For the technology in Nerima, we've tried to make it near-futuristic(drawing much from Shirow's idea of the near future for technology, such as in his Manga series of Appleseed and Ghost in the shell).  Uh..yeah.  This is just what I wrote up, some could probably go on the site, other stuff is brainstorming..we can both write expand on what we need to, and make up shit for other junk .  Change anything however you want.

So, just a FTL travel, no massive gundams or other mecha, no interstellar ships, etc, etc.

Everyday Shit

Cars - Automobiles are still widely used in the world of Nerima; although most of them are now alcohol powered variants of the internal combustion engine.  Not quite sure on the impact of gas prices, or what would happen to the middle east with the decreased dependency on oil. 

Cell Phones - Uh..figure they're the same

PDA's - Same too? dunno =O




I figure that research has expanded in this area; should it be like Appleseed where there are combat "bioroids" Artemis?  Where animal and human DNA is spliced?  Dunno. 

Growing organs and substituting them in organ donation is most likely commonplace.  Not exactly sure what else to say for this..


Datafilm: This suit is incredibly thin, and is meant to be worn under Powered Armor and Powered Suits. This suit transmits the wearer's commands to the Armor/Suit. The Suit protects against acids, alkali's, and other chemicals, allows sweat to escape, reprels water, and cushiosns shock. Due to the tight fit and variations in people's height, weight, and body structure, dataflim is always custom fitted to the wearer.

Protectors: Lightly armored battlesuits that run off of Bioelectricity generated by the body.  Give small gains in speed and strength, can also double as a Datafilm suit.

Powered Armor: Used widely among the Japanese military, law enforcement as well as other para-military forces of each prefecture,  Powered Armor is made up of segmented pieces of armor that join together.   Once each piece is linked in some way to the power source(usually a hydrogen fuel cell pack housed in the back piece), it gives the wearer added protection, plus enhanced strength, with no emcumberance. To operate Powered Armor, one most be wearing datafilm or a Protector.  The advent of Powered Armor has lead to the advent of companies designing various interchangeable pieces with a set standard platform. 

Powered Suit: Different from Powered Armor, instead of segmented pieces of armor, a powered suit is a larger single piece that the operator boards. The arms and legs of the suit are directly slaved to the user's actions. Powered Suits can carry heavier weaponry, and can sustain more damage than powered armor, but sacrifice agility. As with powered armor, one must wear dataflim to operate the suit.  There are also various upgrades and "aftermarket" parts for Powered Suits.  Unlike Powered Armor, Powered Suits are used widely by the civilian population, anywhere from firefighting to manual labor; there is even a large following of "tech-heads" who upgrade and modify their powered suits, and show them off at conventions.

(I figure powered suits and possibly some parts of powered armor would be produced by Japanese heavy Honda, Mitsubishi, etc)

What do you think of a larger, military scale Mecha around 6-7 meters tall?  Nothing really big, and it could obviously be affected by light ordinance.

Thermal-Optic Camoflauge: Thermal-Optic camoflauge comes in the form of a suit, in which when the user turns the suit on, he/she becomes invisible to the naked eye. The suit is incredibly hard to detect(virtually impossible when the user stands still), except when the user is in motion, a slight blur can be seen(think Predetor). While most normal suits are detectable by heat imaging optics, custom suits have been outfitted with a reduced IR signature.


Cyberbrains: With the advent of the Neurochip, the idea of supplementing a human brain with a computer, or cyberbrain became possible. With a cyberbrain, a human's mental capacity is greatly increased. With a cyberbrain, one can think, react, and even learn faster than without. Aquiring data becomes much easier as well, as with a cyberbrain one is able to take in pages of data at a time instead of reading word to word. The cyberbrain also allows humans do directly interface with computer networks(and the internet), instead of using a medium(such as a computer).

Cyberware: Cyberware is fairly commonplace, but it is usually restricted to neuralware and internal/optical implants. Cyberlimbs and Cyberweapons are less common, because such limbs can only agument a human's innate abilities, they cannot surpass them. Various types of Cyberware implants are listed here:

Cyberware-Optical Implants: There are various types of Optical implants that are used to agument a human's sight. A couple of examples are..

-Broad Spectrum: This optical implant allows the user to switch between different spectrums beyond that of the Human eye.  This includes Ultraviolet and Infrared wavelengths.

-Light Amp:  The Light amplifer allows the recipient to adjust the available levels of light to compensate for bright flashes, or low levels of light

Cyberware-Audial Implants: These types of implants agument a human's ability to hear.  Some of them are..

-Standard: This implant raises the bar a bit on normal, human hearing.  Also allows the recipient to adjust volume at will.

-Wide Frequency: Now, this audial implant provides the bearer hearing that far exceeds that of humans.  Able to turn this ability on and off at will, in case of any loud sounds in the vicinity of the user.

-Quick Translator: User must be connected to a personal computer with the language (or have the language uploaded to it's cyberbrain) to translate.  When turned on, this will quickly translate said language, although it is known to mistranslate up at times, due to slang, or similar words.

Cyberware-Artificial Organs: These implants can replace, as well as agument internal organs of human beings.

-Inhalation Filtration System: Filtration system that pulls toxic gasses, chemicals, and airborne viruses/allergens from the user's body.  Though, will not always be able draw out toxins that have not been identified by the IFS's manufacturer, though the IFS will most likely help the bearer in the long run.

-Nerve Amp: Series of Implants that increase the response time and sensitivity of the recipient's nerves.  This leads to increased reaction time and hand-eye coordination.

-Epidermal Filtration System: Like the IFS, the EFS removes toxins from the bearer, but any toxins that have come into contact with the skin.  Like the IFS, if the EFS's manufacturer has not dentified a certain toxin, the toxin may not be completely removed.

-Blood Filtration System: As with the other two FS's, this removes toxins, but from the bloodstream.  As with the other two, if the manufacturer has not a certain toxin, it may not be completely removed.

-Muscle Lacing: A series of biological and artificial implants are used to support and agument the bearer's muscles.  This technology is still fairly new, and unperfected.  If a muscle is wounded that has been laced, the user must have the lacing repaired.  The Lacing also has high maintenance costs, as it degrades over time.  Lacing cannot be used to agument prosthetic limbs.

Full Cyborg Conversions: With the only organic parts being the brain and the spinal cord, a "human" can make full use of the cybernetic body, as it easily surpasses the innate stamina, strength, and speed of a regular body. But these strengths might come at the cost of one's humanity.