Mr. Lamar's 7:00 Small Groups Site


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Welcome to Mr. Lamar's 7:00 small groups site. We are a group of middle school kids coming together, talking about problems in our lives and the world and confessing our sins. Not one of us is perfectand everyone is welcome to come and express their self in an appropriate manner. Anything said in the small groups stays in the small groups and will not be repeated by anyone.


We will be visiting a Nursing Home and visting with some elderly people who rarely or never have visitors. Some people will perform or share their talents and others will just be there for comforting them.


All of the Soldiers over seas, whether they are fighting, P.O.W.s, or injured. Also pray for all of those who are innocent citizens of Baghdad that are being bombed on.

Past Classes

March 19th
Special War Service.

Instead of our regular small groups class, there was a special service that prepared us for the war. You may have seen it on the news and it was great to worship our Lord.

March 12th

Is killing okay? Well the ten commandments say no. Is it okay to kill if it's war? What do you think? Would you be able to kill someone?

March 5th

Have you stolen anything lately? Ever? If you have something that you stole even if it is a hotdog wrapper, put it into a brown paper bag and bing it to small groups!


X-ZONE is Hillside UMC's Youth group. We play games, eat, talk, sing, and are preached to every Sunday night at Hillside UMC in the Youth Suite. Everyone is welcome. Visit the X-zone Website at