, his mossy eyes bright with rage and worry.  What in the hell have you done?


            The Hub tilted his head and stroked his hairless chin.  I have sent a traveler on his way.  I never said the trip would be easy or the payment easily given.


            Laramie stood, towering over the punk the Hub had presented himself as.  Though such attire should have been bizarre to a man from more than a century ago, Ramie immediately associated him with various demons and ignored the anomaly of dress and appearance.  And me?  Why am I here?  Even as he asked the question, though, he felt a fierce sense of gladness that he was there.  Not only for William, but also because his obligation to Ekaterina had been taken away from him by someone else.  It was harder to feel guilty if it was an accident.  Or it was at least easier to dismiss the guilt.


            The Hub feigned shock.  My dear Alain, surely you dont think I would leave a soulless wretch—”  He nudged Spike with his toe—“To wander the earth alone.


            Ramie bared his straight, white teeth in a low growl.  Dont pretend you are tender of heart, greed-demon.  You gave me a free ride, you have to have a reason.


            The Hub reached out with a corded, tattooed arm and grasped the lapel of Ramies now antique wool coat.  You have too many questions, Watcher.  Usually I would answer you just for the pleasure of demonstrating that I know more than you idiot humans.  But this is bigger than me.  Letting Ramie go with a jerk, he sneered.  Your traveler here apparently requires guidelines and a companion.  Lucky you.  The rules forced upon him had made him angry, indeed.  Hed never been sanctioned before, never been restrained.


            Something bigger than the Hub?  Before Ramie could process that bit of information, the punk-rocking Hub was gone and Spike was waking.




            This is very bad.  Buffy looked at the paper in front of her and back at Dawn.  I cant believe this.


            Oh, come on, Dawn said, rolling her eyes.  She hadnt even wanted to give Buffy the teachers note.  It wasnt like they were hard to hide, or anything.  Shed hidden teachers notes all the time back in Sunnydale, forged Buffys signature, faked all sorts of things like that.


            When did you become a brainiac? Buffy demanded, waving the paper and trying to keep her glee from leaping out of her in a shout.  If she showed her sister how completely and totally great it was that she was a freakin genius, then Dawn would surely back away from it.


            Umm somewhere between Key and Ubervamp.  Dawn smiled sheepishly.


            They want you to take college courses.  Two years ahead of time.  Thats just wow.  Buffy looked up at Dawn and nodded thoughtfully.  Think we ought to frame this?


            Buffy, no! Mortified, Dawn tried to snatch the paper back from Buffy.  I shouldnt have even brought it home.  Im not planning on doing it.


            Now was the time for brawn over brains, Buffy thought, planting her hands on her hips.  Ohhh, no you dont.  I dont care if youre not planning on doing it.  Youll do it anyway.  At Dawns petulant look, she added, I can turn you over my knee.


            After hugging her younger sister hard enough to make her back pop, Buffy rushed to the telephone and starting trying to call anyone and everyone to relay the good news.


             But everywhere she called, no one picked up their phones.  Xander and Wills apartment got no answer, as did Giless place in London.  Though she hated to call, she got a busy signal at Angels.  Lastly, she got a busy signal at Kellys, too.


            Huh, Buffy said, staring at the phone.  Thats weird.  With a shrug, she hung it up.




            His first thought was that he hurt like a motherfucker and that someone was going to pay.  He opened first one eye, wincing at the pain that pulsed with each heartbeat he had.  The light seemed to be attacking his eye in waves, so he opened the other one to distribute some of the shock.    All that did was double it.


            Bloody fuckin hell, he said, trying to sit up.  He was hotter than a bitch in heat, and the jacket he was wearing itched like a




            Spike jerked, smacking his head against the brick wall behind him and cursing colorfully.  As he narrowed his eyes at the man standing in front of him, he discovered the added benefit that squinting just so blocked out a good portion of the light.  Peachy, he muttered, studying Laramie.  Youre Ramie, he said matter-of-factly.


