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  SIGMA ALPHA MU - Delta Tau Chapter

Budget Website

This website was designed to make the life of our brothers at Florida Atlantic University much easier. You will be able to check your payment status. It will show you how much you paid, and how much you still have to pay. This website will also enable you to pay your dues online, right here!!!!


Dues for Active Brothers:

The cost for the 03-04 school year will

be $450.  The dues have to be paid by

August 31st of 2003.



Anyone that pays before July 30th gets a 10% discount!!!

Pay Online with with your Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard) via:


If you wish to pay via PayPal or by check please contact us immediately at and write "Payment" into the subject line.


If you have any questions about the above mentioned amount or cannot meet the deadline, please feel free to email us: