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- Anti-Real-Godz -









- Other Things -




-Last update-

2 8 t h M a y 2 0 0 3


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- Multani=GUK -

He went to GUK
he wanted to
learn sth. about
cheatz.But he
don't want to come

-About the site-

Wednesday 28.5.2003

Welcome on the Homepage of the -AnTi-ReAl-GoDz-.
I hope you like the Site and enjoy the Site.

Some things about the Site:

"I don't assume responsibility for every Link on this Homepage to another Homepages. The responsibility is by the Webmaster of the other Page."

This Homepage is just for PC users,DC users can't visit this Page.

All racists entrys in the Guestbook or the Forum will be deleted.

If you have some questions about -ArG-, than Mail me.

Enjoy the site



Wednesday 28.5.2003

Here are is a list with all "UPDATED" things/areas of the official -AnTi-ReAl-GoDz-Clan-Homepage.

Friday 28th February 2003: Site Opened
Thurstday 3rd April 2003: Update: Memberpics;Galleries(New Gallerie);Index
Wednesday 28th May 2003: Update: Galleries(2new GC Galleries)