            Good, Laramie thought.  At least he hasnt forgotten me.  Right so far, he said, hunkering down and looking at Spike.  We made it.  The Hub sent us over.


            You mean the fuckin Godfather? Spike asked, struggling to his feet.


            Laramie was trying to hide his excitement.  Though he didnt understand Spikes last remark, the soullessness didnt seem to be making much of a difference, and as odd as that was, it simplified things greatly.  So you know where when we are?  And why?


            Spike touched a hand to his head and felt a great, gaping hole re-open inside of him.  It was like dying, only greater, like losing Buffy, only deeper.  It was like regaining his soul only to lose it again.


            I came to find Buffy, he said wonderingly.  Only now  He struggled to find the words, tilting his empty eyes to Ramies.  Only now its like I cant find it in me to care.


14.13  asking and anwsering


 Her head felt like it was going to explode.


            How in the world was she supposed to remember everything theyd told her?  Kelly supposed, in a way, it was all her fault.  After all, she had wanted to know the whole story in order to help her friend.  It wasnt anyones fault that the whole story turned out to be hopelessly complicated and completely bizarre, even for a Slayer. 


            Shed had to take notes to remember it all.


            Now she looked at the page shed scribbled about Spike, whom Kelly deemed the most important part of the whole story.  He was the knight, the champion, the man who had saved the world.  He had fought to gain a soul so he could better love Buffy, and he had died in the nobility which that soul had given him.  That was, at least, the impression that Kelly had gleaned from the myriad people who had spoken to her.  But she thought perhaps they didnt have a good grasp on things, as an outsider would.


            It seemed to her that Spikes nobility had come before the soul, not the other way around.


            And the worst part of it was, Buffy had more or less watched him die. 


            She didnt actually love him, the girl called Kennedy had conjectured brashly.  She just felt obligated.  There had been murmurs then, of dissent, but a few of agreement.  The man named RobinRobin Wood, the thought still made Kelly gigglehad agreed.  And shockingly enough, the other vampire with a soul had went right along with them.


            But Kelly, newcomer though she was, had more to say about that.  Thats where youre wrong, she said softly, shocked at how the commotion on the other end died down.  You dont cry yourself to sleep every night over a man you felt obligated to.  Forgive me for telling on you, Buffy, she had thought as she said it.


            And there was a chance that he was alive, and human.  The thought made Kellys heart quicken in her chest, with both hope and fear for her friend.  No wonder things had been worse for her lately. 


            Kelly was more mixed up than she had been when she called, but now, at least, she could help.  She was another ear kept to the ground, another set of eyes watching for the return of the man whom Buffy mourned for.




            I dont know that I can call these better, Laramie plucked at the white tee-shirt and dark jeans he was wearing.  Theyre not precisely comfortable, are they?


            Spike rolled a cigarette between his fingers, looking at it as though confused.  Finally, he looked up at Laramie.  You look like a model.  You should suck in your cheeks like a nancy.  He demonstrated but didnt respond when Laramie followed suit.


            This was not, Laramie thought, what he would have thought soullessness was like.  The man wasnt violent, he wasnt mean, he was just blank.  He had the same knowledge, the same conversational quirks, the same thoughts, but there was no pleasure in them or reason behind them. 


            If Laramie had known of such things, he would have said that conversing with Spike was like conversing with a robot.  Tired of trying out small talk on his passionless friend, he changed tactics.  Why dont you care if you find Buffy or not?


            Spike shrugged and felt that great, yawning pit inside him stretch its walls a little more.  Does it matter?  It doesnt.  Shes somewhere, doing  something, probably with someone else.  Its just another day, you know.


            The Hub didnt take your bloody soul, Laramie thought.  He just took part of it your hope.  Your pleasure.  He took what you call your heart.  The thought made his eyes water and his stomach churn.  Something had to be done, but the Hub was unbeatable.  Only


            Only the Hub had admitted something bigger was out there, and that Spike was involved in it.  <And he needed a companion,> Laramie thought.  So a companion he would be.  Well, it is too bad you feel that way, mon ami.  For you and I, we are finding your Buffy no matter what you say.  He looked for something, anything to change in the formerly bright eyes of his friend, but nothing shifted, nothing changed. 


