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| Bloggin!!-_- | Mah Petpage Home, yo! |

Waddup! Welcome to my page! I'm Ashikutie, the Aisha. My owner, Eves, wants me to be the strongest girl neopet around.

Real Name: Ashilia
Nick: Shi Shi
Species: aisha
Color: blue
Fav.Colors: blue, purple, red
Age: 12... still ugh
Height: 5'2"
Owner: chiachia43
Hair Color: a lil blondish
Crush: Why should I tell u?? OK, Shining_Star
Petpet: Kikufloud, the Floud

Owner Statics++

Well, of course. My Mother, Eyves!!
Name: Evee or Eyves
Username: chiachia43
Age: 11
Culture: Phillippino!!
Fav. Color(s): Blue, Green, Purple... and Red.
Height: 4'11"
Hair Color: A lil lighter than dark brownish...
Eye Color: Dark Brownish??
Pets Own:Angelic_kuti, Ashikutie, Biggvdogg, Ryoki26

About Me

Well ok, I'll tell you just a lil bit about me, then other stuffs...-_-* ummm, yeah. Ok if you visit Ange's page or you could call her Angelic_kuti(i hate her) i guess? Just to let you ppl know... well she is my twin sis. We look alike 'n stuff and no biggie ta me. You can say it is to her. She takes a whole lot of things way tooo seriously! I mean she could never take a small joke. Crybaby!XD

Well, anyways if you wanna know about my friends 'n stuffs Angelic's friends are my friends too, but I'll tell you my friends she doesn't know!^-^! Agh! forget it...


The most favorite thing I like is...hehe, playing video games!!! I always beat my sis at every game I play. You'd rather call me a tomboy usually. I like to go practice in the battledome sometimes and beat up my sister someday. She's too girly and she hates rock. I listen to Avril Lavigne's songs everytime, but I don't know all her songs she made. I know this song tho.^^ I also listen to rap sometimes but not all the time. My sister loves the girl, Amerie or something. She has the cd too. I really love to explore different places. I wanna go see Roo Island again and see what else they've new there.

I love going to Krawk Island, there is always loads to do, sometimes I play Armada with the grumpy old Skeith, sometimes I go to Lil Nippers and play with the Snarhooks (they are soooooo cute!). I have even been to Smugglers Cove, although the nasty old smugglers wouldn't let me in.


Ok, here is my family. My brothers are pretty cool. Ange is weird.... w-e-i-r-d!! ugh! ok let's get this over with.

Ange My twin sis. Always gets A's in class. I... don't wanna talk about it. Everyone gets along with her, doesn't always tell her jokes, 'cause you know what she'll do to u.-_-* She humiliates herself sometimes. She screams so high I can't even reach that note. Believe me...

Vdogg He's a cool high school boy. Hehe. He's 16 years old and he's gonna graduate next year. *sniff* I'm gonna miss him. He's so fun to go with. He beats me sometime in one of my favorite games. He also introduced me to listen to some rap music.

Ryo I like him. His name's pronounced Rio or sumthin. He's a cute bro. He's generous to me, and nicer than my other bro, Vdogg. Whenever I ask him if I could go do something like on the PC, he lets me!! 15 years old he is. His b-day is coming up soon. YaY! lets celebrate!! wooohoo! hehe.

ShiningStar I like him. He's a cool friend. You should check out his page. A cool song he has in his homepage. I don't know if he's also the same age as me!! 11...*sigh* I wanna stay this age 4eva. I don't wanna b a teen yet.

Lucretia My friend, Kenshai*, always goes to her house. It's really noisy went she comes tho. Lucretia is soo cool and she knows how to play piano like me!! I go to her's sometimes. Too bad not everyday, but it's still fun being at her house!!! ^_^


Kenshai* She's fun to hang out with. She's hyper tooo, and thats what makes her fun! I still have to give her gameboy game back tho...-_-*. EEk! I forgot that I still hafta find it for some reason. UUUGGH thats what makes me sooo mad! I still can't find her game...

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