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Veritas and Aequitas

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- Download the New Mars Volta Song, Drunkenship Lanterns, Here!!!
- Check Out Some of the Best Japanese Films on the Web
- one of the best bands out there
- Long Live Godzilla!!!
- The Official Simpsons
- Looking for a New Band? Look No Further!
- More Japanese and other Oriental Films.
- Listen to the New Drunkenship Here!!!

Topic- Legend Lou vs. Eric Bana Who are these individuals you may inquire. Well they are none other than your know super heroes. That's right, Legend Lou is the Lou Ferigno of the or "The Incredible Hulk," now taken off the air if you are unaware and live under a rock, and Eric Bana is 2003's new "incredible green giant." Recently, at, I wanted to find out who would win in a fight, of course I know that two time consecutive Mr. Universe Ferigno would beat the living daylights out of poor Bana. But, to surprise, no matter how lowered the odds, Bana was victorious. I am still in shock. Well, classical Hulk Ferigno has my full support despite this uncovered demise. But, I feel Ferigno reigns for carrying out such a great and legendary hero of our times without the resource of the technology they had available at that time. 2003 is a pitiful excuse in replicating the legend. Even with current technology that we have available, I will still see a movie starring our green friend and mistake it for Dreamwork's Shrek. My head hangs down in shame of the ridiculous effort that has lead to this outcome. My praise goes to Ferigno and the crew of the original "Incredible Hulk"! May you never be forgotten, but ever exist in infamy. ~Satch