            I dont want to do anything, and you bloody well cant make me.  Spike glared at Laramie, his brows drawn into a stark frown. 


            Ramie bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling.  Anger, at least, was something apparently not rooted completely in the soul.  And if anger would fuel him, then so be it.  I do not know as thats the truth, William, but we will see.  He was tempted to call the Hub again, force him to tell them where Buffy was.  But he knew the Hub would give him only evasions, so he did the only thing he knew to do. 


            He headed for the Council.




            For the first night since the averted Apocalypse, Buffy went patrolling.  She and Kelly strolled side-by-side, each with a stake in their pockets and a not-so-secret yearning for a fight in their hearts. 


            You know, Buffy said, fingering the smooth wood of the stake she clasped loosely, For the first time in my life, I say I wish we were near a Hellmouth.


            Spoken like a true psycho, Kelly judged, looking around.  Or a true native of the Hellmouth.


            Not a native, Buffy insisted petulantly.  Just a very bored Slayer looking for something to turn into a pile of dust.


            Its Indiana.  People die in hunting and boating accidents around here, Kelly laughed.  No one gets vamped.


            Itd be a hell of a lot easier to get you all trained up if they did, Buffy muttered.  Cmon.  Graveyard.  When they made it to the towns sprawling cemetery, however, it seemed as though some of the fight had been taken out of Buffy.  She approached a huge, marble crypt, running her finger over the engravings in the door.


            You dont ever talk to me about him, Kelly said quietly, standing beside her.  Maybe if you talked, it would be easier


            I dont want it to be easier, Buffy said, the words surprising her.  Going with the train of thought that had started, she added, If its easier, I might forget.  I dont want to forget him, ever.


            Nothing seemed appropriate to say after that, and so the two Slayers, two of many, walked in silence in the humid Indiana air.




            Somethings wrong.  Willow sat up in the middle of the night, the orbs of her eyes briefly flashing black.  Things are shifting.  She pressed a hand to the pit of her stomach and raised her eyebrows at the butterflies she felt there.


            Kennedy had already been awake.  It seemed harder and harder to get to sleep these days.  She went out with Angel and his crew now and then, fighting when they needed fighters and well, not much more than that.  They treated her as superfluous, though shed never admit she was.  But when she was with Willow, or any of the people left over from Sunnydale, she may as well have been invisible.  Days and nights were consumed by Buffy, and Kennedy was starting to wonder if maybe it had always been that way.  Maybe shed just been too hardheaded to see it.  Keep on pushing, a tiny, niggling voice was telling her, keeping her awake.  Keep on pushing, and theyll hate you before long.


            She knew when she was wrong.  It was just easier to twist things around until she was right than to apologize for her flaws.  Now, however, her lover was her prime concern.


            Whats the matter, Red?  She put a bracing arm around the witchs shoulders.


            I havent felt like this since the stirrings of the First, Willow said.  Only I dont think this is bad.  She rubbed her stomach again and shot a shaky smile at Kennedy.  Its just powers are shifting, things are happening.  It makes me wonder whats going on.


              Hopefully nothing that involves us, Kennedy said, pulling Willow down to her and stroking a hand through her hair.  But Ive been having dreams.  Just flashes, really, nothing I can put my finger on.


            Well, Willow said, somehow comforted by the fact that she wasnt the only one feeling things, At least we wont ever be bored.


            Kennedy grinned and slid her hand down Willows body in the dark.  Honey, youll never be bored with me.


15.14  coming and goings


Sum corpus, Ramie said when they reached what he thought had been the Council in his time.  It was hard to tell, with the new storefronts and painted walls, added buildings and large glass windows.  A small slot slid open in the door and a very shocked pair of brown eyes looked back at him.


