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KyOotiE SaVy

.Candice Natasha Ariel Amanda Becca Ray-lnne Chelsea Jeremy Julien Niaomi Sasha Brad Ronin Kyla Gabby Sidnie Mitch Chris . *Hello my name is Savanna..haha odviosley. i live in Victoria Gordon Head in Uvic Housing.. haha *gay* i hate it here so much. lol..dis is a REALLY SHITTY PAGE.. lol im glad iz only a link.. lol anyWay'z!.. i love YoO! and im goin to miss you jeremy! dont leave!!! *tearz* TehEhEhEhEHe BoO BoO BeAr! =P mizz yew ariel muh gurl! soo many fights nd good tmyes! luv u alwas hunneh! Xo Ox ...I LOVE JEREMY! ...yup yup i sure dooz lol .. im reeealy bored rightz now.. so nuffin much'z to say here.. exept.. hmm .. well nuffin at allz sowwe.. haha i miss sooo many pplz.. like HELLA pplz...from Nanaimo..*tearz* haha RoNiN! muh dawg! =P ha im yooz Kat! YooZ muh Dawg! BeStFwEnDs! i lub yoo! =D i miss Nanaimo ...=( CRyInG CrYiNg boo hoo anywho! done dis fungy so ya' me if yaz got summin to say bout dis pagy..okeyz Xo Ox luv ya'z Peace out DAWG!

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