            Wh-who are you?  How did you know we were here?  The eyes skittered back and forth, accompanying the nervousness of the mans voice.


            Ramies brow furrowed as he leaned a bit closer to the door.  It didnt slip by his notice that the man on the other side jerked back as though bitten.  This is where the Council always wasat least a long time ago.  How in the hell was he supposed to explain this?  And of course, Spike wasnt helping at all, but rather smoking those nasty little white tubes, one after the other, and throwing the remnants all over the street.


            Listen, Ramie said, planting one large hand next to the watchmans slot.  I refuse to stand on the street like a commoner while I shout into you.  I will tell you as much as I want to, and you will let me in.  Understood?  When the man nodded convulsively, Ramie plowed ahead.  Have you any knowledge of someone or something referred to as the Hub?


            The mans eyes grew impossibly wide and the sounds of a key turning in a lock were audible through the thick door.  You!  It is you who summoned the Hub.  He threw open the door, a thick-bodied man who looked more like a blacksmith than someone who would be working for the Council.  We have had word of you.


            Word?  Ramie frowned in thought.  Who would give word to the Council about the Hub?


            The guard glanced at Spike, a mixture of awe and horror on his face.  This is im, then?  The one who paid with is—”


            Yes, Ramie interrupted the man, not caring to hear how he would finish his sentence.  Spike still stood on the street, regarding the two other men as calmly as he might have regarded paint drying.  Flicking yet another cigarette butt away, he drew out another whole one.


            Ramie had had enough.  He slapped the cigarette out of Spikes hand, watching Spikes eyes narrow in anger.  I refuse to watch you smoke another one of those horrid things with their eye-watering stench.  They are not good for you.  Try and remember you have the body of a human now.  Though he had worked hard to avoid it, he was still speaking in a tone of voice appropriate for a child.  No matter what the incongruence, though, it seemed to work. 


            Spike shifted his weight from one foot to the other and leaned forward, his face close to Ramies.  It was odd, Ramie thought, to see the gentle-looking man with his long poets face and his curly, boyish locks, and then to look in his eyes, an ever-changing blue that should have been charming but was instead bored and vacant.  For a small moment, Ramie thought Spike would try and hit him, or attack him in some other way, but all he did was open his mouth and let a single puff of lingering smoke waft into Ramies face.


            Charming, Ramie sneered, snatching the pack of cigarettes away from Spike and dragging him into the Council building.


            This isnt our regular building, the guard said hastily, leading them through corridors Ramie still found familiar.  The other one got bombed.


            Bombed?  Ramie repeated incredulously.


            Eh, I remember that.  Spike put in flatly, still glaring at the back of Laramies head.  Bloody ponce had lifted his smokes. 


            In this room, please.  The guard gestured to a room, ushered them in, and then made a quick exit. 


            Well, well.  A tall, thin man stood up from the table, stopping in mid-conversation with two young Watchers.  So youre the ones who summoned the Hub, and now youve managed to get into our offices ad temporum.  Care to tell me who you are?  His cultured voice held nearly no accent, the mark of a much-traveled man.  Before Ramie could answer, Spike had withdrawn the sealed papers Ramie had given him and tossed them on the table.


            That is all you need to know, he said carelessly, shrugging a shoulder and turning to Ramie.  Now can we leave?  This place makes my fucking skin itch.


            The tall, silver-haired man took the papers but kept his eyes on Spike.  And here is the soulless wonder.  He gestured subtly to the two men hed been conversing with, watching expressionlessly as they jumped up from the table and grabbed Spike. 


            Youre absolutely right, he said in a quiet, pleasant tone of voice, keeping his eyes on Spike.  Thats all we need to know.  Take him away.




            Buffy!  Dawn burst into the house, a rush of spangled tank-top and long, smooth hair.  Buffy?  Her voice was reaching the upper octaves, so Buffy knew something was either seriously wrong or seriously right. 


            She stopped in mid-kick with Kelly and rolled her eyes.  Sorry.  Sibling emergency.  Throwing open the door to the extra bedroom, which was the makeshift training room, she looked at Dawn.  Seeing the panicked look in her sisters eyes, she stepped forward and grabbed her arms.  Dawnie, tell me whats wrong.


            Vampires, at the college, Dawn gasped, pressing a hand to her chest.  She was on her second week of advanced courses at the local college, and it had been on the campus that shed seen them.  They arent all lumpy or anything, but I could tell there were two of them, they were strange.  I knew


            All right, Buffy said calmly, glancing at Kelly, whose face had gone ashen.  Hmm strange looking college gang.  Are you sure they werent just philosophy majors?  She felt a cool tide of relief wash over her at her sisters small smile.


            Positive.  Please, you need to go now. 


            Buffy didnt need to be told again.  Tucking a stake into her sleeve, she headed out of the house at a trot.  Stay in the house, she called over her shoulder, gesturing impatiently to Kelly.  The younger Slayer wanted a fight, she would have one.


            She was in a full-out run by the time they reached the campus.  None too soon, Buffy muttered, hearing a womans scream. 


            The two vampires never expected interference until they were flung away from their prey in mid-bite.  Hey! one of them said loudly.


            Awww, Buffy said sympathetically, prowling around the vampire as she twirled her stake.  Yeah, I hate it when people interrupt my meals, too.  Not waiting to finish her sentence, she kicked the vampire square in the chest, sending him stumbling back.


            Kelly couldnt think of a single thing to say, or a single reason to make conversation with the lumpy-looking, yellow-eyed creature in front of her.  She just wanted it gone, and preferably by someone elses hand.  But she was a Slayer, and Slayers did not delegate.  She launched herself in the air, raising her left knee.  The vampire ducked to her right as she predicted, so she pistoned her left leg back to the ground and kicked hard with her right.  She contacted squarely with his chin, sending his head snapping back.  She staked him while he was still trying to gain his bearings, wincing at the cloud of dust that settled on her.  As soon as her adrenaline-sharpened senses settled into some semblance of normality, she heard the most incredible thing on earth.


            Buffy was lecturing the vampire.


            Im really amazed—” KICK That you would have the nerve to come to a town—” PUNCH, ROLL In which two Slayers live.  SPIN, KICK  You know, you must not have that whole vampire networking thing going on.  So saying, she sped the stake toward his chest, stabbing and withdrawing without looking.  As the dust rained around her, she turned back to Kelly. 


            Kellys mouth hung open in an ungainly gape.  Do you is it are you always like that?


            Buffy stared at her blankly, then scowled in annoyance at the dusty smudge left on her black pants.  Darn it!  These are dry-clean only.  Brushing at them, she kept her eyes on Kelly.  Im sorry what were you saying?


            It was like it was fun for you.  You were having fun with that thing.  You were playing with it.


            Buffy shrugged and smiled as though it was the simplest thing in the world.  Hey, I figure the more I change it up, the less likely I am to burn out.  You didnt do so bad yourself.


            Um yeah, Kelly said, and promptly turned to throw up on the ground.




            Grab a bag, were leaving.  Giles slammed into Wesleys room without pausing, his car keys in his hand.  If you dont grab your bag, youll just have to go naked, Im afraid.


            I dont suppose you would mind telling me what were in such a mad rush for? Wesley said pleasantly, though he was already gathering his things.


            I dont suppose I would, Wesley, if youd just hurry as I do so.  I was just contacted by the Council.  Two men have entered the Council, one of them claiming to be a Watcher from two centuries ago, the other belligerent but saying nothing useful.  The one who claims to be a Watcher says they came by Hub.  Now, if youre quite up to speed—”


            What are we waiting for? Wesley asked, walking out the door ahead of Giles. 


16.15  hoping and dreaming


What?  Laramie started forward, only to be stopped by the older gentlemans hand on his arm. 


            Laramie?  Spike looked up, his eyes wide, confused, and very, very William. 


            Without thinking, Laramie plowed his fist into the Councilmans face, ducking under his arm and reaching Spikes captors, one of whom Spike was already fighting with a mechanical determination that sent a chill down Laramies spine.  The nineteenth-century Watcher brought the side of his hand down on one young mans wrist, making the young Council member howl in pain and release his quarry. 


            Spike bared his teeth in a growl, slamming his hand into the other Watchers nose and feeling a sick sort of satisfaction when he felt bones crunch.  He reared his fist back, lips peeled away from his teeth as he breathed heavily through his mouth.  He was going to hit the guy again, and again; if he just kept hitting him, there would be something, right?  Some kind of


            He was yanked off the man, thrown aside.  Laramie swept his dark, long hair out of his face, and his eyes signaled rage, clear and deadly.  What are you doing?  You wish to stay here forever, you simpleton?  Or perhaps you wish to become a murderer again.  He turned, leaping over the unconscious men lying on the floor, and exited the room, leaving Spike to follow him.


            Stupid, he cursed himself.  Stupid for bringing him here, to the Council.  They would have killed him if given the chance, because it was in the rules.  It was in the rules that anyone without a soul was considered an other.  An enemy.


            They didnt know we were coming.  Spike caught up with Ramie outside the building.  Seems like they would have known youd go there first, brainy ponces that they are.  He was cruising on the adrenaline of the moment, relishing the burst of energy it had given him. 


            The Council the Council in my time they would not have made note of you, of your plea.  And once I disappeared, they would have erased every record of me in case I had taken the Hub.  Though this is a different time, they would not take the risk.  He rubbed his eyes and slowed his pace a bit.  They told you, William, they would not aid you in creating paradoxes.  They would not tolerate their own, either.


            And they wouldnt tolerate me, eh?  As a soulless human, I spose Im the biggest paradox theyve seen.  Spike grinned joylessly, and the thin tether Ramie had placed on himself snapped.


            Are you in there somewhere?  Anywhere?  He grabbed Spike by the shoulders and shook as hard as he could, sending the floppy curls into disarray, shaking the sneering grin off his face.  Or am I cursed to be the bloody handmaid of an empty husk for the rest of my life?  Frustrated, he tossed Spike aside and muttered, Ill let your precious buggerin Slayer take care of you.


            I dont like it any more than you do, Spike called after him, causing the Watcher to stop.  I still remember her, Ramie.  But now all I remember all I remember and feel from her are the bad things.  The things that were wrong between us.


            What things?  Ramie kept his back to Spike, listening intently.


            The fighting.  The bloody declarations of hatred.  His voice dropped to a rasp, but his next words were audible.  The time I almost raped her even as I claimed I loved her.  Silence ticked by, and he added, And now thats what I am again.


            And thats why you need me, Laramie thought silently, turning back to Spike.  So do you want to find her?


            Spike laughed, a bitter, humorless sound, but when he spoke next, it was William who supplied the words, as it had always been.  Spikes moments of eloquence had always, always been holdovers from an educated, rejected young man who had been too close to his mother. 


            Even the bad moments with her were better than my best moments without her.  I cant feel it now, but I know what it felt like, Watcher.  I dont need my soul to know I needed her.  I never needed my soul to tell me I needed to feed, did I?  And now, I still know what she is to me, and its just a fact, a barren fact.  But Ill find her, even if, even though I dont have it in me to care, just as you eat when you are not hungry, or talk when youve nothing to say.  He clutched a hand into his curls, and the uncertain, needy voice of William poured out. 


            I-I have lost something, and I am not at all certain how to get it back.  His eyes met Laramies, the pain evident in them, and he tilted his head.  You promised you would help me, did you not?  That was you?


            Laramie dropped a trembling hand to his friends shoulder and prayed for the strength to keep his promises.  That was me. 




            Well, this is a completely unpleasant and not altogether surprising situation I find you all in.  Giles looked at the trio of bruised and broken men gathered in the small room of the Councils makeshift offices and shook his head.  His voice hardened in a rare show of temper.  Why do you think so many of us defied the Council, left you when we had to, why do you think my Slayer disobeyed you time and time again?  When he was given no answer, his voice raised to a roar.  Youre too bloody stubborn.  There is no black and white, gentlemen, there are shades in between, and you lack the finesse and the imagination to comprehend as such.


            Wesley felt like applauding but kept it to himself.  Instead he stood in the doorway, arms crossed, an expression of cool distaste etched on his features. 


            I am ashamed of you.  I am ashamed of the fact that there are idiots like you protecting mankind.  He took off his glasses and rubbed a hand over his tired eyes.  He felt travel-worn, his eyes grainy and his skin too tight.  I am ashamed to be associated with you.


            We told you there might be someone, Wesley said. 


            There were two men.  The older gentleman, Ian, finally spoke up, touching long, elegant fingers to his split lip.  You said there would be one man.


            We promised nothing, Wesley said casually, crossing the room to look down at Ian.  You say one of them was a Watcher and the other was lacking his soul.  They came to you for help and you attacked them.


            Neither Ian nor his two helpers had any response for that.


            Were wasting time, Giles said quietly.  We need to look for them.


            This will come to no good, Ian cried out, standing up.  You have no rules, you have no standards.  Being a rogue never got anyone into anything but trouble.


            Its gotten us out of more than one Apocalypse, Giles said quietly.  During which you undoubtedly stood around wondering how on earth you were going to help without getting your skirts dirty.


            It would have been a perfect exit if Wesley hadnt laughed.




            All right, everyone, Ive got some news.  At the scattered moans that went through the group, Buffy rolled her eyes.  Its good news, and it will only take a minute.  The class has gotten so large—” A cheer went through the group at this.  That Im going to have to split it up.  Those of you switched to the earlier class will have a different instructor.  Protests started at a low roar and increased in volume.  Though it dismayed her to think shed disappoint the people she had come to care about, it gave Buffy a little thrill to know they were so attached to her.


            Shed never had so many people attached to her, ever.  And if she died, she knew there wouldnt just be someone else called to replace her immediately.


            Hey, she raised her voice so they could hear her.  Its not so bad.  Its someone you know.  Gesturing to Kelly, she grinned.  See?  Its Kelly!  Now all the guys can check out her butt easier, shell be in the front of a class.


            Buffy, Kelly hissed, barely resisting the urge to put her hands over the mentioned part.


            We have sign-up sheets outside the class, Buffy added.  Now go home!


            As the people filed out of the classroom, Kelly sighed miserably.  No ones going to sign up for my class, she said.  They all love you too much.


            Nah.  Buffy smiled at Kelly and added, Trust me, plenty of people have found it easy enough to leave me. 


            Kelly said nothing, but thought of the people in Los Angeles who were working their butts off to help the legendary Slayer.  No, she doubted it was easy for anyone at all to let go of Buffy. 


            She hoped, for Buffys sake, that would hold true for one person in particular.  Shed been having dreams, every other night like clockwork, that showed her two men in various places, with various people.


            One of them couldnt be described as anything but beautiful, his skin a dusky gold color, his eyes too pale for her to pin down a color, and his hair inky black and spilling around his shoulders.  He looked angry, he looked sad, he looked hopeful.


            The other was a man with a chiseled face and cheekbones Kelly herself would have killed for.  More often than not, his mouth was in a pouty smirk and his sandy hair was in complete chaos.  There was little to him, though, little action, little passion, and when he turned, she could see that his eyes were a bright, shocking blue. 


            His eyes, Buffy had said insistently when shed spoken of her own dream, and Kelly could see now why she had.


            There were ghosts in those eyes, ghosts and demons and pain and suffering that needed to be eased.


            Kelly was fairly certain her dreams held the one person who didnt find it easy to leave Buffy.




                                          finished                      AUTHER :WHERE IS THE TRUE